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Posts posted by Something

  1. Hi there !

    I bought a used SUB several months ago. Back in the years I was the proud owner of a beautiful Stingray 5 in transluscent red with a mapple neck. A beautiful bass and definitely a keeper. But for some reasons I had to sell it.

    I promised myself I would buy another one when I could. But the price here in France is sooooo expensive and I couldn't afford it. May you imagine my joy when I've found this SUB 5 for a very good price ?

    This bass is gorgeous and is a player (it became my main bass, nevertheless I looooove my Lakland DJ5 which was my main bass for years !).

    But I have to say that I have a little issue with this bass. It came with no pickguard ! I've found that it looked cool at the first time, but I definitely prefer with a pickguard.
    That being said, I tried to find a new one but in vain, in France.
    I 've checked pickguard heaven, but the price is very expensive (almost 100 $ including shipping !).

    So I was wondering if anyone here could be so nice to scan the shape of the pickguard of his SUB 5 and send it to me by mail ?

    In that way, a friend of mine could be able to make a new pg for me.

    I know I ask a lot, but it's important for me and it's the last way I've found to get it done.

    So ? Anyone ?

    Thanks by advance guys !

  2. Exactly Habo' ! Lakies are so great basses !
    Hey Crazykiwi what a picture ! :)

    Sure you did a great party with all that basses ! So much DJ's on it...And nobody to do a trade with my 55-02 :huh:

    So sad...


  3. Just went down to Lakland.com and there are some new soundclips in the audio section...

    Bob Glaub, Joe Osborn US and...Skyline DJ5 ! :huh:

    I've just listened to them and it confirms what my heart tells me...I'll go to a DJ5 !!!
    Looks great and sounds awesome !

    Comparing (spelling ?) to my 55-02 I prefer the sound which is a bit more dirtier...More Jazz Bass... :)

    The JO sounds very good too...


  4. Thanks folks ! :)

    Lulu, yes I've tried a DJ5 the day I bought my 55-02. Great bass and great neck, good sounding too...And what a look !
    But I came to buy a 55-02, what I did.

    Now I don't regret my purchase but I think the DJ5 is very gorgeous and indeed I'm a kinda guy who prefers Jazz Bass likes basses...Even if the 55-02 is stunning at all levels !

    But you know what I mean cause you play a 55-94 :huh:

    EDIT : I know you've allready repplied me on Onlybass...

  5. Hey Nuf !
    Welcome on board my friend !

    I'm here since yesterday and it's a very good place to be...

    Hey folks, this boy is young but it's a killer with a bass in his hands.
    It's especially a very sweet man... :)

  6. [quote name='P-T-P' post='48309' date='Aug 21 2007, 12:51 PM']Be aware however, the neck profile and fingerboard radius on the DJ5 is different to the 55-02. The JO5 has a similar neck to the 5502.[/quote]

    Oh thank you for the advice...I didn't notice that... :huh: and thanks for answering.

    Other advices and answers are welcome Folks ! :)

  7. Hi folks,

    So I think all is in the tittle

    I bought a 55-02 (my first Lakie) one year ago.

    It's a very good bass for sure. The best I've ever played, however i've played Stingray 5, Warwick, Fender US dlx V and many others...

    But I think this bass doesn't give me what I want, I mean in the sound, especially in slap...I always spend so much time to try to find the sound.
    Plug'n play is the way...

    Think it's a bit too Musicman oriented for me...But maybe I'm wrong. :)

    And I think I'm a little bit wearied by my 55-02. By the way it looks I mean...

    Usually I dont keep basses for long. The one I kept the most is my Fender US dlx V (Five years). I sold it cause the B string is a little floppy.

    And especially (and most of all) I'm a Jazz bass man.

    I mean even before I started to play bass, the look and design of Jazz Basses always kept my eyes.

    For me a good looking bass is a Jazz bass (understand Jazz bass like, not especially a Fender !).

    I love my 55-02 very much but I'm very GASing on a DJ5... :huh:

    I like the way it looks so much than my current bass (I think the look is very important. If I don't like the design of the bass I don't want to play it...) and also the way it sounds.

    I tried one the moment I bought my 55 and liked it but I came to buy a 55...

    Now I don't have the opportunity to try once again cause the only store in France who sells Lakland is now so far away from my location. Almost 400 km... :huh:

    So what do you think ? Is it worth ?

    Ok I prefer active basses and it's the kind of basses I've ever played but I think it won't be a big problem if I get the sound I like...

    Knowing that I play funk, soul and pop/rock style in a cover band...

    I'm a little bit lost...And I don't want to do something I would regret after a week...

    Indeed I don't have the money to buy a DJ5 in new, that's the reason why I'm looking for a trade...

    I thank you by advance for your answers and advices.

    And sorry if this kind of thread has been posted before today. :huh:

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