I had to make this tough decision myself A few months back! But I think I came to the best solution for me.
I'm a Passive player, I love the more traditional sound and feel you get from passive basses but also being in a metal band I need that tight, modern, more aggressive driven kinda sound. In my experience I've been able to use outboard preamps to get the active sound using a passive bass, but never been able to achieve a passive sound using an active! I think I made the right decision by going for the Programmable BDDI with 3 presets. that way I have my straight up bass sound, plus three 'active bass' kinda sounds with slightly different EQ and varying degrees of nice tubey gain
The VT Bass is an amazing piece of kit, especially if you want the ampeg sound! I would love one, but I can definately do without it. It's got some awesome distorted tones, but my Sansamp, Marshall, and Big Muff are more than enough dirt for me! I've figured out with different combinations I literally have 12 easily accessable distortion/fuzz tones at my feet!
What I would say though is if you DO go for it, go for the Deluxe version. You get a total of 6 presets, and you can get so many diverse and usable sounds you'll be glad of that! Even if you dont use the FX loop or DI they're handy as hell and a nice extra