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Everything posted by Clydefrog

  1. Carter Beauford
  2. Extreme, Get The Funk Out. Dirty little groove on this one, and some rapid fire funk breakdowns to get my fingers around. At the last praccy I was astounded to find that my bandmates have all pretty much nailed it already, so it shouldn't take long to get it in the set... Then we're onto Won't Get Fooled Again
  3. Damn it, I've gone gassy for a Jazz now. Surf green/white pearloid is a cool choice. Found these Valenti basses (there's a CAR one in the sale/trade forum at the mo), and...erm... Sorry, had to sneak that Blueburst in...GUMPH Looking at the website, the Jazzes start at $1499, and with the exchange rate being what it is.... Anyone had any experience with these?? Cheers, Si
  4. Sorry to hear of the tendonitis mate, hope you keep it under control. I had a very annoying thing happen at a gig a few weeks ago. Halfway through the second set, playing a fairly busy line, and the middle finger on my left (fretting) hand just curled over into a claw shape and locked there Panic stations...I had to switch into root-notes mode for the rest of the song, and give my hand a good shaking out aftewards. I realised I had left my watch on (usually take it off to play), and that my recently lowered strap was forcing my wrist into a 90 degree angle. Not good, so back to Funk Position and no problems since. It was a wake up call to be honest, sod looking "rawk", I want to be playing for as long as I can Cheers, Si
  5. Dunno about the happiest, but certainly the weirdest was a party near Goodwood over the festival of speed weekend. Looked up mid-number to see Damon Hill up the front wiggling about in a Roman legionary costume Cheers, Si
  6. The first bass I owned and played was some fugly creation that someone had evidently knocked up at evening classes. It was a fretless (with inlaid lines, oh yes) and had been hacked out of a mahogany tabletop into a sort of P-Bass looking shape with a 2+2 headstock... I couldn't get much of a sound out of it through my 10W Peavey guitar amp, so I went to the music shop for My First Set Of Bass Strings. After rushing home to fit them, I found it STILL didn't sound up to much and my dad insisted I take the strings back as they must be faulty (Bloke in music shop: What do you mean "[i]they don't work[/i]"?) Erm, it turned out that the home made pickup on this thing was less than efficient This was in the days before t'internet and helpful things like Basschat... Anyhooo, I soon upgraded to a Marlin Sidewinder after that! Cheers, Si
  7. Ummm, there is this.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Steinberger-XZ2-4-String-Bass-HoneyBurst-translucent_W0QQitemZ130170272404QQihZ003QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Steinberger-XZ2-4-St...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] I used to have one of these a few years ago, and it wasn't at all bad- the hardware looked to be proper Steinberger stuff (the bridge/tuner was superbly made), and overall it was very nicely finished. Can't remember raving about the tone at the time though. Cheers, Si
  8. Ah, go on then. I'm a lightweight really. The beanie gets flung behind the drums roughly halfway through the first set- too blimmin hot. Cheers, Si
  9. [quote]QUOTE(JD1 @ Oct 11 2007, 06:51 PM) Do I Do +1 on this song, the bass line is incredible![/quote] Astounding groove on this track- I was having bit of a ho-hum old day, but 10 and a half minutes of this has sorted me right out [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVHVisaIuzA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVHVisaIuzA[/url] Cheers, Si
  10. I bought an EHX Big Muff from O.H.M. It arrived in double-quick time, just as described, and he kindly threw in an A.C. adaptor. Simply fuss-free
  11. Morning Doctor, I have a 410TVX, which is used for all of my pub-gigs as a stand alone cab, and is teamed up with a 115BX for the bigger ones. To be honest it was the first cabinet I ever bought so I can't offer an opinion on how it stacks up against the Ampeg...however, it does exactly what I want it to do, i.e., cream out big smooth clean tone, with no sign of fuzziness even when I'm cranking it. Sound engineers like my rig, and another local bassist is happy to use it when we occasionally share backline (and here's a guy who's usually tooled up with Mesa gear). I thought about "upgrading" to Ampeg cabs, but couldn't help concluding the main thing I'd gain was some bar-room bragging rights Cheers! Si
  12. [quote]Always thought of it as more of a Ford Focus myself...[/quote] Ford Focus indeed! I bite my thumb at you sir!
  13. That is a stunner! A long eight weeks but it'll be worth it - delayed gratification and all that Si
  14. Ernie Ball Stingray. It's the Dodge Charger of bass.
  15. Heh, cheers mate- no excuse, just went onto silent running for a while there!
  16. 29, been playing on and off for 12 years or so. Fingerstyle all the way, never got on with using a pick although I do like the sound. For me, bass is all about locking in tight with a great drummer and attempting to take the venue apart by having a riot! Doesn't always work of course I mainly play classic rock and pop stuff these days and it's fun putting my own stamp on that kind of thing, without losing the original feel. Si
  17. I'll second (or third or fourth) what's been said about reliability- my MAX 700 has been gigged very hard for a couple of years now, and has never misbehaved once. I've mentioned this before on the old forum, but some chimp threw the head off a ferry onto a concrete quayside- and even that didn't break it... I run it into a 410 TVX and have recently scored a 115 BX on the fleabay...I can't see myself changing this rig anytime soon:) Although, yeah, it's all hideously heavy! Soundwise, I was very interested to read you guys using the Sansamp to liven it up a bit. Coincidentally, I have a Sansamp programmable Bass Driver on the way. I have always thought the Peavey, although fantastically powerful, was a bit lacking in personality so was looking for a way of getting a bit more grind...will report back. Anyway, I loves me some Peavey Cheers, Si
  18. Evening all! I used to post occasionally on the old green bassworld, so I thought I would show up on the spanky new forum as well. Real name's Simon, I live in Guernsey where I play in a dirty cheesy 5 piece hair-rock outfit called U.S. Monster Trucks. We hammer the pub circuit, plus wedding and parties for those that want something a bit different and don't mind having Aunt Gladys blown off her feet by Black Betty... I'm also in a Blooz band which gigs once in a blue moon. In my "own time" I like playing fingerstyle funk stuff, anything that grooves really. The gear bit: Main bass is a 3 band Stingray, Pacific Blueburst, Maple neck. The Ray is backed up by: Fender Jazz Active Deluxe (MIM) Cort Artisan A4 (lovely bass, criminally under-used) Epiphone Thunderbird (Down an dirty, perfect for Blues) Ampwise: Peavey MAX 700 > Peavey 410TVX and 115 BX BW (The rig of doom) Just picked up the 115 on ebay and haven't had the chance to test the full stack yet... outdoor gigs coming up! GK MB150 for practicing... That's it really, look forward to chiming in here and there Cheers, S
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