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Posts posted by fretmeister

  1. 54 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    Thanks for putting me right on the capture process.


    I suppose what I really meant by the last question was when will the tools be available to allow users to create their own fully adjustable models which duplicate the way all the controls on the original work?



    My experience of capturing is Tonex based - but in general I find that using the controls to make small changes on a Capture are actually damn close to how the original unit would react, but when the changes are larger that's when it starts to not react the same as the original.


    Subtractive EQing seems to work a lot better than Addition though.


    As for fully adjustable - I'm not sure that capturing is the right approach for that as it would need the user to do manually set everything in all the millions of possible settings. Modelling has to still be the way forward for that, because that is already at the component level.


    My concern isn't the processors etc for as component modelling gets better, it's the size of the files. They are already massive compared to the last generation, and that is the reason why there is no instant Patch changing anymore - that's why we have Snapshots / Scenes / Whatever so all the needed items are loaded into a single patch for instant use. But the bigger the files, the more DSP is needed, the fewer blocks available, or the more expensive the kit as additional DSP chips are added.



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  2. After some youtube recommendations I've gone down a rabbit hole of dirty / driven compressors.


    Like the JHS Pulp & Peel or Fairfield Accountant and that sort of thing. They get really quite dirty and are the total opposite of transparent compression. 


    Other than those 2, what else is there? I think I'd like to try something like that.

    The mini size of the Accountant would be perfect for me, but I'd like to know about alternatives. 


    Cheap or expensive recommendations welcome.

  3. Any other clues?



    Simple controls or loads?

    Cloth grill or metal?


    Speakers? 2x10 or something else?


    Was it linked with any particular genre or player?

    Did it appear in any adverts in a particular way?

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, the new MB cabs look interesting but YouTube doesn’t show the difference between the visually similar cabs.


    Everytime I hear a new live album (usually funk related) and love the bass tone it ends up being Mark Bass at least 80% of the time. I love my BF cabs but I also love those yellow cones! 

    I too wish there was somewhere I could try the new cab line. 

  5. I'm a big fan. I've had an LM2, LM3, CMD102P, Marcus Goldline, AG1000 and an F1.

    The F1 was dead in the box when I bought it and replaced immediately. That's the only problem I've ever had with them.


    The AG1000 is my current main amp.

    I like the cabs too although I have Barefaced at the moment. I have not tried the brand new cab line.


    I get that the yellow might put some people off. The cabs are not really a metal option but for just about anything else I think they are excellent.


    The amp head DI is really good too. Makes a change from other amps where it seems to be an afterthought. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, VilleT said:


    I'm struggling to choose between California TT5 active and TT5 Superlight. 

    TT5 has Sandberg's own alnico 5 pickups, and TT5 SL has Black Labels. I have no change to test them because I live in another country. I played standard active TT5 with black labels some time ago, and I liked it. Will the superlight sound roughly the same, or does paulownia body have significant difference for sound of the bass? 


    I'm looking for a good all around J-bass. Wich one of those two basses you would choose for this purposes and why?


    Thanks in advance!



    The Superlights do sound a little different - snappier, faster response, more controlled low end. The differences aren't big. Nothing that the EQ cannot change.


    As for the pickups - I change almost all of mine anyway. Any J style gets EMGs, PJ get EMG PJX, and P stays passive with an Aguilar.


    I have the original EMG J set in my Superlight, with an EMG EQ system as well. I love it.

  7. I like it.


    I think I like it best either without any of the switches on, or with the top one on. 
    It just adds a little harmonic richness to the sound. At the moment I’ve got it first in the chain, but I’ll experiment another day when it isn’t rugby final day.

    • Like 3
  8. 23 hours ago, TimR said:

    @Dave Evans Your "about me" runs to 9 pages.


    Your "philosophy" also runs to several paragraphs. 


    You need a single paragraph on your Home page that says who you are, (where you live, what you play, what kind of music you play, (age?), how long you've been playing)


    And that's it. 


    Even your 2 posts here are extremely long winded and difficult to follow.


    When people contact you, what kind of communication are you doing yourself, because I'm already disuaded due to what my first impressions are.


    And you could be seen to be spamming Basschat with you website.


    I'm trying to be candid while remaining helpful. 

    Not only 9 pages, but it claims to be “brief” as well! I do not want to see the first unedited version!


    Now I love to play in a good 3 piece band, but that bio makes me worry that the author of it wouldn’t be able to self edit when playing either. I’ve been in bands like that before and the guitarist ends up like Joe Bonamassa when he’s off his Ritalin. 



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