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fretmeister last won the day on April 9 2022

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Community Answers

  1. If Origin do make a B15 they really really really must make the cab sim defeatable on the XLR. I would own the other 2 already if it just had a little switch to do that.
  2. It’s not stupid that it treats it as 2 channels, it’s stupid that there’s no panning options.
  3. I've not tried Reaper for that, but for this idea I didn't even want to have to turn my PC on. I've got quite a powerful PC (well, it was when I bought it - Ryzen 9 3950X, 32GB Ram etc) but it's in my home office and I usually work from home and I just don't want to go in there when I'm not working. I like to keep home and work separate if I can.
  4. It was quite fun figuring it out. My wife wasn't pleased that I dug through every drawer and cupboard in the house to look for the right cables and didn't tidy it up quickly! And the kids are appalled that their friends might find me on youtube if I show my face... They are very easily embarrassed!. So naturally I'm going to do that!
  5. I wanted to do some very quick bass cover videos that didn't have the hassle of recording video and audio separately and them matching them up in Resolve, but also be better than just playing along to a hi-fi with an iphone / iPad just recording it all at once in the room with the rubbish built in microphone.. I have an Audient ID4Mk11 2 channel interface that works with iOS and can even be powered straight from a USB-C equipped iPad. I plugged an iPod into Channel 1 on the interface and my bass into channel 2, via a Mark Bass Vintage Preamp and a compressor. The iPod was the source of backing tracks with the bass removed courtesy of the witchcraft powered Moises app (worth every penny of the sub!). When monitoring the direct inputs on headphones it sounded great and was easy to balance the levels with the MB Pre and the iPod volume control. So I recorded a little vid and that's where the problem starts. iOS is stupid When iOS allows the use of an external interface within the Video/Camera app it automatically hard pans Channel 1 to the left and Channel 2 to the right. So the backing track was in 1 ear, and my bass in the other. iOS does not have any settings available to affect this at all. I found this amazingly annoying so I eventually came up with a solution that is a bit ugly but works. It needs a bass preamp unit (or similar) that has a stereo Auxiliary input to feed the backing track via a stereo 3.5mm jack to jack cable, and with a stereo headphone output to feed the interface. On the Markbass preamp the aux input does not connect to the main outputs - not really a surprise because a backing track would probably sound like arse when going through a bass amp. That's why the headphone output is needed. So the iPod with backing tracks goes into the Aux In. The bass (via any pedals wanted first) goes into the usual input on the preamp, but instead of using the main outs, only the headphone output is used - using a Stereo to 2 mono splitter Y cable. TRS to a pair of TS. The split end TS jacks then get plugged into Channel 1 and Channel 2 of the Audient Interface at the same time. Monitoring is via headphones on the interface. When this is connected to the iOS Video/Camera app it now records all of it on both sides and the result is a very quick video set up that doesn't need any post work at all. No post EQ, no faffing in Capcut or Da Vinci Resolve to line up audio from a DAW with video from a separate camera. The Mark Bass does not have an IR loader but TBH that doesn't bother me as I tend to record without IRs or cab sims anyway and EQ and Compress to get the sound I want. I know other units will also have IR loaders which might be a better choice for some people. The vid can be uploaded straight to youtube from the iPad as is. Really simple. Obviously if any text overlay is wanted, or dead space on the vid needs to be removed that can be done in a free app like Capcut if really needed. I think I'm going to find one of my larger pedalboards from the loft and set it up permanently. The Interface, preamp, a compressor, and the iPad stand all ready to go, then the only thing I ever have to set will be sticking the iPad on the stand and pointing the camera, and plugging in the iPod for backing tracks. Anyway - this annoyed me for ages and now that I have a work around I thought I would share it. It's not neat and tidy, and it's really stupid that simple input pan controls in iOS would solve the issue and need a lot fewer cables but at least it works. I have no doubt that Apple will ignore my support ticket on needing audio options in the Video/Camera app.
  6. About £400. Shows how mad the pedal market is these days when I saw the price and wasn't surprised.
  7. On facebook there is a group called "Pedalboards of Doom" with nearly 190,000 members. I bet if you ask on there someone will be able to help.
  8. I think that was some time ago - not sure if the scheme lasted. That would be a shame as I thought it was a great idea.
  9. [Ai Edit Video] Slim down subject by 2 stone[/Edit]
  10. Duck Dunn and Cliff Burton....
  11. I asked an AI to do me an image of 2 of my favourite bass players: Duck Dunn and Bootsy Collins. Instead of generating them separately the AI went all BrundleFly...
  12. I think this is the longest I've ever had without buying something. I'm actually practicing with the gear I have already, and I've even recorded a couple of bass cover vids. It feels so very wrong.
  13. This works too.
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