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Everything posted by ras52

  1. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1376916612' post='2180752'] Would it help if I played a Hagstrom Swede ? [/quote] Sure, just turnip and play.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376333868' post='2172379'] Quorn section! Oh come on that's great [/quote] ...with a tuber holding down the bottom end?
  3. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1375984733' post='2168329'] That's excellent, I take it you created such a masterpiece whilst you should have been working but with quality like that you are excused! [/quote] Heh heh, I can't claim that for my own: I saw it on a T-shirt last week so I quick image search did the trick.
  4. Boss TU-88 - little headphone amp with aux in, metronome and tuner.
  5. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375961119' post='2167883'] Oh, do please - I'm sure it'd be very interesting to read. I have a smile on my face as I write this, but I am actually deadly serious. I think an honest discussion of the good and bad points of music can be very enlightening, so long as it's conducted in an amicable fashion. Of course, it's all subjective, but I've got into some music that I had thought I didn't like, because of listening to someone else explain what they liked about it. And I think I've clarified my own appreciation of stuff I do like, by listening to someone else explain why they don't like it. But hey, if you don't like it, you probably have better things to do than write an in-depth analysis of [i]why[/i] you don't like it. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1375954346' post='2167765'] It could be argued that because you are "trading" in completely different "products" there is no chance of confusing the two and you'll be OK. [/quote] This. Think Monsoon (and Band Aid, etc.) That darn Internet thing has made it too easy to discover that someone else shares your name. Just be careful with your logo (think Apple vs Apple).
  7. Mine's 2.75" thick (oerr missus) so is unstable on this: But would probably be OK on something like this, which is guess is similar to the Stagg: BTW, that one above is ultra-cheap on Amazon - in the Kitchen & Home category! http://www.amazon.co.uk/HAUSEN-FOLDING-A-FRAME-ACOUSTIC-ELECTRIC/dp/B00D3OBK0O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1375953032&sr=8-2&keywords=guitar+floor+stand
  8. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375883212' post='2166884'] And no, it's not Genesis do country. Sorry, I've had to explain this to a few people over the years, but it's really quite simple. Look, country is bad. Anything that is listenable, or even good, therefore, is not country. Some people don't seem to get this. When I explain that some Johnny Cash stuff is good, and therefore, those songs are not country, they look at me like I'm a little bit deranged. I don't understand it myself, as it seems so simple. So anyway, M&V, BoB, TA, etc are all pretty good, and therefore not country. Ok! ;-) :-) [/quote] Ah, that reminds of a convo I had recently - when I said I like soul but not blues, I was asked, what's the difference? My answer was if I liked it it was soul, if not then it was blues
  9. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375882565' post='2166870'] Like Floyd's last album being "The Final Cut", I always wondered how conscious Genesis were of this. It's beautiful, in retrospect, for the last song on their last album to be this song. But did they really already know that that was it? (Yes, I'm aware that a band calling themselves Floyd released another album or two after TFC, and that a band calling themselves Genesis released another album after WCD. But, seriously ... ;-) ) [/quote] Veering OT, but The Final Cut is arguably a Waters solo album in Floyd's clothing... whereas Genesis always sounded like a band rather than one person's "vision".
  10. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1375868187' post='2166593'] Frank's solo set has often included Genesis material in his solo set. I've seen him do the intro to Dancing With The Moonlit Knight, among others (my memory fails me) Also he appears on Steve Hackett's recent "Genesis Revisited 2". He sings on Moonlit Knight again, and as well the last section of Supper's Ready ("As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)") [/quote] He's just sung on a re-working of the whole of The Lamb! [url="http://www.francisdunnery.com/music-2/"]http://www.francisdunnery.com/music-2/[/url]
  11. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1375804364' post='2165910'] I didn't really want this to turn into a discussion that ends up slating each side of the genesis wagon... :s [/quote] Sorry... just thinking of PC's solo stuff, which is another story, as is Gabriel's. Back to the band: Loved them up to Wind and Wuthering - and thinking of the guitar solos thread I'd mention Firth of Firth and The Lamia.
  12. Genesis were a machine for converting a good drummer into an MOR singer. (Discuss.)
  13. Probably not great running material, as they have [size=4]d[/size][size=3]y[/size][size=2]n[/size][size=1]am[/size][size=2]i[/size][size=3]c[/size][size=4]s[/size]!
  14. This baby is tuner, metronome and headphone amp in one: http://www.roland.co.uk/products/productdetails.aspx?p=1004&c=51
  15. For strumming chords I just pretend that the bottom string is an octave lower than it is, then it all makes sense. The penny dropped when I realised that the intervals are the same as those of the top four strings of a guitar, so all the guitar-chord shapes "work" - all that remains then is to treat is as transposing instrument that's a 4th/5th out!
  16. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375430818' post='2161044'] Get one of these and you can adjust it to whatever body thickness in want. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/km_17550_egitarrenstaender.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...renstaender.htm[/url] The only problem I have is that the adjusters can get knocked when you lift a guitar off the stand, which you then need to watch out for when you out the guitar down again. But the cover that you can buy separately might deal with that issue. [/quote] Ah, an adjustable base - neat. I also spotted this one, it looks like it may be a bit "plasticky": http://www.amazon.co.uk/TRAVEL-STAND-ACOUSTIC-ELECTRIC-GUITAR/dp/B00B4EJXE0/ref=pd_sim_sbs_MI_3 as I couldn't spot a UK dealer for the K&M stand - and do not want to be tempted to spend around £185 to qualify for Thomann free delivery! Thanks for this and other suggestions... so far I'm a floor-stand man, and haven't considered hanging stands.
  17. Dropbox sounds good to me - non-members can still reach public (but secret) links to files.
  18. So I accidentally bought one of these while in the shop for something else [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/acoustics/classical/cn-240sce-thinline-classical-solid-top-rosewood-fingerboard-natural/"]http://www.fender.co...rboard-natural/[/url] While in the shop it occurred to me that I didn't have a bag/case to fit it, so we tried a few and found that a gig bag designed for a 335 did the trick. Then I got home and realised I didn't have a stand for it... I have a mix of Hercules and Schubb Talon mini floor stands. This baby flaps around on the Hercules acoustic stand - any suggestions for something similar that would hold this? The spec says it's 2.75" thick at the base.
  19. Loving the artwork!
  20. "In the field" I had - still have - a Walkman Pro, now I use a Yamaha Pocketrax. In between I also had an Aiwa portable DAT and a Sony Minidisc recording Walkman (probably still have that too... time for a clear-out, methinks!)
  21. My dad had a big old reel-to-reel suitcase-type machine, the make of which I don’t know. I recall it had some sort of sound-on-sound overdubbing facility, but was more interesting to me was that I could plug my Avon Les Paul copy into the mic input and get a great Fripp-like sound. I’d been led to experiment having read that Fripp used a pair of Revoxes. Hopefully they didn’t start belching smoke like my dad’s machine eventually did… (sorry dad). We then had a Chinon cassette deck – I’ve unsuccessfully scoured the web for evidence of this machine but it was fantastic: it had four faders for mic and line stereo inputs which could be used simultaneously, which opened up the possibility of real overdubbing. I would record something, pop the cassette in another machine and record its output on the line inputs while adding more stuff through the mic inputs! As a young adult I then splashed out on a used Dokorder 4-track which had been modified to use 10.5” reels – which the motor struggled with, so FF and REW needed manual encouragement J the machine came to a sticky end after I lent it to a local theatre company who managed to destroy it. Then came this familiar fellow, with which I got way better results than with the Dokorder: Then things got serious with this little lot: I would record a timecode on the Fostex and sync it with the Atari. Then I could do a live bounce to stereo with MIDI drums and keyboards, audio from the other tracks on the Fostex, usually with live guitar and/or vocals mixed in too! Then came a huge sabbatical… now back in the fold but it’s all digital and non-nostalgic!
  22. Ooh, nice to hear that Gaucho is getting some love. It seemed the poor relation of Aja at the time, but a few years ago it revealed itself to me as magnificent from start to finish.
  23. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1375262971' post='2158900'] The raised 7th accidental is your best clue. [/quote] That's good when you have the whole score (as in a piano piece) but as we all know bass players just play roots and fifths So identifying the tonic (home) may be a better bet: one sharp and the bass keeps returning to G suggests G major, one sharp and the bass keeps returning to E suggests E minor. *edited for basic stupidity*
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1375203544' post='2158121'] I like this not sure how to work out the key from one flat but its still good. [/quote] There's no F-ing way!
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