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Everything posted by bluesman

  1. greetings from grimsby
  2. [quote name='dbass' post='1222825' date='May 7 2011, 03:55 AM']We thought they were gonna go on a lot earlier and finish a lot earlier! Haha! Thanks to Bluesman for coming down to the Grimsby gig tonight, lovely to meet you mate :-)[/quote] brilliant night....you guyz were spot on....im suffering with a monster hangover and got a rehearsal later [why do i drink so much]. fantastic bass playing you nailed it my friend....great overall sound.... many thanks for doing symptons of the universe for my late friend rick you did us proud. ps check out willie weeks playing on little ghetto boy.....donny hathaway live. cheers bob.
  3. hope i havnt spoilt this thread with my previous reply....sad news i know....but wasnt intended to be a spoiler....just see thread and thought i would reply to say we were organising a night in memory of rick....as he was a huge sabbath/ozzy fan....will be a good night at yardbirds.
  4. see you guyz at the yardbirds on the 6th.....were havin a bit of a do for my mate who sadly passed away in december.....he was a massive sabbath fan so it will be a rockin nite.....ive seen you guys a few times will pop n say hi. cheers bob.
  6. sorry bout that....white....rosewood neck....click on google....lots pics, specs on cv jazz....bout 4 months old.....great bass....steal at £175.
  7. selling up due to lack of time....for sale my squier cv jazz....great bass....never taken out of house....sorry no pics....but in mint condition. £175 collection from grimsby only. cheers bob.
  8. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='1192625' date='Apr 8 2011, 09:49 AM'][u]The Major's Bass Boot Camp - Session 34[/u] Classic Bass Part Analysis 2 - "Moondance" Love it or loath it, Van Morrison's "Moondance", and more specifically, the bass part, often causes heated discussion on this forum. I decided to take the recent challenge set by "frank" and here I present my analysis of the original recorded bass part, and some suggestions for a better line. It has to be said: The original recorded bass part is very messily played ! A lot of the note choices are perfectly acceptable, however the timing and feel make the recording sound like a first run-through ! To be fair to the bass player, perhaps he couldn't properly hear the rest of the band or his headphones were not working …… !!!??? But how could the producer have allowed this take to be released - it beggars belief ! Anyway: Note-wise there are a few areas that we can improve on, although this will make it sound and feel somewhat different. The problem with recordings is that they become accepted for what they are. Any deviation from what you are used to hearing will always seem "wrong" at first. So please bear with me, and try to get used to my suggested alternatives before dismissing them out of hand ! Creating a bass part is a very personal art. We all have different views as to how to play our beloved instrument. You may feel I have overdone it a bit in some bars with too many skips or triplets etc. And if a producer or MD / Conductor said to me "Can you simplify the line a bit ?" then of course I would do as I am bid ! But I am pleased with my Alternative Bass Parts. Of the two, I think the 2nd works best. Here is my transcription of the song, up to bar 36 (the rest of the song is just repetition of the material thus far). MBBC34a [attachment=76940:MBBC34a.pdf] [attachment=76943:MBBC34a.mp3] I've tried to be as accurate as I can with my transcription of the bass part. However the accompaniment is sometimes an approximation. (I couldn't bear to spend too much more time on this !!) We can say that this piece is in A minor (which has no sharps or flats) despite the inclusion of F#s in the Bm7/E chords. The melody line is entirely based on the A Natural Minor scale (Aeolian Mode) but the inclusion of the F#s in the chordal accompaniment means we can't describe this piece as being Modal. Let's split the page into 3 sections: Part A - bars 1 to 20 inclusive. This is a 4 bar intro followed by 16 bars of: | Am7 / Bm7/E / | Actually, this is slightly misleading. To be more accurate, I should have put: | Am7 / Bm7 Bm7/E | In other words, the E root only appears on the 4th beat of the bar (with the exception of bars 12 and 14 where E is on the 3rd beat). The piano and guitar never play this E root. Its only the bass that plays it. In my Alternative Bass Parts, I've chosen frequently to place the E root on beat 3. Part B - bars 21 to 28 inclusive. Here we introduce the sub-dominant chord of Dm6 alternating with the tonic chord. The crotchet triplet figures in Bars 27 and 28 are interesting: In bar 27 Dm7 leads to Dm6 ie the note C in Dm7 (the 7th) moves to a B in Dm6 (the 6th). And in the next bar, E7+ (the + means an augmented 5th) the C (aug 5th) also move to the B of E7 (the 5th). So we get a nice moving inner part, which is the same two notes in each bar, despite the root chord changing. Part C - bar 29 to the end. Am7 Dm7. And a Dominant chord of E7 in the final bar. So I'm going to scrutinise Parts A and B and try to find better solutions to the bass line. Part C is a riff figure which, as it is doubled by the sax and flute, we will leave well alone. So here are my Alternative Bass Parts: MBBC34b [attachment=76941:MBBC34b.pdf] [attachment=76944:MBBC34b.mp3] MBBC34c [attachment=76942:MBBC34c.pdf] [attachment=76945:MBBC34c.mp3] The first thing which I noticed when listening to the Morrison version was that something didn't feel quite right in bar 7. On closer inspection, I realised that the vocal line on beat 2 is (notes) B and A, while the bass part is an A#. I've arrowed the first couple of times this happens but it continues throughout Part A. Now you might say "…well what's wrong with a clash like that ?". And you would be right, there are many clashes of this sort that go un-noticed most of the time. And dissonances can work really well if voiced correctly. But this one really started to irritate me after repeated listening. So I have come up with what I feel are better notes in my 2 Alternative Bass Parts. I've kept the A# in the 2nd and 4th bars where there is no clash with the voice. In "Alternative Bass Part 1" (Alt 1), I have replaced the A# with a C (the minor 3rd in Am7). Its still a dissonant interval (between the B of the voice and this C in the Bass - a major 7th) but as the vocal B resolves down to the A, its more like a momentary suspension and seems to fit quite nicely. In "Alternative Bass Part 2" (Alt 2), I have this time replaced the rogue A# with a G (arrowed). This works really well (the vocal notes C B now working with bass notes A G ie in 10ths) but it does slightly change the feel of the song. I really like this, now I've got used to it. Notice that, again, I've kept the A# in the second of each pair of bars where there is no clash. So now we get a downward line in bar 1 followed by an upward movement in bar 2. A nice contrast I think. With these changes, I've created a 2 bar phrase, rather than the 1 bar phrase that dominates the original part. The original bass part stops walking in bars 5 and 6 (the start of the vocal), he just points at the piano figures. Nothing wrong with that of course, but I decided it might be better to set the walking pulse straight off. I really don't like the F# used on the second beat in bars 12 and 18. The chord here is Am7 so we get a minor 9th clash (F# to G). Somehow it just feels wrong ! So, again, I've changed it to something I like better. In bar 19, the crotchet triplet figure in the voice and piano are set against the pulsing 4's in the bass. Certainly nothing amiss here (in fact I rather like the 6's against the 4's), but see what you think of my idea of having the bass also play this triplet figure. In Part B Bar 21: The original bass line is messy, as the notes are, again, too near the vocal line for comfort. So for my Alternative versions, I've used other notes from the Dm6 chord. In Alt 1, jumping up to a B then an A, and in Alt 2, the other way round, jumping up to A then B. Either way works well, I think. In bar 22, the original bass actually plays the same as the vocal - A B C (D). This feels weak to me. Again, this is just a personal preference, but I think the following sounds better: In Alt 1, I've used "contrary motion", such that the bass plays C B A (against the vocal A B C ). Now only the B is common to the Vocal and the Bass. In Alt 2, I've actually changed the chord on beat 3 of this bar so we can use a G# in the bass. See what you think. Is this stronger now ? I certainly believe so ! In bars 27 and 28, the crotchet triplet figures, I have chosen to vary the notes a little. Note that in Alt 2, I have used the note C in bar 28, as the chord on the first 2 beats is: E7 augmented (E7+): E G# C D There are many other small changes in both Alternative Parts that I felt made the line more interesting, but they are purely a matter of my personal taste, not because there is a theoretical reason for changing the original. So to sum up: I think the main lesson to learn here is that one should listen carefully to the melody when creating a bass line. Try to compliment the melody by playing notes which fit harmonically ie are not a direct clash. There is nothing wrong per se with dissonance (clash), but it pays to be aware of uncomfortable clashes and to seek an alternative note if at all possible. If needed, get the rest of the band to change a chord to something more appropriate, if that will solve the problem. Finally, have a listen to the Michael Buble big band version of this song. Nice ! The Major[/quote] each to there own....but i still think its one of the best bass lines ever....love it....you must have a fantastic ear and knowledge of the bass....coz i couldnt fault it....absolute beautifull walking bass line....no offence just my humble opinion. cheers bob
  9. know just how you feel.....blagged my way through gigs many a time in past....but aint played in a band now for bout four years....a combination of working permenent nights, no transport, to much blaggin n fakin it.....been an old fart.....and sh*te to boot....think my days are numbered....lol.....keep at it mate...never say never.
  10. great thread check out bob glaubs playing and tone on the early neil casel cds....magic....from some dvd footage he is playing a precision....fantastic playing and the warmest of tone.....beautifull.
  11. willie weeks does a fine version on donny hathaway live
  12. thanx again guys for comments....i spent all my time developng a style of my fave bassists ie jemmott, jamerson, cogbill, weeks ect.....i think its just the modern day production.....the sound of bass is so much more defined nowadays.....im still a old school fan....stick with me 60s/70s r&b.....but that sound of zender did blow me away.....once again many thanks.
  13. its just the coolest instrument....bar non.
  14. thanx for your imput
  15. been listening to early jamiroquai....how does he get that fantastic tone??? so deep, defined yet responsive.....anyone know what basses, amps, effects he uses? ive been listening to a lot of 60s/70s r&b, funk....modeling my sound....ie string muting, wooly sounding ect....i play squier cv jazz bass thro peavey combo.....dont earn much so limeted funds.....but could i emulate mr zender or am i living on cloud nine??....any help advice would be greatly appreciated....cheers bob. i know i will never be that good as long as ive got a hole in my arse....but how can i improve tone??
  16. i had the 100 watt commando.....loved it.....simple bass, mid, treble....plug in and play......wish i still had it.
  17. [quote name='dumelow' post='1161113' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:55 PM']woop woop[/quote] greetings bro
  18. grimsby.
  19. selling up so i have for sale two almost new squier basses only a few months old and in mint condition....never gigged either of them. squier classic vibe jazz bass [white] £175. squier vintage modified jazz bass [black] £150. cash/collection only....these are a bargain for someone.....sorry i have no pics....but theres plenty pics/info on google about these basses, trust me neither bass as left the house since i purchased them about christmas time....lack of time and work commitments force sale....cheers bob.
  20. would anyone be interested in a straight swap.....my squier vintage modified jazz bass [black] mint condition...block inlay maple neck with binding....seymour duncan design p/u....sorry i have no pics.....im after a squier vintage modified fretless jazz bass [the jaco model] straight swap only....i live in grimsby....if you go on google click in squier vm jazz bass....there will be plenty of pics....cheers bob.
  21. my apologies folks....just done a stint of nights, didnt realise i had posted on wrong forum.
  23. take the small ashdown....plug in and play [your] basslines....no one apart from your mates heard them....keep it tight n simple....done a few open mics myself....i find playin the bass on these occasions quite relaxing....relax and enjoy it....im sure you will be fine....good luck.
  25. [quote name='scalpy' post='1074715' date='Jan 1 2011, 08:19 PM']Stick Dave Hood on the list as well! By the way if anyone can tell me who played Respect by Aretha Franklin that would be great, I've heard conflicting reports.[/quote] i think it was tommy cogbill? i think he was the bass player on i never loved a man the way i loved you.....and lady soul albums.....but she often used several bassists....but im pretty sure its him.
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