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Posts posted by fretmeister

  1. I'm playing my Jim Deacon short scale P a great deal at the moment and I'm thinking about getting another one to turn into a PJ.


    I can't find a lot online about them other than they were something to do with a Scottish company, but it seems there was a possibility that identical specs were made under other names as well.


    If anyone has any information I'd be grateful to have it so help my search for a good one.



  2. Email Cioks with the Rusty Box specs and they'll tell you. They ought to be able to tell you what cable you need as well.


    The DC7 does have an aux output at 24VDC with enough current - but that voltage is the minimum the Rusty Box needs. Does it work better at a higher voltage?


  3. 2003 Fender USA Stratocaster. Owned since new.


    Bought when my eldest spawn was born. I originally had the aim of giving it to her for her 18th, and stupidly told her, but she ended up being one hell of a jazz clarinet player.


    I didn't want to give her the guitar for her to sell it, so I negotiated with her and ended being fleeced somewhat :D but I get to keep it. It is the best strat I've ever played, and I've played a lot.


    My longest serving bass was a Status I had owned for decades. But it had to go as I started offloading heavier basses. Now I think the one I've owned the longest is only about 3 or 4 years - my Sandberg TT4 Superlight.

    • Like 2
  4. Not a clue I'm afraid.

    My first set of the shorties haven't arrived yet. 


    That being said - I have used the long scale ones on shorties before and as long as the tuners were large post ones they didn't break at that end.

    I've never had a Mustang so I don't know about the string bends needed at the bridge end.


    I'll have a look to see if I've got any old sets lying about that I don't want when I get a moment. If I do then I'll send them so you can experiment.

    • Like 1
  5. I just noticed this. I love these strings on just about every bass. I had used the long scale 45-100 set on a shortie but they were just a tiny bit light for the E&A.

    The short scales are available in 45-105 and 50-110.


    Amazon have the 50-110 on sale at £29 at the moment so I've ordered a set. The 45-105 are pretty much at RRP.


    They are excellent. They feel a lot nicer under the fingers than La Bella's which I find a bit grabby, and they have a bit more articulation too with the tone up full.




    Long Scales are now available as 45-105 for the first time too.

  6. It's a very good cab.


    I swapped back to barefaced 10 inch cone stuff just because I preferred the sound. My amp is quite uncoloured so I needed more colouration from the cab.


    But if I had an amp with more character then I'd be very happy to have a Super twin again. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Fil1ip said:

    It's scarily cheap! Compared to the 'real one' shipping is a little high and assume there would be some import on this too. But wow 😲 

    If you add it to the baskets and out in the address it calculates all of it for you.

    FedEx deals with the tax / import on it. 

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