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Everything posted by aldude

  1. Bump for new pics taken. Spend that Christmas cash!
  2. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1325321420' post='1482041'] TC say you can run these things with three of their cabs. Technically, running with 3 would brint the load to under 4 ohms, but in their on-site videos, Uffe says that's okay. Soundwise, I dunno. I personally run with 1 x RS210 with 1 x RS112 below in a vertical stack. Sounds top notch. I notice the RS112, when run by itself, gives a deeeeeeeep tone. When you add an RS210, you gey that, plus some tighter mids. Maybe 3 x RS112 would give a cool deep tone in general - but I like te way I do it. [/quote] I run a RH450 with three Barefaced cabs. Well, actually a 4 ohm cab and an 8 ohm one. So, the total rating is the same as three 8 ohm cabs, i.e. 2.67 ohm. I am totally confident that both the 450 and 750 can be used with any three cabs from any manufacturer. In fact, TC released some info recently that suggested that these amps can even be run at 2 ohm, e.g. four 8-ihm cabs or two 4-ohm ones.
  3. Trade for an Ibanez Prestige 5? About £1300 new, about a year old but not used much in that time. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/118050-ibanez-prestige-sr4005e-5-string/
  4. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1322219737' post='1448041'] I can solve the power issue eventually, but how about depth of sound? [/quote] I'd suggest one of the larger cabs. You're thinking about the Compact so you should have that covered. Edit: I'm also struggling to see why some people think 340W into two Barefaced cabs won't be enough! Sounds like it will shake down buildings! Of course the OP could always get more than two cabs
  5. I have a Compact and a Super 12. Can't recommend them enough, though I would probably describe them as clean sounding rather than warm. The Super 12 is plenty loud enough on it's own (though I use it with the compact for a 2.67 ohm rig) not sure if a Compact on its own would be loud enough but as you are thinking of the Midget to go with it I'm sure that would be plenty!
  6. Old thread bump ... get yourself a nice early Christmas present!
  7. Hello warwickhunt How much would you like to offload those Barts for? I'd ideally like a 8SU for the P, brighter than the 8S apparently... but I'd take anything Bartolini!
  8. I have the Vox Pathfinder 10b - it's crap. It's ok for playing around by yourself at home to some songs over speakers, but don't take it anywhere near a band. What do you expect for £59?
  9. Thomann - in Germany, which is in the EU, so no worry about import taxes/charges. Still, I would like a P/J set, and they don't seem to be anywhere (apart from on Bartolini's site).
  10. Hyper Music bass line? Still, it is famous and popular, and that goes a long way.
  11. +1 for DDTs, not coated but great strings and seem to last a while. Nice heavy gauges too.
  12. I use D'Addario nickel wounds on my 5er. I buy 5 singles so I can pick the gauges, as I tune low B down to A (and all the others 2 half steps too). The set I have is 145-120-95-75-55, pretty meaty and the B sounds great. They also do a 135 and 130. Here's a link to GigGear: [url="http://www.giggear.co.uk/p/D-Addario-Nickel-Wound-XL-Single-Bass-String/"]http://www.giggear.co.uk/p/D-Addario-Nickel-Wound-XL-Single-Bass-String/[/url]
  13. I have 2 presets, one with a bit of OD and lots of bass, and another which has no OD and dials back the bass a lot in place of mids & treble for acoustic numbers. Some people may be able to produce the tone difference with technique and fingers, but I can't!
  14. I'm really struggling to hold my dinner in after seeing these two.
  15. Are you sure it's the amp? It could be a number of other things - electronics in the bass, cable from bass to amp, cable from amp to cab, cab.
  16. Have you tried different cables and cabs? I agree that being stored vertically shouldn't have caused any problems. OTOH, being on a ferry where there is a lot of sea water about and salty air probably didn't do it any favours.
  17. That sounds like a feature of the Korg. If there is something plugged into the effects loop of the RH750, the signal will always go through the loop. Even if what is connected in the loop is switched off or bypassed. The only way to avoid this is to unplug the effects loop.
  18. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1318853232' post='1406817'] Oooooo.... be interested to see what you think when it arrives. [/quote] That thing looks comedy small which is good but has giant rubber feet which adds a massive percentage to its height. Something to chop off surely? Though it does have two speakon outs, a big downer for the RH450, which only has one output. I got obbm to make a Y cable for my two Barefaced cabs, but I much prefer to plug cabs straight into the head. Dunno why (though there is a small advantage over daisy chaining, in that you don't have two cabs worth of power going through a single cable).
  19. Um.... there's a SR 4005E Prestige in the For Sale section.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/118050-ibanez-prestige-sr4005e-5-string/page__hl__prestige__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/118050-ibanez-prestige-sr4005e-5-string/page__hl__prestige__fromsearch__1[/url] /shameless plug
  20. Bought Si's Prunes & Custard... Actually I bought his Compressore a while back too but didn't leave feedback ... but both pedals were top notch and also they were very well packaged!!
  21. It's my pleasure to start off the feedback thread for jackers, I bought his Aerodyne bass after kindly adgreeing to meet me half way at a train station and all is well, no problems!
  22. Well I gave this a good outing last night! First, the important stuff: this rig looks the dog's! [can't seem to link to image so will try an attachment instead...] Also, ran this thing loud for a couple of hours at least, it is a 2.67 ohm load in total but the RH450 did not break a sweat and barely got warm. So, it looks like this head can easily run three 8 ohm cabs of any variety, not just TC ones. Apparently runs to 2 ohm, so you can probably run 4 cabs (or two 4 ohms) but what I've got is plenty! As for the sound, it is just a bit more present in the bottom end with some rumble that was not so easily achievable from the S12T. Also, having the 2x12 higher up meant I could hear it a LOT more clearly when I was close to it, which is to say most of the time. Hopefully should make me a better player in the long run as every tiny mistake is now loud as ever! This rig pretty much gives me exactly the sound I want (with some heavy fiddling with the EQ on the head) so I am still a happy chappy. Barefaced cabs as always brilliant. The RH450 head is also brilliant and tiny, any doubters should really give it a go as the way it out to work/sound according to the specs does not necessarily translate to reality. Mind you, I have to crank up the treble side of things an awful lot as it's not a trebly voiced head.
  23. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1318608181' post='1404341'] The more I read your comments on the RH450 and your amp preferences the more I think I need a Streamliner. Stop it [/quote] Me too, and I'm happy with the RH450. Ish. For now. Aargh!
  24. I guess the upshot is that some people find the transient important and others don't (or don't notice it!). As for the audience, who generally is not concerned or aware of things like transients, well.... who knows if they will be able to notice the difference. But, I would suggest that if any musical advantage comes in from such transients it's probably minor, compared with the other 100 things that make music sound good. Just my $0.02...
  25. I'd go for cheap second hand smaller cab - why have two amps when you could get along just fine with one!
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