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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1377898989' post='2193518'] I've been there a few times and gotten a similar response to some other guys on here. It seemed to me that if you're not buying a Roscoe bass and bergantino rig to play it through then you're wasting his time. I did phone him once asking if he'd got something in the store, he said yes so I drove 30 miles to him, only to find he hadn't, but that could probably happen with other shops too. [/quote] To be fair, the cheap end of gear is not his market. He doesn't do MIM Fenders, or BB series Yamaha etc. he does high end gear with some mid ranking stuff. No shop would put Squires next to a Lull! He's had several thousand out of me and he'll probably get more too.
  2. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1377808829' post='2192301'] Status? [/quote] The link in my previous post was to an ebay sale for a Status-Graphite jazz neck.
  3. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1377804832' post='2192204'] So, basic question is suspect, but are jazz and p bass neck pockets the same? Same screw holes etc? I like the bass, so, could be the way forward [/quote] Most are 2.5 inches. The status replacement ones are built for that.
  4. My 1962 CIJ Fender has a very nice neck profile. The nut isn't quite as narrow as a jazz, but the neck shape is really slick. I really struggle with neck shapes too, but this bass is fab. Deffo worth trying one out. Other than that - I'd say a P with a Jazz neck on it too. Might be worth a look, if you already have the body... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Status-Graphite-fender-jazz-bass-neck-schaller-tuners-/331002433024?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4d11484e00"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Status-Graphite-fender-jazz-bass-neck-schaller-tuners-/331002433024?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4d11484e00[/url]
  5. Photos man!!! Photos!!!!!!!
  6. Depends entirely on the individual policy. there are a lot of variations. I'm a member of Equity so I'm covered anyway.
  7. Warwick 5 string necks are frakking enormous though. I had a 5 string Fortress once and it sounded perfect, but the neck was so painful for me.
  8. My back up amp is a Shuttle 9.2. Unless I'm running a full split signal then there are 2 amps in the rig anyway. But (having just got it today) I'd take a Tech 21 VT-Di. Because it's awesome. But it's not cheap.
  9. Proper porn!! One day I will have a MVP.
  10. Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 for me. Probably still be running after my death. Awesome thing.
  11. Synth and Envelope filter before the compressor as they need the full dynamic range of your playing. Octaver after the compressor. Octave pedals like a smooth and even signal to get the best performance out of them. But (as always) there is a slight issue.... An octave pedal in front of the envelope filter gives a super funky 1970s tone. Some octave pedals (like the MicroPog) ruin the dynamics of playing and are not suited that that particular use. But a good squelchy analogue octave like the MXR is perfect for use in front of the filter. So you really need 2 filters in different places!
  12. "Can I have a go on your bass?" Only if I can have a go on your woman.
  13. Dingwall ABZ 4 or 5. Passive and awesome. Super light weight and easy to play.
  14. Depends on the band. Anthrax were the only pop band of The Big Four, and have remained fun while the others crawled up their own arses.
  15. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1377457250' post='2187802'] Out of interest would you sell on at a profit to someone you considered a mate (and vice versa)? [/quote] Yes. If a friend managed to buy an Akai Deep Impact for £30 I would absolutely expect to have to pay £500+ if I wanted it to buy it from him. That is what the market currently says they are worth. Him asking me for £500 does not make him an arsehole. ME asking him to do me a cheap deal makes me the arsehole.
  16. [quote name='Martin E' timestamp='1377420883' post='2187207'] My pet hate is sellers using the phrase 'I just want to get back what I paid for it'. If selling an amp for example my immediate thought would be - well you say you've had it for two years, so done maybe fifty gigs with it and countless rehearsals and now you have the audacity to say you want your money back. This also implies that the seller having had two years of use and wear and tear of this item would normally be selling at an increased price but in fact is doing us a favour 'just' asking to get back what they paid for it. OK, rant over, I know you can look at this from an entirely different angle but personally I'd never reply to such an ad because rightly or wrongly puts me off straight away. [/quote] I think that depends on the reason - if someone buys a bass and the advert says "It arrived this morning, I've played it for 2 hours and I just can't get on with the neck shape" then I don't have a problem with that approach. I also have a bit of a Time Value concept with gear. So I buy a new pedal for £200. I use it for a year and then sell it for £130. To me that £70 is NOT just depreciation - it is also my payment for the use of the pedal for a year. Would I pay £70 to rent an expensive pedal for an entire year? Seems pretty good value to me.
  17. It's yours. You and the market set the price at the time you sell it. The price you paid is utterly irrelevant. Spotting a bargain and buying cheap does not mean you have to sell it onwards cheap. In these days of hard times if you have the chance to put a little extra food on the table by making some profit and you decide not to - you need your head examined.
  18. Ordering now! Looks great!
  19. Wow! That is lovely! Aways wanted one of them.
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