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Everything posted by ras52

  1. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1375198354' post='2158011'] All cows eat grass... [/quote] Oh no they don't! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle_feeding Which makes me wonder whether Father Charles lied on his CV about the bacon-eating (or battle-ending). Or if that's even his real name.
  2. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1374847194' post='2154019'] Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle [/quote] In my day it was "Father Charles goes down and eats bacon". I don't remember a mnemonic (!) for the flats, I think I just had "BEADG" learned by rote (at that stage of learning we didn't need to know about C flat and F flat). But when I saw "ends battle" I had to rack my brain to remember how I learnt it... once the circles of fifths and fourths are absorbed it becomes second nature and the mnemonics can be discarded. And then there's Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (or Fruit), and Good Boys Deserve Fruit (or Favour) Always... Have fun!
  3. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1375196003' post='2157977'] The proof I have isn't particularly definitive unfortunately, I checked numerous bios of Hungate, all of which list him as the bassist on the aforementioned track. These bios include AOL and BBC as sources. [/quote] Hm, BBC uses Wikipedia as a source of many of its "articles". This is not said to cast doubt on your statement, rather to lament the decline of Auntie :-(
  4. It was a l-o-n-g time ago, but Chandler's Kew did a superb full service/MOT job on my old Strat, including stoning the frets etc,
  5. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' timestamp='1375031963' post='2155967'] Come on you know you want it....! [/quote] That may be true, but this ad is an endangered species and those tree-hugging conservationists want to keep it running!
  6. O Basschat how I have missed thee. After a bit of a sabbatical I'm glad to see it's only a short hop - via a musically-literate drummer! - from a serious resource of public-domain scores to pimping a drag artiste.
  7. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1375098093' post='2156590'] Thank's for that - I noticed there was no Rachmaninoff there ? Mind you, you would need hands like shovels (Left hand anyway) I also wish there was somewhere I could grab some Dave Grusin piano parts. Garry [/quote] Rach had the temerity to die later than the featured composers, so it's probably a copyright thing.
  8. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1375103348' post='2156686'] Yup here's mary had a little lamb.. 64-62-60-62-64-64-64-62-62-62-64-67-67-64-62-60-62-64-64-64-62-62-64-62-60- [/quote] Thank you
  9. Do they do tab?
  10. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1375093623' post='2156529'] I think the worst thing a shop can do is put you through some little practice amp when you're trying out an instrument. Surely you want it to sound as good as it can when the prospective customer is making up his or her mind? Case in point - was in Glasgow a couple of weeks back. Tried a bass in one shop and was put through an Orange crush combo which was buried behind another amp (?). Tried a bass in another shop and was put through a Mark Bass combo. From which shop do you think I bought the bass? Not the first time a shop has lost a sale from me because they made the bass I am trying sound merely functional. I try not to take it personally either, but there's a degree of feeling like I'm not being taken seriously in all this. [/quote] +1 I "popped into" Andertons on Saturday - I went to buy a specific item but thought I'd have a nose around first. An electo-acoustic g**t*r caught my eye, and when I asked to hear it amplified they found me a quiet spot downstairs and set up a very nice AER amp and left me to it. To cut a long story short... thank god for interest-free credit!
  11. P with flatwounds P with roundwounds Something fretless - currently Roscoe Century Standard fits the bill To which I could add: Something with bridge p/u (although the above Ps could be PJs) A five-string for me to occasionally dabble with before going back to the fours.
  12. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1374863935' post='2154297'] Not quite but you're nearly there. Well done! [/quote] Which is the one with Christina Hendricks on bass? ...or am I thinking of the Jimi / Ms Aguilera tribute act?
  13. Those settings map to the notches on the arm of a traditional mechanical metronome, so Korg are following that. My electronic metronome (also a Korg, I think) can flip between adjusting by these traditional steps or in increments of 1. As mentioned, unlike modern click tracks, those metronomes were never designed to be used in performance, and it was always implicit that a real-world performance of a piece marked as say MM=120 would be performed "somewhere in the region of" 120 bpm.
  14. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1374764941' post='2152938'] I toyed with the idea of forming Alarming Morissette once. [/quote] ...but it was too close to a Smiths tribute band with a rubbish restricted-growth frontperson: Alas, It's Morrissette
  15. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1374758663' post='2152867'] Wow that looks amazing. [/quote] Sounds quite good too!
  16. [b]Jeu d'esprit [/b]- Witty versions of Judas Priest songs, in French [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1374757430' post='2152847'] A crap Jaco tribute...Jaco Pisspoorious. [/quote] I'm sure I've heard of a Steely Dan tribute band with a neat name, but it escapes me....
  17. Hm, I haven't done one of these before so I don't know what the rules/guidelines usually are, but: Is the idea that the music provides a soundtrack to the video, or that it *could* be associated with the sequence of images? If the latter, then - IF I were doing it, which may be tough during the school holidays - I'd prefer the freedom to sit on each image for a period of my choosing, e.g. the architecture of the composition might demand that Image X is used for twice as long as Image Y, etc. My 2c!
  18. Is there a picture/video on this thread? I can't see any links or anything embedded
  19. All right, here are half-a-dozen more: [b]Pro Bono [/b]- Lawyers play U2 [b]Cher Floyd [/b]- Gypsies, tramps and flying pigs, with a dash of X-Factor pop [b]Jacques O'Pastorius [/b]- Gallic-Gaelic fretless wizardry [b]Wand Erection [/b]- Magic porno boy band [b]Oliver's Sarnie [/b]- Elvis Costello tribute, available for quick lunchtime gigs [b]Another Prick on the Wal [/b]- Floyd tribute whose bass player has excellent taste in instruments but is otherwise an annoying fellow
  20. [quote name='aldude' timestamp='1374656516' post='2151301'] Nah, that would be called Seven Sheds of Grey? [/quote] Perhaps, but mine is more of a tongue-twister ...oo-err!
  21. How about a band aimed at alloy-wheeled boy racers, playing Waterloo Sunset and 21st-Century Schizoid Man: Kinks Rims-on #illgetmecoat
  22. A Shed Seven tribute called Seven Shades of Shed?
  23. Some of these puns are offal.
  24. Van der Graaf Generator are frequently guitarless as Peter Hammill hops between guitar and piano. They're also bassless!
  25. I know someone who plays in Kins of Leon.
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