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Everything posted by chrismuzz

  1. I get told I have quite big hands, and I play a 6 string, but with a very tight spacing. I've seen guys with hands much smaller than me play 'properly sized' 6-strings a lot more fluently than me though! Also, I'm way too clumsy and heavy handed on a guitar... So maybe smaller hands are better??
  2. All sold! Settled a deal of £65 for the Juggernaut and the Behringer together, for anyone who was interested. Cheers
  3. Not the most popular choice but i highly recommend Peavey! They feel amazing to play, and you can get some brilliant tones out of them if you're patient enough
  4. Hartke amps are brilliant, nice tone, very loud. But I personally would go for Markbass every time. You can't get much clearer in tone, and they're loud as hell! I use an F1 through a single 8 ohm cab in a very loud metal band, and I never have trouble being heard with Gain at 1 o'clock and volume at about 11 o'clock. And the added bonus of size weight and portability is hard to argue with. They aren't particularly cheap but for what you get for your money they're amazing value A lot of people tend to do the Markbass/Epifani combination. I've not used TC Electronic stuff yet so I can't say.
  5. I really like the Neo Clone, as far as I'm aware its the replacement for the Nano Clone that got so many bad reviews. Even though there's only a Rate knob and Deep switch it's pretty versatile, smooth analog chorus sound. True bypass as well Definately worth the £50 i paid for it new! Think my next move will either be a nice fuzz, or an octaver. Still considering a wah even though i will probably never use it
  6. I've been experimenting with my SansAmp recently, and I'm trying to get a serviceable fuzz sound from one. Only thing is, when I play fast the notes aren't reproduced properly, it seems quieter, with hardly any sustain, and makes me sound really sloppy and uneven. When I play clean I sound like I can play a lot better. I just wondered if this is something to do with the sansamp pedal not being designed for fuzz. Or maybe my technique isnt as good as i thought it was? Sorry if I haven't explained what i mean well enough lol Cheers for reading though!
  7. chrismuzz

    New EHX Flanger

  8. I've got a digital 4-track filling out the space at the moment, but it HAS been crying out for more pedals... I'm thinking either an octaver, a wah, or if i don't succeed in getting a nice fuzz from the sansamp ill be getting a metal muff. As long as I can get them without the missus finding out!
  9. +1 You get much better sounds if you buy seperate pedals, but it's VERY expensive if you want to try everything out first, especially if you find you aren't using most of them! Zoom gets a LOT of love here so I'd go for that. On compression, it's not 100% necessary but it does 'even out' your playing a bit, and helps a lot if some strings are louder than others. People use it for many reasons but that's all i use it for. I think the Zoom has one built in, so I'd read a tutorial somewhere and experiment with it. As for chorus/delay... man I love the sounds those 2 effects can bring together, very musical!
  10. I started on guitar at the age of 14, but had always been fascinated by bass, especially aftwer discovering Cliff Burton era Metallica! I just never got to give it a proper bash until a friend of mine was looking for a bassist in his band and practically begged me to make the switch I'd been waiting for an excuse to make My first bass was 8 years ago when my uncle lent me his 1981 Ibanez Musician! To this day i don't know how he trusted a teenager with it but I'll never forget it. That thing was huge, with an even bigger sound! The first bass I actually owned was a Peavey Dynabass. It belonged to my ex-girlfriend, who after a while ended up with a mate of mine (nice eh?) Well she screwed him over, so as 'compensation' he decided to forget to give it back, and ended up selling it to me for a very reasonable £50 I've still got it too! It's a bit knackered now thoughh, due to me attempting to recreate the Billy Sheehan neck bending trick
  11. My work in progress. Thoughts and recommendations welcome!
  12. I tend to use the B string as a giant thumb rest when I'm not playing it Having more strings does feel a bit more cramped though, and obviously the neck is wider which would make it feel different to play, whether thats a good or a bad thing. Then again it could just be psychological if it's not due to the string spacing, but that doesn't mean it's silly! Also if I'm playing sloppily one day i'm a lot more likely to hit the other strings on a 6 than i am on a 4.
  13. On second thought this guy is totally right. I need to throw away my markbass 4x10 and get myself a box with a dustbin lid inside it. Cuz the guys in my band never know what I'm gonna do. I usually turn up with a 6 stringed bass tuned down a whole step so at that point I'm just amplifying thunder at that point.
  14. Business as usual for 'Expert Village' I love their slap bass 'lesson' [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyg1Zfci67A&playnext=1&list=PL7DC571BFAC0FA5B3"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyg1Zfci67A...DC571BFAC0FA5B3[/url] I'm still waiting for the day they hold their hands up and admit it's all a very poorly executed hoax.
  15. I love Peaveys personally, they are the most comfortable to play by far. Many people seem to upgrade the pickups but it's not entirely necessary. I say do it!
  16. Personally if it was me I would look for a second hand fender jazz bass. It depends what kind of thing you're looking for though. You might find an amazing deal here on basschat!
  17. My uncle once told me what Hartke stands for... Horrible American Rubbish That Keeps Exploding I've tried a lot of Hartke stuff and I can honestly say I have no idea what he does to his gear. it's always been fine to me! Highly recommend their amps
  18. Try a phaser pedal, they're lots of fun! The EHX Small Stone is fantastic and a brand new one will set you back less than £50
  19. Bump! Still for sale. Please buy them otherwise the lady of the house won't let me buy any more stuff!
  20. I play a peavey grind 6, it's a 35 inch scale so you get better definition on the low B, but it is still so comfortable to play and well balanced. It's passive, and the pickups aren't fantastic but I love mine. And a pair of Seymour duncans are on my shopping list!
  21. That truly is a thing of beauty. And an amazing price. Good luck with the sale!
  22. Wow I never knew they had so many problems! I only ever used a 2x10 combo on a small gig I did once, I quite liked the sound even if it was a little bit thin. I'm glad I never went there!
  23. Sounds like it's definately the courier's fault, and not Thomann, only heard good things about that site from people I know personally. I've only ever had one experience with dv247, and i wasn't impressed. Many of the items stated as in stock were not actually in stock, and I was told they would get back to me once a month with an update on if the items were in stock yet. I waited 1 month, and not a single one of the three items had come into stock. I requested a refund, and received that within 2 days. So that's one good thing I guess Then I purchased better versions of all three for cheaper prices either elsewhere, or on here! awesome
  24. Just logged on successfully on Firefox, maybe it was a temporary problem with accessing the server?
  25. Nice work sir! Are all of those pedals your own creations? I've never owned a single pedal that looked as cool as any of them I can't wait for the rest of my pedals to arrive, I'm itching to add to this thread properly!
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