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Everything posted by chrismuzz

  1. The Clover looks the most inviting to me too! Always liked that pickup layout, and I bet it sounds the balls! The sexy looks are just a bonus
  2. I wonder how long it will be til someone screws a strap on it and calls it a Harpejjitar?
  3. There are a few drum loops on Youtube, however most of them are only a few minutes long!
  4. I've heard that it's best to stick to the same size speakers when using multiple cabs, particularly if you like the sound the 10s give you. Also i heard something about phasing issues with using different speakers? I don't know for certain, as I've only ever used one cab at once. Can't be that bad though as a lot of people mix 10s and 15s together in their rig! I think your best bet (albiet a bit of a pain in the arse) would be to find somewhere you can test your amp through both the 2x10 and the 1x15 on its own, AND with the 4x10. Sorry I couldn't be of much more help than that but i'm sure someone with some actual knowledge will jump in soon All the best in your quest for the ultimate setup!
  5. The obligatory bass-face pic: Me and my son when he was only a few weeks old Somewhat arty picture, featuring one of those Warwick Streamer models. Enjoy!
  6. I heard about these a short while ago, being an avid Dream Theater fan. I've only just recently heard actual music written for, and played on one and it's truly amazing! i think they're only existed for a couple of years max. Something to watch out for in the music world!!
  7. That's a true piece of history man! My old faithful Peavey International has seen some action but nothing like this! Awesome
  8. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1220553' date='May 5 2011, 06:57 AM']i guess you'd not be interested in one of my woven bacon straps then? [/quote] Put me down for two!
  9. Christ this is tempting! Michael Lepond from Symphony X switched from Caparison basses to one of these as a testament to how great they are. Good luck with the sale by the way mate a quick heads up, you've mispelled 'Peavey' in the auction title so it may not show up as well in search results
  10. My first rig was a Peavey International Series Dynabass (cracking for a first! Even though I've destroyed the neck and truss rod with Billy Sheehan type antics, it still plays and sounds great! ), direct into a Laney R5 2x10 combo. Current rig is in my sig
  11. bump for an amazing bass! I played a fretted one and have never found a better 4 string. If it were me i'd happily give up a Ray for one!
  12. I got given one of their aluminium coned 4x10 Ultrabass combos for free a few years ago. it didn't take me long to realize why, and I in turn gave it to someone else for free Worst bass amp I've ever heard. No matter what settings I had I couldn't make myself heard out without drowning the whole band in a sea of mud. They make pretty good guitar amps, and their pedals have an unarguably good bang for buck quality... But stay away from the bass amps unless you've tried them for yourself first!
  13. On the opposite side to this, I find that sweaty hands make my hands slip too much! Even being too liberal with fast fret makes my playing clumsy though lol
  14. Haha I agree on that one, now that there is loads of great lightweight gear without stupid yellow speakers! Mine have grown on me though I like playing uncool gear
  15. I buy CDs, and if i want to stream stuff, i use Grooveshark pretty much the same, but free-er! And less ads. oh and it haz more metulz on it than spotify!
  16. Peavey's aren't fashionable by any means. But for some reason people are fascinated by mine!
  17. Quick update on what I'm running through at the moment. Signal chain is in the order it appears in my sig. That thing in the middle is a Tascam 4 track digital recorder. Not a bad piece of kit! I also use it with headphones for bass playing during unsociable hours I THINK I've got enough dirt now!
  18. If my head died I'd first very politely ask a bassist from another band if I could plug my pedalboard into the effects return on their's. Failing that I would have to quickly re-jig my board so the sansamp is at the end of the chain, and DI from that to the PA. Only problem with that is I rarely gig at venues with monitors so I'd be well and truly winging it!
  19. To be honest no matter how good a bass is, I have to like the way it looks Too!
  20. [quote name='tauzero' post='1204086' date='Apr 18 2011, 08:23 PM']I played the Grind, Cirrus BXP, US Cirrus, and Millennium 5-strings back to back. I preferred the neck on the Grind to the Cirrus, and the BXP Cirrus to the US one. I now have a 6-string Grind but I do find the passive electronics a little restrictive.[/quote] Get some passive seymour Duncan basslines in it! Best decision I ever made man. Mine sounds like a jazz bass now
  21. I had this problem with an old bass before. Don't know a lot about the Warwick bridges, so this might not help at all... but what I did was squeeze the strings really hard with a pair of pliers to make the bit that goes through the bridge thinner, and therefore fit! I have no idea if this knackers the strings at all, as it was a long time ago that I did this
  22. The blend knob was the main thing that made me choose the BDDI over the VT. That and the fact that they dont have a Programmable VT with 3 presets. That'd be great! I only use one bass, and i can't justify giving up pedalboard space for yet more presets.I'm driving myself mad as it is with all the fine tuning!
  23. [quote name='Sibob' post='1214446' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:38 AM']...Richard Bona's DVD...[/quote] Hehehehe... He said....
  24. [quote name='Doddy' post='1214432' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:07 AM']As far as rehearsing his licks...I'm sure that he has some ideas that he uses often and has practised,but then again I don't think there is anyone that hasn't got a bunch of licks that they have practised and can pull out when needed.[/quote] Bah! Practicing is for noobs
  25. Sorry to hear you got let down at the last minute mate. Best of luck with the sale
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