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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Mine has arrived. So far I've been making silly noises with the DOD Gonkulator model! Good bit of kit
  2. I ordered mine from Amazon, but I must have had one of the last in stock as it's already dispatched. I'll review when it gets here
  3. I've just ordered one, and I've already downloaded all of the models from the Apple app store I've had a go on one in the past and you use it just like a regular pedal. Quick demo from when it came out: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkTaesYn-0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkTaesYn-0[/url] BUT - when that review was done you only got about 4 models included. Now they are all free to download
  4. Great bit of kit, so get your finger out. Then download all the models from iTunes
  5. I have one of these and it's ace. Much better than the price suggests. And perfect for annoying image conscious band members!!
  6. Wow! I wasn't aware of Eve. Looks lovely!
  7. Need to raise some money for work on my house so £2999.00 Collection only.
  8. Mesa should give up and just sell directly, even if it means shipping costs to individuals. USA RRP price converted is £1100 Add vat, then 4.4% import and another £125 for sea transport and that is still about £1500.00. So £400 cheaper even when using the RRP and not any shop deals.
  9. I was quite interested until I saw the price. £1900 - not a frakking chance.
  10. I've had a quick go using the cab and a Genz Shuttle 9.2 Definitely different to the HD112. Tighter low end and slightly more mids. The HD112 goes a bit deeper to the point that I used to roll the lows off a bit. The CN112 low end has more of a piano like tone than the HD112, and I do love a good piano tone! I've not tried playing with EQ yet or with a different amp, but it's got a real depth of quality to the sound. And it's almost 20lb lighter than the HD. I think I need another one.
  11. Bergantino CN112 has arrived from Bass Gear And in about 2 hours I'll get a chance to plug it in and try it! The fit and finish on it is staggering though. Don't think I've ever seen a cab built so well.
  12. I ran a Yamaha P5000S for a few years and was very pleased with it. Bomb proof build, plenty of headroom. [url="http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/global/en/products/poweramps/ps_series/"]http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/global/en/products/poweramps/ps_series/[/url]
  13. Yamaha Pacifica Superb guitars even if they were double the price. In fact, sometimes I think their low price harms their reputation. Back in my guitar playing days I had the original 112 model and it seemed better built than anything else I had at the time (including a Gibson Les Paul). Guy I sold it to is still using it almost 15 years on. He put some new pickups in it, but it's still ace.
  14. I really must try a TH500 I'll never go back to big heavy amps so the 751 is a no go for me, but if the TH500 gets pretty close then I might spend some money.
  15. Don't know about them, but I'm in Equity and they are great. Tax advice and workshops, meet ups, and public liability insurance included in the membership. When I got separate quotes for insurance it was dearer than the Equity fee, without any membership benefits.
  16. A few weeks ago I hurt my left elbow tendons and my GP told me to expect 6 months off playing. Physiotherapist had me improving inside of a week and pretty much recovered now! So go get a physio appointment !
  17. What do you do with them? eBay, or forum sales or charity shop donations? I have loads I doubt I'll ever listen to again, but I'm not sure I can be bothered to list 200 items when it seems an awful lot of CDs on eBay only make 99p! Anyone used services like Music Magpie?
  18. I really like the Wampler Sovereign on bass. Doesn't seem to suck any lows and it has a great gritty sound to it. Just a shame that you have to get it from the USA - it's an exclusive for 2 shops over there.
  19. We found a lovely used Yamaha that her teacher thought was a bargain and had been very well looked after. It sound so much better than the school hire one, and sprog tells me it is easier to play. So she is playing more already.
  20. Ha ha ha! What a rig! Needs. More cabs!
  21. GHS Pressurewounds are a wonderful string. Well worth a try.
  22. Berg CN112 ordered from the good people at Bass Gear. Be here on Tuesday, can't wait! Dave, I think we need a photo of all of your rig now!
  23. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1383380695' post='2263728'] but the clarinet might be going through an all tube head? [/quote] I have mic'd it and run it through a Boss VE20 vocal processor - that was great fun! Spooky noises (and robot ones, but that was silly)
  24. Precisions! And 5 strings. Took me decades to find ones I liked, but finally enjoy both.
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