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Everything posted by ras52

  1. Glad to be of help... even though I'm still not sure what the original question was :-O Re. dropping the fifth... here we get in the territory of "if it sounds right, it is right". Everyone agrees that a plain C chord contains C E and G. Does Cmaj7 include a G? You decide. The further you get into this, the more you may find that "naming" chords is perilous business, and that the only way to accurately comminicate what you mean is by spelling out the individual notes... then letting others argue about what it's called! For an famous example which has caused chord-namers much fun, try [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tristan_chord"]http://en.wikipedia..../Tristan_chord.[/url] (The article is probably still readable if you don't read notation.)
  2. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1342353687' post='1733574'] ... For example, C major is constructed of the Root note © ... [/quote] Whoah! Does that mean anyone who uses the term "root note" pays you a royalty?!
  3. [quote name='Rumble' timestamp='1342339742' post='1733298'] I hope this makes sense! [/quote] Er, no Are you talking about which triads are commonly built on each degree of a scale? E.g. in your example of G major: G Am Bm C D Em F#dim which can be genralised as I IIm IIIm IV V VIm VIIdim Then if you want to extend this to seventh chords using just the notes of the major scale, you get Gmaj7 Am7 Bm7 Cmaj7 D7 Em7 F#m7b5 (the last one is a "half-diminshed" seventh - I think jazzers use a circle symbol for it) Hope that makes sense too... and maybe even addresses your question!?
  4. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1342022427' post='1728297'] I can +1 the full transcriptions (no tab please! If you don't even give tab as an option, it may encourage people to read actual music. [/quote] It's been observed here, by publishers I think, that the market for a tab-less book is a small fraction of that of a tabbed book. So it's probably economical suicide to go tab-free. However, IIRC there are or have been a couple of columnists who don't put tab in their articles, which I think is a nice balance: tab-fiends are catered for to a degree, and are also given a glimpse of what they're missing out on.
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1341485180' post='1719762'] Like a printer? [/quote] Smudged from the very first line...
  6. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1341414512' post='1718618'] [color=#666666][font=verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=3]...[/size][/font][/color][font=georgia, serif] basically you don't even have to be a able to play bass to join this band...[/font] [/quote] Of their many criteria, that's the only one I can meet!
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1341409655' post='1718521'] Actually can we not have any more Fender than you already have. As has already been pointed out Fender only really make two basses. And if you want to find out what those two basses are like you can go to to a Fender dealer and try them for yourself. It's easy and you don't need a magazine to tell you want to think. Unless they start doing something radically new, one Fender review per year should be sufficient. And Fender basses aren't not as ubiquitous as you think. At the gigs that I go to, a Fender bass is a rarity... [/quote] Actually in the last few months of my subs I recall a steady stream of Fender stuff, such as reviews of the anniversary and "modern player" models.
  8. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1341409223' post='1718507'] That took whole 3 minutes for our Japanese friend to appear. Standards are dropping [/quote] Sorry. I had to fire up YouTube and think up an appropriate search term. (I went for "korean bass transvestite".) I prolly need to save the link as a draft somewhere for rapid response. (I suppose I could "favourite" it in YouTube, but I fear for what may turn up in the "you may also like..." recommendations )
  9. [media]http://youtu.be/3IKqiM_QZ3o[/media]
  10. Very interesting, I may renew my subscription... not that I cancelled it or anfink, it just quietly expired and I wasn't prompted to renew it. (Probably coincident with a recent period of transition...) I too tend to skim the reviews and focus on the interviews and educational stuff. So perhaps we meed more educational interviews with bass-wielding naked women...
  11. [quote name='indiegrungesound' timestamp='1341152099' post='1714339'] Couldn't log on to Richard Searle's page for some reason. Liked everybody else on Facebook(Not quite what was asked for on this thread, but I hope you don't mind folks! ) Thanks for all the interest so far! You've all helped to push us up our chart! Cheers! [/quote] ...glad someone spotted the deliberate mistake The full stop ended up as part of the URL - now fixed, thank you!
  12. Oh go on then: [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/richardsearle"]http://www.reverbnat.../richardsearle[/url] Sort of "indie soul", I think.
  13. Whenever I see a Pro IIE or a MkI Custom fretless on here I have a bittersweet gander and wonder if I'll find one of the pair I sold before my bass-playing sabbatical... can't help wondering where they are now, sob sob... Fantastic instruments and I'm sure your provisional buyer will love it!
  14. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1339922278' post='1696198'] Warwick - although I really like the Spector Mm- only ever played one I liked and that was an olp Jazz- just can't get on with the body shape [/quote] Hey - are you me? I'll only add singlecuts to that list.
  15. Thanks guys. I have a WD "passport" USB-powered external HD lying around so I'll start using that and see how it goes. If that's not up to it, I imagine that an internal HD would be faster as well as cheaper than an external one...? Let the experiments begin!
  16. Hi All, Well I took the plunge and got myself an M-Audio Fast Track interface with Pro Tools SE. Just tinkering at the moment on the "downstairs" desktop PC used for everything, but thinking of setting up in the spare bedroom. Some questions: the docs (and some cursory googling) recommend using a second hard drive for the audio data. Is this just simply a question of creating new projects on the second drive, or do individual projects need to be split so that the audio files (and only the audio files) are on the second drive? And can the second drive be a simple USB external drive? (And a USB-powered one at that?) Thank you! (I guess I could find the answers to these questions in other forums, but I expect BC answers to be more entertaining )
  17. Pretty much anyone who played bass in pre-Belew King Crimson: Greg Lake, Boz Burrell, John Wetton.
  18. I know, I know, I'm sure this has been done over several times before but I've had a couple of glasses of wine and I want to share with you that this is a FANTASTIC ALBUM!!! Not only is it full of great writing/arranging/singing and, er, bass playing, it also has a fabulous "sound"... so warm, and yet so clear and unmuddied. Gush over!
  19. Bump. "Popped in" today (the quotes are 'cos I live an hour's drive away :-) to get my head around USB interfaces. First visit since the refurb, stuck my head into the bass room, saw a Stagg EUB... never played a EUB before, got the OK from a staff member to noodle away. Then went on to an impromptu J vs P, MIM vs MIA thing... About an hour later I emerged and headed to the recording section and got some very straight info on the relative merits of various interfaces and monitors, with advice tailored to my particular requirements rather than trying to sell me the sexiest bells-and-whistles gear. Came away with an entry-level DAW setup (interface with bundled software, USB/MIDI cable and monitors) at least £100 under budget. Super!
  20. ...and after that eBay suggested this MIJ [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-bass-guitar-made-Japan-1989-90-/130705795448"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-bass-guitar-made-Japan-1989-90-/130705795448[/url] being sold by the world's worst photographer but possibly tasty nonetheless...
  21. Aha! Well this thread has been useful because it alerted me to a) the Basschat SoundCloud group, and the fact that there are such things as SoundCloud groups at all! I'll be adding some stuff shortly...
  22. Hm, I love my Antigua Strat (rosewood), not sure it suits the basses tho
  23. ...and produced a couple of tracks. Over time and over budget but out there at last: [url="http://soundcloud.com/richardsearle"]http://soundcloud.com/richardsearle[/url]
  24. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1333356722' post='1600330'] I just used these guys for a record I'm working on: [url="http://stardeltamastering.com/the-stardelta-way/"]http://stardeltamast...-stardelta-way/[/url] [url="http://stardeltamastering.com/cdvinylmp3-mastering/"]http://stardeltamast...lmp3-mastering/[/url] They did an amazing job... [/quote] Thanks for the recommendation, and a big +1: great sound, great service.
  25. Guitar-rock band stuff: [url="http://www.facebook.com/AndAgainBand"]http://www.facebook.com/AndAgainBand[/url] More soul/poppy solo stuff: [url="http://www.facebook.com/richardsearlemusic"]http://www.facebook.com/richardsearlemusic[/url]
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