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Everything posted by chrismuzz

  1. F Series all the way! Before I used dirt pedals the F1 was still a monster, the super quick aggressive attack it was capable of meant that a clean tone more than did the job and if the attack is too much and you want a bit more warmth, well that's what the VLE is for
  2. F1 + grit pedal is the way to go! I've never tries their tube stuff and I'm so happy with solid state I don't think I'll bother
  3. I've seen worse relic-ing...
  4. The fender headstock kills it. It should be a tie fighter or something. Or an X wing!! That'd be fun
  5. Jeff Berlin is a bell end. Shame because he's a good player, but he's let it go to his head. And personally, I love Jazz basses. My favourite brand is Peavey, and even though at on point I could have purchased any bass I wanted to, I chose my Grind, and a Markbass rig. It may not be the best gear in everyone's opinion, but in mine, it sure is! The sound, feel, and playability just work for me. And I'm lucky enough not to have to spend over 1k to get a bass that feels right
  6. Get a 6 even if you don't use the lower register, you can use the B string higher up the neck to save you having to switch fretting hand positions, and for a deeper sound. Alternatively, do the EADGC thing as it's a cool idea you will need to set the intonation and adjust the truss rod. A new nut may also be necessary Whatever you do, enjoy it! And may it bring you much inspiration
  7. [quote name='risingson' post='1328143' date='Aug 5 2011, 01:08 AM']Why not? There's no rules set in stone with anything, maybe you could make it a 'thing' people start doing.[/quote] +1 Just don't tell my friends I'm not a pick nazi
  8. I think Marcus has a great tone too. You don't always need the most expensive stuff to get the tone you want. I play a relatively cheap bass because it plays and feels the way I like it, and soundwise it works perfecty with the rest of my gear, some of which is expensive, some not
  9. Wise words from the man himself
  10. I've had my Markbass rig for almost 2 years now. Have never found anything that beats it for me! Nearly traded my cab for a couple of Ampegs (which DO sound great...), but I came to my senses. I can achieve 'that' tone with a few knob tweaks anyway! The sound, clarity, power, sheer cutting through ability, reliability, and the versatility of my current rig make it a winner for me. The light weight is just a novelty really! Though im sure ill be thankful of it one day Only change I'm planning on making is when I can afford a second cab!
  11. [quote name='bartelby' post='1326681' date='Aug 4 2011, 11:51 AM']You're not wrong. I'm currently wearing £40 of clothes! Free Soundgarden promo t-shirt £15 pair of jeans, £20 for shoes and £5 for socks and shorts! Not sure how far that would get me gear wise!![/quote] Sue Ryder, and a Behringer DI box
  12. My most expensive 'outfit' is worth under £400 and that includes jewelery. I'd have a hard time finding a bass and rig for that!
  13. That is a thing of beauty! I don't think much to the knobs though strangely enough
  14. I've only ever heard the OBD-3 played twice. Both times to VERY good effect. Does that Muse - Hysteria thing perfectly, and with the clean signal blended in a very aggressive overdrive sound can be achieved too. I preferred it to the EHX Bass Big Muff
  15. I'm really into gear, so it's nice to go to a gig and see/hear stuff first hand. I like talking gear too, not because I'm a snob or anything I'm just really into it all. I've gone up and complimented the sound more than anything else. And the best sound I heard live was a Tobias Pro through an Ashdown MAG rig surprisingly enough!
  16. [quote name='Stealth' post='1322599' date='Jul 31 2011, 10:48 PM']Ive been gigging my Sei Jazz 5 for Years from the dog & duck to guilfest. My simple rule by the best gear you cant really afford and use it anywhere and everywhers. If you want to by things to look at by pictures lol[/quote] Haha yeah totally, if you buy it, get the most out of it!
  17. The only brand I know of that do multicoloured ball ends are D'Addarios. Unfortunately I can't say exactly which ones!
  18. Peavey Cirrus! They're not very commonly seen, feel great to play, sound great.. and they look pretty too
  19. Surprisingly enough, because my Peavey bass looks expensive to the untrained eye, I get lots of comments on it
  20. Never tried the MXR. The Sansamp is scooped, and the highs sound very brittle. You can get some fantastic huge warm tones, and nice driven tones too. But I combine it with other pedals to get my sound. They're worth trying out as they are very good bits of kit, and if you don't like them they're easy to pass on
  21. [quote name='pete.young' post='1322522' date='Jul 31 2011, 09:32 PM']My high-end gear is for my convenience, not the audience's. It makes a massive difference to me being able to carry a 2x12 Neo in one hand, instead of finding someone to help me struggle with the 4x10 Peavey which preceded it.[/quote] Yeah that's one reason I got the Markbass stuff, sounds great too! I play for myself and as long as everything sounds good to me everyone else can get stuffed
  22. [quote name='bassman7755' post='1322503' date='Jul 31 2011, 09:08 PM']He was probably listening to the guitar player and thought it was you [/quote] Picking up a 6er has finally paid off!
  23. I have had 'nice playing' comments even when I'm sure I was completely inaudible. I think it's because it LOOKED like I was playing something complicated
  24. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1322477' date='Jul 31 2011, 08:38 PM']I cringe when I have seen people popping their lead out without muting it, and hear my amp making all sorts of buzzing and crackling [/quote] Due to previous experiences, every single time someone asks to use my amp, I go over, plug it in for them, and tell them to touch nothing but the master volume. I'm quite lucky in that they remember not to absent mindedly pull the lead out at the end
  25. I use all the gear in my sig when I play live, some is high end, some isn't Out of all the local gigs I've been to, I've seen one Genz Benz user, one Barefaced user, and a guy who has a Mesa/Ampeg setup. Most other players play Fender/Squire/Ibanez/ESP basses through Trace Elliot, Peavey, Ashdown, Behringer, or the odd Marshall amp
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