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Everything posted by ras52

  1. Even more bizarre is the one doing the rounds about Leslie Nielsen dying.... again (he died in 2010)!
  2. I've baked a few rikens in my time...
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1453363415' post='2958688'] They should have called it the 'Dropping like flies' tour. I bet that would have shifted a few more tickets. [/quote] Did you see Fripp's promo video for the last KC tour, in which he urged us not to wait for the next one?
  4. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1453316365' post='2958412'] If you're on the petergabriel.com newsletter mailing list, you'll have already seen the presale links. Front and centre seats are yours for $250 each. I'm not sure how this sits in the scheme of US gig ticket pricing, but that's £180 at today's exchange rate. [/quote]
  5. Apologies if this has already been posted.... this is a fantastic tribute! [media]http://youtu.be/d7zldvlHh94[/media]
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1453289359' post='2958063'] Hopefully it'll be better than this travesty... [/quote] Ouch. I wish I had given up...
  7. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1453215750' post='2957482'] Watch the video. It's both of them, then one of them, then both again, then something else I forget. [/quote] That's better than when I saw Ethel (the string quartet), Joe Jackson and Todd Rundgren: they each played a solo set (that's Joe completely solo and Todd completely solo) then all got on stage together for just two or three numbers. What'll be interesting here is the possibility of Gabriel-flavoured performances of Sting songs and vice versa.
  8. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1453214665' post='2957469'] Is it only me..? [/quote] Somewhere between that and this:
  9. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1453214086' post='2957462'] Well, obviously neither of them needs to do it for reasons of finance or exposure, so they must think it works. Probably a brilliant vibe onstage! :-) [/quote] That's about it, the chat in the video is quite interesting.
  10. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1453212109' post='2957435'] Lucky old USA and Canada. I wonder if the rest of us will get a look in? [/quote] Hang in there, we got King Crimson... eventually.
  11. I didn't see this one coming: http://petergabriel.com/news/peter-and-sting-tour-2016/
  12. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1453033147' post='2955685'] The list is long; 'Anthem of the Sun'..? 'American Beauty'..? 'From the Mars Hotel'..? That'll give [i]some [/i]idea (but you had to 'be there', really, y'know..! ). Here's a rendering (amo,gst many...) of the 'anthem', 'Dark Star, and more, live. Sublime stuff; I play this stuff for hours on end. Garcia forever, I say... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV-2EJnfzjY[/media] [/quote] I gave it three minutes but they were still playing the intro...
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1452983591' post='2955382'] Surely the Wakeman album was known as King Arthur? [/quote] Not among my circle of prog-hungry north-eastern adolescents...
  14. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452961943' post='2955141'] - "Ziggy Stardust", as you can see clearly, when counted correctly, is 12 words. Bad album. [/quote] Veering into Random Thoughts territory here, but when I were a lad, Rick Wakeman's "The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" was known as "Myths and Legends". So why wasn't "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars" known as "Rise and Fall"?
  15. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452956534' post='2955059'] I'd have to say that an exception to this rule would be "Stage", which is a superb album, but maybe live albums don't count. [/quote] They do for me... David Live would be my desert-island Bowie album (and it's got two words in the title!)
  16. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452951663' post='2954994'] In the early eighties, just after "Let Us Dance" (sic!) was released, I received the following simple recipe from a Bowie aficionado: If the title of a David Bowie album is not "Low", "Heroes" or "Lodger", then it is rubbish unless the title consists of two (2) words, in which case it is great, except when those two words are "David" and "Bowie", as evidenced on a whopping two (2) early albums. Worked for me back then, but in all seriousness I'd have to revisit to check if it still holds for me. BTW, for young readers: "Space Oddity" = "David Bowie". [/quote] Hm, what about the albums colloquial two-word titles - "Ziggy Stardust" and "Scary Monsters" - which are rather good but whose correct titles are somewhat longer? And is "Pin-ups" one word or two? This recipe seems fraught with hazards... (And why didn't Bowie just make all of his albums great by giving them two-word titles?)
  17. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1452862380' post='2954166'] Now there is a can of worms! [/quote] Can of Worms? I preferred their early stuff...
  18. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1452860290' post='2954144'] Musical blind spots I wish I had ; u2 , Genesis , yes, Madonna , Bob Dylan , razor light , Kings of Leon , bloc party ,early Beatles ( I think the stuff they did when out if fly heir skulls was better ) ,def leppard , Bruce Springsteen , van Morrison , dire straits , bee gees ( before disco stuff they were OK ) & guns and roses. Edith Piaf . Sorry if I offend . I have listened to the above , and seen a few of the names mentioned , but I tried. My bosses played a few of the bands above also numerous times, boring the crap out of me . Blue ..if you mentioned Motörhead instead of megadeath ( lemmy) in your opening posts above , you wouldn't have got as much flack as you did IMHO . Just saying;) It's a bit like me saying Paul mc cartney was a great player with the yardbirds . No offence meant , just surprised you didn't know how big an icon lemmy is/ was;) This thread is good tho '. TBH , I can't really think of any blind spots I've experienced except maybe King Crimson . Heard about 2 tracks . Levin is a legend obviously , but I just haven't got round to doing so . Yet. [/quote] Maybe U2 etc. for you are blind alleys (we devoted time to listen to it but didn't find anything of value) rather than blind spots (we never knew about these bands), and King Crimson is for you a "known unknown", as Donald Rumsfeld might have said
  19. I remember where I was... I was sitting in front of the hi-fi
  20. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1452799962' post='2953668'] Other turnings are available but generally sneered at. [/quote] Yeah, the one from the A21 southbound to the M25 clockwise is a nasty one.
  21. It's like tantric sex. You stay in for ages and no one comes.
  22. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1452724938' post='2952983'] Bob Dylan Van Morrison Nirvana All passed me by.. [/quote] Me too. I wasn't really listening to contemporary bands when Nirvana bloomed, but I can see the appeal. Not so with Dylan and Morrison... a lot of people say ah, it's Dylan's lyrics.... but even great lyrics don't sway me if I don't find anything to interest me in the music.
  23. "[color=#3C3241]we must make clear that rehearsal is not where one learns the song. [/color]" - I approve! Unfortunately my extreme comfort when wearing make-up is probably not enough to override my other shortcomings....
  24. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1452388681' post='2949593'] If you've heard the singles, you may be in for a surprise when you listen to the album! [/quote] Which makes me look forward to it even more! I found Heathen, Reality and The Next Day mostly... unsurprising.
  25. Just bought it today... listening will have to wait for the cooperation of junior family members. I've already heard and loved Sue, Backstar and Lazarus, which must be about half the album! Tim L also plays with Tedeschi Trucks Band, who were my big discovery last year (and who have an album coming out later this month).
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