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Everything posted by ras52

  1. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1325591085' post='1484701'] Don't know how different the Warwick's are to the Stagg - the Stagg will take acoustic instruments, but they'll take up two spaces. You just lift out one of the foam dividers from the bottom of the stand and a wider bodied instrument will sit right in there. [/quote] That's what I thought might be case... best to go for the 7-er. And if there's any space left over, there's always [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/19-for-sale-basses/"]http://basschat.co.uk/forum/19-for-sale-basses/[/url]
  2. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1325540034' post='1484252'] They say they're designed to hold both, stagg, warwick and fender have all said this for their stands. Liam [/quote] Thanks Liam - I'm eyeing up the Warwick 5-er but thought I might have to go for the 7-er to get the extra space :-O
  3. A question for the Warwick multi-stand owners: are they designed for solid-bodied instruments, or will they hold acoustic instruments? I'd like something to hold my home noodling arsenal which includes a classical and an acoustic g**t*r. Thanks!
  4. Someone puts on a Joni Mitchell CD. - Have you heard the ones with Jaco Pastorius? - No, who's he? - A pioneering fretless bass player. - Who else has he played with? - He's probably best known for playing with Weather Report. . . . . . - Are they the ones who did "It's Raining Men?"
  5. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1324842068' post='1478071'] Yeah Lost trident sessions is a favourite...but for hangovers 'Visions of the Emerald Beyond' it is...great stuff! I've even got a Mahavishnu t-shirt. Shakti anyone? [/quote] Oh yes, I have and love "Natural Elements". Plus the stuff with Miles Davis, the "Electric Guitarist" pot-pourri, and the "Trio of Doom" (Hm...). But I'm still a Mahavishnu virgin.
  6. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1324634995' post='1476418'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwyuB8QKzBI[/media] [/quote] And although I can't yet play my new LPs, I can at least watch this - which had my 8-yr-old daughter in hysterics. Thank you
  7. What's brown and sounds like a bell? [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1324659571' post='1476829'] Dung [/quote]
  8. [quote name='ZMech' timestamp='1324655297' post='1476750'] You forgot to say which is your favourite beatle Welcome to the site. [/quote] Pete was best
  9. I adore the wooden pickup housing!
  10. Hi Emily, good game you've started! I'm afraid I can't think of anyone from my home town of Plymouth, but grew up on Teesside - Chris Rea and Amelia Lily - and now as a resident of Bromley I can big up Siouxsie, Billy Idol et al! I also have a Cobra in the rehearsal room.
  11. Thanks guys... got Birds of Fire, [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Visions of the Emerald Beyond and Apocalypse, plus Love, Devotion, Surrender for good measure![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]£2 each and all for charidee... now I need to unpack my turntable which is still in the "spare" room after last year's move :-O[/font][/color]
  12. I've found a stash of Mahavishnu LPs at a fair - which ones do you recommend?
  13. If it's improvised, then it is indeed as you suggest experience and fretboard knowledge. I guess most of can make up a tune in our heads - a singer can "just sing it", and the experienced, studied and practised instrumentalist can "just play it".
  14. [quote name='MusicLover20015' timestamp='1324576605' post='1475889'] By the way i just wanted to know .... is it 'bad' to pre-make (couldn't find another word LOl) a solo ? It should be spontaneous and what your feeling inside at that right momment shouldn't it ? I was reading something about this the other day and someone had said that Jaco Pre-made all his solo's so it kind of changed my mind. Now im just sitting here confused. [/quote] There are no "should"s! (That's perhaps a separate discussion, vaguely related to the "musical snobs" thread - who cares for the opinions of people hung up on what you "should" or "should not" be playing?) I'd rather listen to a good pre-composed solo than a bad improvised one. A show-off solo is fine by me if it's in a show-off context - we gasp at acrobats at the circus, so why not? But a show-off solo in the middle of a "regular" song - no thanks! Here's a nice example of a non-acrobatic solo, at around 2'10": short, sweet, and fits the song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dPf9GQEdes"][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dPf9GQEdes[/media][/url]
  15. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1324377062' post='1473482'] Would this part be played pizzacato? >Coat pre-worn for speed. [/quote] Sounds a bit cheesy to me.
  16. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1324478755' post='1474753'] I DO however, regret not buying a fretless Wal for £700 roughy ten years ago; I was but a poor student at the time... [/quote] Spooky - one of my biggest regrets is selling a fretless Wal for ~£700 around ten years ago!
  17. I can twist the tip of mine one way while twisting the base in the opposite direction.
  18. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1324403895' post='1473916'] Well, I've just paid fora left-handed s/h Squier Standard P Bass Special (jazz neck and additional jazz pu, well I didn't know!) having been convinced by all of your posts on this topic Will let you know what it's like and if I see anyone pointing and laughing from the back of the room...... [/quote] Loving my Squier P/J! And only this weekend my 8-year-old daughter declared it the coolest of my basses :-)
  19. I don't think the OP is a snob, more that he's worried about the opinion of snobs...
  20. Ha, the key you're in is the key you think (or rather feel) you're in! We have a song whose verse basically alternates between A and D chords. One guitarist asked which key it was in - the other guitarist said "A" and I said, simultaneously, "D" (or vice versa, I forget). He heard it as I - IV in A, whereas I heard it as V - I in D. Sometimes it's straightforward - play around with A, D and E and it'll feel like A major (I-IV-V being "primary" chords). So in the above example, if there was an E chord as well as the A and E, we would have agreed it was in A (A-D-E = I-IV-V). Similarly, if there was was a G we would have agreed it was D (D-G-A = I-IV-V in D). Most "tonal" western music works with the tensions between keys - sometimes you know you're in one key, sometimes you know you're another, and - where the fun really starts - sometimes you're somewhere in between and don't quite know where you are. Art is nothing without ambiguity (...discuss)
  21. [quote name='skampino' timestamp='1324078754' post='1470773'] I am playing an F# when he plays an Eb minor chord. Our guitarist says this is not musically correct. Is he right? [/quote] He's right. Play Gb instead.
  22. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1324308570' post='1472830'] MB1. "i believe the battery compartment requires attention as it does not accept current 9v batteries?" This'll be the Rare model you have to jump start off a 12v car battery then! [/quote] Or perhaps it has an on-board generator that you start with a rip-cord...
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