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Everything posted by lee4

  1. Marlin 25w amp to start(still got it).
  2. Mad as a box of frogs. Scary as a dental check-up. Love it. Just don't use it for your lounge jazz project!
  3. You lucky bugger,Nigel.
  4. I'd have the passive one if it had a tone control.Smaller body and single pup floats my boat.
  5. +1 for the green machine.
  6. If you've got a joint account then don't even bother buying one.Apparantly the money that the new bass costs could be put to "better" use on things like food,clothes,bills etc . Reminding the misus that you are the principle wage earner is the fastest way to several weeks kipping on the sofa . I resorted to pleading,crying,and even self harm.Once the stitches are out I'll be able to play the new bass I got 4 months ago.......
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1378575334' post='2202053'] The trouble with tort and maple folks is that the shape of the bass is all wrong! Here, I've fixed it for you: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulnattress/9435053413/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulnattress/9435053413/"]IMG_2412[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/paulnattress/"]Paul Nattress[/url], on Flickr [/quote] Nice.What's the sound like?
  8. Never share a rehearsal room with band members who have eaten spicey food the night before.
  9. MarkBass LMII in a camera case,Zoot 2X12.Case around neck,cab in one hand,bass in the other. Bliss.
  10. My Status Groove;slim neck,small body,excellent pup,great sound.
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1377794376' post='2191986'] But it's all the wrong way round! [/quote] Hold it up to the mirror!
  12. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1377366746' post='2186825'] I'd go with earthenware rather than plastic, they look nicer. [/quote] I'll try the veal.I've heard that you're here all week. Frost-proof terracotta,actually!
  13. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1377285773' post='2185930'] J bass (as you so eloquently put it) stacked knobs are about £25 a pair for the real ones as used on USA '60's RI etc. the 'pots' are CTS concentric 250K volume & 500K tone. [/quote] Thanks. When I've sourced the pup I may well drop you a PM about the wiring.
  14. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1377284508' post='2185913'] About £9.50? [/quote] Badum tish! And yes,that is about the going rate!
  15. I'm thinking of putting a MM type pup at the back of my P bass copy,and I want to fit J bass style stacked knobs. What value should they be?
  16. I put flatwounds on and add a custom thumb-rest(for my own comfort),and move the rear strap button up(like a Spector).
  17. I'm learning to live with the difference between the Butler and the Groove,and I'm becoming a total P-bass convert! Eventually I will get some lighter tuners,in addition to the cream pup covers that I'm after. As a bandmate of mine said "Moves some air,does'nt it!".....
  18. My one
  19. Played it last night and did a bit of strap adjustment.So far it has improved things a bit. Still looking at lightweight tuners though.
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1374931586' post='2154897'] [size=4] Change the bass. There are thousands of Pbasses out there that sound as good or even better, and they balance properly[/size] [/quote] Always an option. or try to find a Status Shark......
  21. Used to have a copy of "Just Supposing" and IIRC "Never too late". Great stuff,but I agree with other posters about Marguerita Time et al.
  22. Happy Birthday,Clarky. Youre only as old as the bass you feel. I hope you don't have any vintage Fenders in your collection !
  23. Yep,try before you buy is the way to go. I bought this straight off of the net,and now I've learnt my lesson.
  24. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1373463124' post='2137867'] For £20 I like the Fender Flats. [/quote] +1 here.Good value and a good sound.
  25. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1373535452' post='2138655'] I'm wondering if it's not the neck dive causing the OP a shoulder ache but maybe a bit of a trapped nerve. I've had that myself and it was, well, a bit of a pain in the neck! [/quote] All my nerves are free and liberated!I've been checking my posture in general,as well as how I stand when I play,and I tend to hunch over a bit when the bass is strapped on. But when I straighten up the bloody thing still dives a bit! I think I will keep hunting for light-weight tuners and try roughening the underside of the strap to help with grip.
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