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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Silverstone announced today that they want volunteers to roam and play music at the Grand Prix. https://twitter.com/SilverstoneUK/status/453460907839201280 Multi-billion Dollar industry taking the piss again.
  2. So too expensive and goes pop? Great. $1799 USA street price and £2000 UK is taking the piss. Shame really. The demos sounded great and I would have been very tempted at £1500
  3. I have one of them! Amazing things. Try it with a Berg CN series cab before spending money on anything else!
  4. What about the BSX Allegro? How close is that to a DB?
  5. The sound quality and detail of a great amp is worth it - even if 575W seems too much for home use. Amps have volume controls!!! I use my 900W Genz heads in the house and I only gig in an orchestra so I never get to crank them. But they sound amazing.
  6. Bit of a hybrid I know, but I'd take my Urge II over almost any jazz. But I'd love a Sadowsky Will Lee 5 string.
  7. I've just packed up my poorly Wampler Sovereign to send to Owens. Fingers crossed he can fix it. It's a great sounding thing.
  8. [quote name='edstraker123' timestamp='1396373727' post='2412862'] Got it strung E to C and it works really well. I can't wait to get an E to C piccolo. Yes Adrian seems really cool [/quote] Scooby has a habit of stringing his basses like that. 5 string without a low B???? Filthy pervert!
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1396368329' post='2412772'] Bear in mind you will probably end up singing bad arrangements of pop songs you've never liked. [/quote] I joined my daughters orchestra (on bass) and ended up playing loads of sh*t pop songs. And it is still great fun.
  10. Thanks for the help chaps. Not sure I could cope with 16.5mm - I've tried Status' with that narrow spacing and it really annoyed me. 18mm would probably be ok, but I find the spacing on my Marleaux to be perfect at 19mm. Have to keep looking I suppose.
  11. According to the Marleaux website my bass has 19mm spacing. But the Ibanez site doesn't seem to list their spacing. Very annoying.
  12. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1396361472' post='2412690'] Check your string spacing on your Marleaux, Ibanez tend to use narrow string spacing on their 5s, and I found them quite difficult to play as a result, probably not an issue if you use the same bass all the time, but very confusing for the fingers if you are used to playing on regular Fender P-bass spacing. Yamaha on the other hand make a lot of 5s with the same string spacing as you get on a regular 4 string - when I bought my RBX 775 it was the string spacing issue that sealed the deal in preference of the Yam over the other 5s that I tried out. [/quote] That's a good point! The Marleaux is definitely narrower than my P bass, but I don't know the exact measurements. I will check.
  13. Presumably you'll be paying at least MU / Equity minimum rates?
  14. My main bass is my Marleaux Consat Custom 5. It's wonderful but I need a back up 5 string. The SR1205 seems good from the specs and it's not too mental in price, especially if I can find a used one. Anyone using one regularly? Is there any neck dive? (that does my head in more than anything else on a bass) ta
  15. Some of the guys at The Fretboard have managed to buy fake Xotic pedals (BB Preamp) and ebay seems to be filling up with them Fretboard link: http://thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/13439/warning-counterfeit-xotic-bb-preamp-pedals-on-sale#latest Gut shot: http://www.harmonycentral.com/forum/forum/guitar/acapella-29/1685191- The listings seem to include excuses for non-standard control knobs, but the fake casings are also a little different, and the fakes don't have any writing on the bottom either (at the moment anyway). No doubt the fakers are concentrating on guitar kit as it sells more, but the bass kit can't be far behind. So keep them peeled!
  16. I'm using Berg CN112s and I love them with my Genz amps. Clean. And clear and project well. Very happy.
  17. TC-Helicon Mike Mechanic unit. or the Harmony Singer. Both awesome. I use a Harmony Singer. Adds a little reverb (much better than most cheap PA) and a preset compression, de-esser and EQ. And if you run a guitar into it, the unit will read the chord structure and generate harmony if you need it. I don't use the harmony part, but the pre-set Tone control is fantastic and really brings out the quality of a voice.
  18. Can anyone recommend a good pedal repair person? I have a Wampler Sovereign that has turned from a beautifully tight drive into a flubby farty mess. ta
  19. I have a couple of Tech21 boxes for this sort of thing - the VT BassDI and the 3 channel BDDI RRP is expensive but for some reason they just don't hold their value used so they can be found pretty cheap. Usually use the VT as it's a bit smaller
  20. you could run it in a loop of a Boss LS2. Then leave your pedal on and turn it on and off with the LS2. Just set the loop volume on the LS2 nice and high.
  21. I love filters and I've had loads inc the WMD and Prometheus. None of them stayed on my board after I got the MXR. It's just brilliant.
  22. Mono Vertigo for me. Excellent design and I don't find it uncomfortable. I've not tried the M80
  23. Phil bought my EMG J pickups. Really fast payment and great communications. Pleasure to deal with!
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