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Everything posted by ras52

  1. ras52


    [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1334078182' post='1610618'] karate [/quote] Ha ha, you're showing your age (and now so am I)!
  2. When ZZ Top auditioned they asked for someone with Whiskas.
  3. IAMS-ure they'll find someone.
  4. ras52


    Welcome to the light side!
  5. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1333550270' post='1603400'] Plus he's now accusing me of making the bass lines too twiddly which apparently puts him off. I can barely play 2 notes anyway, and now I've just about increased my repetoire to 4 notes he thinks that's too complex!! [/quote] [i]Two[/i] notes is too complex: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgVOR28iG_o[/media]
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333555965' post='1603528'] Though I bet you've never turned up to see a band as a punter... ...[i]to find you're supposed to be playing in that band[/i]... [/quote] Although that is a recurring dream of mine! Usually I'm playing the violin, which is really bad news... although last time it was the viola.
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1333545345' post='1603279'] Was that for advertising his flower remedies? [/quote] That's exactly what Bilbo was talking about. If Bach had any "artistic integrity" he would have never have done that $1m gig for the flower remedy people.
  8. [quote name='Benplaysbass' timestamp='1333537795' post='1603037'] Mr Blue Sky, yeah great song but it would take about six months to learn the timings. [/quote] Yeah, the timings are tricky: I just looked on YouTube and they vary from 3:34 to 5:08
  9. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1333467534' post='1602141'] The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing. [/quote] I was just wondering if that bunch had been mentioned... my vote would be for Hey Jude, which seems to have entered into mass consciousness... my little daughter knew it when she was five or six.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333456984' post='1601920'] . . . SPARE PANTS > TISSUES > DENTAL FLOSS > MOIST WIPES . . . [/quote] That probably needs a separate thread...
  11. Wayyy back in the 80's Teesside/Darlo band Verba Verba's van pulled up outside my house on the way to a gig... the bass player had forgotten his bass and cadged one of mine!
  12. Listening to 70s Genesis I always feel like they're drawing attention to the funny time signatures, but there's Gabriel on his own with a naturally flowing 7/4. Nice.
  13. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1333401056' post='1601316'] Interesting that you thought the Fender flats were dodgy. I've got a set with an weird harmonic on the A string. I thought the bridge might be to blame but now I'm changing my diagnosis. [/quote] Argh, I'd just started considering that my nut was to blame! Anyway... my CV P is on its way so a bit of experimental string-swappage may shed some light on this.
  14. Blue CVs all round, hurrah!
  15. Hm, TI flats, there's a thought... Lovely on fretless but I hadn't considered them on fretted before.
  16. Thanks for the ideas... I went for the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]SPB-1, expecting delivery any day now. Then someone on here alerted me to a bargain CV Precision so I bagged that too! [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  17. [b]Sorry, that product has already been sold. This might be because:[/b] someone on Basschat bought it! Thanks for the heads up: this falls neatly into my masterplan laid out at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/171907-flats-but-on-which-bass"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/171907-flats-but-on-which-bass[/url]... although I'd already ordered a Seymour Duncan SPB-1 to put in the Ryder.... ho hum.
  18. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1333374050' post='1600713'] It'd look something like this: Playing music back particularly strumming patterns through software never sounds like it's played i real life. Notation is useful as a way to remind yourself of the main accents and pattern of a rhythm guitar part, but it's pretty limited in this respect unless you want to start notating the absolute tiniest detail - that sort of score would be very accurate but virtually unreadable to the vast majority of musicians. You could try using a 'shuffle' groove preset (if your DAW has them) to add a bit more 'life' into it though. [/quote] Also... if it's been manually entered, then it's probably being played back with each note at the same level, whereas "in real life" they'd all be different, with big differences between the accented and unaccented notes, and then subtle "imperfections" between the notes that are "supposed" to be at the same level. Hm, so many "quotation marks"... the bottom line is that the notation is a set of instructions and doesn't, as observed by Paul, exactly match real life. So I'd say just hand over the notation and forget what the computer makes it sound like.
  19. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1333373447' post='1600701'] I worship him. [/quote] Yep, Todd is Godd! And, yes, Killer Queen, the essence of 70s Queen distilled. And here's another classic on which the bass playing's not too bad either : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svAs-6MiqxE[/media]
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1333350109' post='1600231'] Great to see some love and respect for Todd Rundgren here. [/quote] +more than 1, absolute genius.
  21. And... as well as being a bit of classic in its own right, this is surely the, er, inspiration behind the classic Kylie mentioned above: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgS252XT_Ts[/media]
  22. This version, the single version... on the album it got "extended" and the, to my mind, perfect pop structure was lost... (or maybe the single is a fortuitous edit!) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ-mjp2Yko0[/media]
  23. Hi, any interest in a trade with a Retrovibe RV4B or a Hohner B2V? And although we know what they look like, we still like pics :-)
  24. Also hello from Bromley!
  25. So.... I wanna set up one of my fretted basses with flats. For that "classic" sound, the obvious host is my USA Precision, but... is just sounds too good with its current rounds, much better than anything else. So buy another USA P and string it with flats, I hear you say. That would be nice, PM me and I'll give you may Paypal details! Without buying another bass, the options are one of the B-team basses (usually living at the guitarist's house or lying around for noodling): * Ryder RP-1. This actually has some dodgy flats on it that moment (Fenders, the E string sounds weird harmonics) and plays well, but it prone to popping sounds when the strings get close to the P/U. Would a pickup upgrade help, or is this just a setup thing. I don't get it on any other bass :~/ * Squier ProTone Precision (P/J) Nice to play, but has a skinny J neck, and I prefer the width of a P! Again, plays better than it sounds (another candidate for an upgrade)) With buying a bass, but not spending much money... sell/trade the Retrovive RV4 and get a Squier CV? A crucial factor is that this bass has to be up to the job in the studio. What do you think?
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