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Posts posted by dafonky

  1. To me, late 79-80' models with non epoxy preamps are the best sounding stingrays ....and the most reliable in terms of electronics.
    I had a lot pre ernies, I sold all those before 79' ....I saw some odd electronics on these basses, Leo was making a lot of experiments, with 5 different
    kind of electronics from 1976 to 1980..... :rolleyes:
    By the way , I will sell 1-2 79' models , a black alder and a naturals ash fretless one :rolleyes:

  2. If the end 80'ies early 90'ies are golden age rays....I am desparately looking for a good 2-Band rosewood neck / ash body combination....I am a pre ernie freak, but they are hard to find with rosewood necks....

  3. Ok , here we go:

    I am looking for an old pre ernie ball heavy ASH Stingray with Rosewood neck.
    I would even sell/trade it for this beauty:

    rare ASH Cutlass I, lightweight, neck is straight, all original with non-original case.

    Shipping for free, for the guy who finds me a pre ernie with Ash body / rosewood neck. :)

    Price: 2500 EURO

  4. ok....as the pre ernie rays are hard to find with a rosewood neck....

    I try my luck here: ( i already posted several times in Items wanted)

    looking for an early ernie ball ray with Rosewood neck, ASH Body and 2 band active circuit :mellow:

    thanks :happy:

    would trade even against one of my pre ernie rays....fretless, cutlass....fretted

    name it , I have it :D

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