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Everything posted by chrismuzz

  1. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1417912472' post='2625146'] I had a wee bit of routing to do for them to fit the Zodiac DE body and some grinding of the scratchplate. [/quote] Wow I must like my pickups way too high then!
  2. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1417889673' post='2624936'] Only paid £233 with next day delivery as I'm a good customer Worth every penny. [/quote] Wow and they're fantastic value already. That's a proper win!!
  3. If I had to downsize, I'd keep my Aguilar TLC compressor, and Darkglass B3k... Unless using a multi effects like the Zoom B3 counts as one pedal?? If so I'd sacrifice the Aguilar
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1417863855' post='2624640'] I'd say that the likes of little boxes like like the Markbass 112 combo would run out of steam and ability to fill up the stage. Sure the bass player might be able to hear it but it will be no use to anyone else. [/quote] I couldn't agree with this more. Smallest cab I would gig with is a 4x10, maybe a 2x12 if it was something particularly special!
  5. I hope he starts making soapbar pickups.. imagine the possibilities!!
  6. I've never heard of anyone getting a "bad" Ibanez at any price point, and they do feel wonderful to play! It's a shame they don't do many passive models these days, at least not that I've seen.
  7. I've tried big and heavy, and the Peavey rig had amazing low mid punch and sat in the mix so nicely... More so than any Ampeg I've tried! But I had to go back to Markbass in the end, because it's just got that unique upper midrange cut that I've never been able to get with any other manufacturer. The weight is a non issue for me, but its a nice bonus to be able to load my gear in without help, in two trips
  8. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1417814146' post='2624343'] i asked the manager if he'd throw a set of strings in on the deal and he said no ?? [/quote] Oooh that would have stopped me buying it if it was sold as "new". Strings are part of the bass and if they're not new it's not worth full price! To be fair though most shops aren't bothered about strings but you'd think whacking a £15 set of strings on a bass you're paying £1500 for would be pretty standard practice? I have to say though, my phone calls and online orders from them have always been problem free!
  9. Monster cabinet this! if I wasn't such a markbass fanboy I'd have kept mine forever and ever
  10. Damn that's a great price for some incredible pickups! I'm actually surprised and a little upset that I don't have any basses that take pickups this size!
  11. Pretty sure it's lighter than my markbass 4x10 too.. is it sealed?
  12. I've quit and avoided joining bands due to bad drummers! In fact, on the opposite side of things, one of the reasons I stayed with my last band so long despite being unhappy was because the drummer was so good!!
  13. That is insanely cheap, especially for a neo cabinet! If I didn't have a decent rig already I'd have got this
  14. That looks incredibly well made, probably the best looking ESP I've seen! congratulations
  15. I used to use these with the Markbass F1, both around 9 o clock.. but now that I'm using the LMT800 I'm finding I love the sound with the EQ completely flat and filters off. Maybe a tiny bass cut depending on the room acoustics
  16. Enjoy it! I loved my old F1 but there was some really scratchy high end that I had to EQ out to get a sound I liked, whereas with the little Mark stuff, the tone was always right there before I touched anything
  17. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1417098810' post='2617074'] There's more. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stingring-toilet-seat-bass-/251730307158?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a9c4ba856 [/quote] Hahahaha, Stingring.. love it
  18. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1417458425' post='2620559'] My god, how loud do you play? Something is seriously wrong with how you EQ! A common trick is to completely cut the VLF and VLE filters and work from there. All they do is scoop the EQ. Truckstop [/quote] I tend to agree, i used to use a 500w F1 with an 8 ohm 4x10 and loudest I ever had it was 1 o clock with no PA support.
  19. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1417457705' post='2620548'] In theory you could add a Barefaced retro 210, as they're 12 ohm. [/quote] Wouldn't it need to be 16 ohm? Please correct me if I'm wrong!
  20. The sound of an instrument can be changed quite easily. The way it feels to play cannot. If it's a joy to play keep it!
  21. Whack a pair on Entwistle pickups in one of these and you've got a boutique bass for pocket change. If I didn't have more basses than I could physically play and lived a bit closer I'd have snapped your arm off!
  22. Sansamp / behringer bdi21 would do it, just make sure your action is ridiculously low to get the fret clank!
  23. This design is bloody brilliant though
  24. I've thankfully not experienced this kind of crap salesmanship, but I've become quite cheeky in recent years so if I was to pop into a shop to try a bass I'd actually bring a screwdriver and Allen key with me with an annoying grin and say "you don't mind do you?" Before continuing with, "this will need new strings on before I know how it sounds, do you stock Elixirs?". If they object I'll promise to go halves on the price of the strings if I like the bass
  25. The only handles I like are the recessed ones you get in the markbass cabs but they wouldn't be practical in a micro head!
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