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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Dave_the_Bass just bought my Berg HD112 cabs so until I can get the replacements ordered I'll have to just use my little Roland amp for everything. So after starting the 'Sell Bergs and go BF??' Thread I've sold the Bergs...... And buying another Berg! Just going to get a single CN112. As much as I'd like a pair I don't really need 2 for playing along with woodwind instruments!
  2. Dave just bought my Berg HD112 cabs. I got a great lesson about current Yamaha basses after being really impressed with the one he bought with him to try the cabs with. Lovely chap and if I hadn't already been late for the village firework show I think we would have ended up in the pub for hours. Good to meet you!
  3. Ace! I shall await the sticky with anticipation! I've written tons of songs of the years and I reckon at least 3% of them deserve recording properly!!
  4. Thank you. I think I'll have to look at the Focusrite stuff. The other bits are a bit expensive for fun use at home! Reaper seems dirt cheap though! Wow. I thought that was going to be the expensive bit.
  5. I am listening to Civilians - This is not an Exit, Act 1 https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/this-is-not-an-exit-act-1/id726156943 The guitarist is Paul Clark (Clarky) of the David Cross Band (the remains of King Crimson) His last solo CD was 'Shredz at an Exhibition' but the Civilians album has a really great Pop / Funk grooved going on, with (to me anyway) a bit of a 1980s feel to it. I love it. Huge fun!
  6. Right - I've done plenty of recording - in other words standing in a room playing while someone else does the mics, levels, mixing etc, but not really done any of the techie stuff. Last time I tried it was with a Line 6 UX2 and whatever free software came with it, and as my band mates had much better kit I didn't really use it I'd like to give it another try. My PC is pretty basic and getting old - Win7 64bit, i3 3.20Ghz with 4GB Ram. So I need software, an interface of some kind, and maybe more Ram? Interface would need to do plug-in-able instruments as well as mics, and I suppose ideally cope with several inputs at once. Total noob at this - so all advice is welcome ta
  7. I've been thinking about this too. I only really play my Marleaux and Dingwall 5 strings. Partly because my current gig is an orchestra and that low B is very useful, but partly because I like the sound of those basses. (Even then I'd swap the Dingwall for another Consat if I could) I could sell all my 4 strings... but one of them (an old Status Energy) has been with me for about 15 years and tons of gigs, it's battered, scratched, modded and clearly worth sod all to anyone but me. I'd have to keep that one. Selling that would be like cutting an arm off.
  8. I'm amazed they even asked! Not just for the cheek of it, and that you are helping them out, but also it seems that you've put a lot of work into helping them already. Reminds me a bit of a drummer I knew - he was very good indeed, but he suddenly refused to come to rehearsals until the rest of band 'were as tight as him' - then he said that the rest of us had 2 years to write a good enough song to make him famous. Then he sold his van and bought a motorbike and told us it was our problem getting his drum kit to venues. In hindsight it was clear it was a 'Yoko' issue!
  9. If it was my money - I'd be looking at one of these deals: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Benz_6.2_210T_Combo.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Benz_6.2_210T_Combo.html[/url]
  10. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Epifiani_UL410_S1.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Epifiani_UL410_S1.html[/url] Awesome things! If I had the room I'd have it!
  11. [quote name='eubassix' timestamp='1383250264' post='2262249'] Fretted bass has the Marleaux Programmable EQ = one switch for A/P and the 2nd for setting the B/M/T parameters. Single switch on the fretless bass is A/P . If you Consat is a 'Straight' (?) / single pickup, then the switch would be for SC/HB (I think) [/quote] Mine is a Custom and the switch is a simple Active / Passive on/off. Your basses are lovely. Alas the thing that stands between me and your basses is divorce! I still quite like her, but I'll keep you posted!
  12. Just to throw another idea, the Wampler Sovereign is superb on bass. Seems to let the low stay as it should be, and the tone and mid behaviour control really allow a good tone set up.
  13. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1382385204' post='2251617'] Yamaha Attitude has low end??? Has anyone told Mr Sheehan? [/quote] A huge amount! I wonder why he doesn't use it!
  14. [quote name='Iana' timestamp='1383249555' post='2262235'] I think it will do that quite well but don't expect any sub bass due to the high passing that is built in, nice amps..... [/quote] That's a good description. I can see when that tone would be ace - but I needed something thick and chewy. I don't need articulate
  15. The prices are mental for DB strings. I don't know anything about string construction other than the martketing bits of hex core and round core etc (I have no idea why that is important) - but other than being a bit longer and needing a bit more material - how on earth are DB strings so much more expensive? Is it just a volume thing that the margins have to be higher because of less sales? Or do they really cost loads more to make? How long do DB strings last anyway?
  16. What's the 2nd mini switch for on the fretted? I'm not in the market - but I have a Consat and it only has 1 switch. Just curious really!
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1382897261' post='2257734'] I'd still rather spend the money on pick and mix sweets or something if I was at a trade show, just order some proper strings online when you get home [/quote] I once bought what I thought was a multi-pack of D'Addario at a show. Was supposed to be a box of 5 sets of Steel 5 string. When I got home and opened the box there were 2 sets of the right Steels, and 3 sets of cello strings. I had no idea what to do about swapping them for the right ones, and I couldn't find anyone to talk to about it so I was a bit put out - then I discovered that the cello strings retailed at £120 a set. So I gave a set to a mate who played the cello and sold the other 2.
  18. I had the RH750 head. I thought it was very good, but in the end it just wasn't the sound in my head.
  19. Don't like Elites or DR. Horrible things. What does surprise me is the comments about tension. While a set of 45-105 from Maker A might not have the same tension as 45-105 from Maker B, there are usually other gauge sets available. I don't tend to buy looking at the gauge anymore - I look at the tension information.
  20. The Streamliner sounds great with a Berg CN112 - if you only want 1 cab.
  21. I can adapt to almost any 4 string, but for a 5 I am really picky about neck shapes. After buying and selling about 20 different 5 strings I finally found 2 that I like! A Marleaux Consat Custom and a Dingwall ABZ5 The odd thing is, the neck shapes are very different indeed, but I like them both. But other than that I haven't found any 5 strings that I get on with at all. So it might take you a little while to find the perfect one, but hopefully not the 15 years it has taken me!!
  22. Host the pics on Photobucket or flickr. Then use the little 'Photo' icon on this site. Then paste the link to the photo into the pop-up box that appears. Then the pics will appear in the thread.
  23. I'm really loving flats at the mo. I'm using Chromes. I've got them on my Precision and on my Marleaux Consat, and on my Hyperbass. I'd have then on my Dingwall as well but the Super Long Scale ones are just too short for the B string to fit, much to my annoyance.
  24. Gareth bought my soundblox multi wotsit drive pedal. Super fast payment, all good!
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