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Everything posted by GregBass

  1. I found a tatty Thunder 1A mk3 (with the humbucker pickup) in a guitar shop for £75. I would say that's a reasonable price - it improved on cleaning/setup, but still can't live with other basses I would expect to see in the £200 to £300 range.
  2. It's not just a plate with sockets. The backplate is part of the crossover assembly. Unless they have changed their method since I had to change a crossover, they use a soft material to seal the cab when the crossover assembly is fitted. Over time, this act like an adhesive. Email barefaced support and I am sure they will be happy to advise you. [email protected]
  3. Back in the mid 1970s I had a 60s Hofner Violin Bass. Clubby neck, sounded like someone kicking a cardboard box. I sold it, complete with original case, for £15.
  4. I queried this a few weeks ago, and Alex replied saying that they will be shipping pickups back in the close future
  5. I have a Mighty Mite neck on a Jazz, and it's fine. Easy to adjust, stays straight and plays as you would expect for a Jazz.
  6. I contacted TC and they sent me a set too. It's a known issue - and the replacements are a better quality.
  7. Ooops - just seen that it was an old thread. Nothing to see here
  8. Hi Ped

    I was just about to post on the "fakes" thread when it was closed. Did you know that form owners/admins/moderators are legally responsible for posts that appear? If you see - or are informed of - a post for a fake with a Fender logo and don't take it down within 48 hours, you can personally be dragged through expensive litigation. That applies even if the ad clearly states that it's a fake.

    I know this because I am a mod for a facebook bass marketplace, and have had personal contact from Fender through a similar issue. Oh - and my son is an owner of The Fretboard!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregBass


      Hiram k - I was stunned too when a Fender guy reported a post on the facebook Bass Players Market UK page. Here is just a sample of the conversation:

      "It is not a fender bass but it is being sold as such. It has a fender decal, it's infringement of intellectual property. It is being passed off as something it is not.

      OK, just to be clear here I work for Fender. I don't normally report posts but in this case I had to as this bass has a fender decal. Someone will try and pass this off as a genuine Fender."

      He advised me to check on the law covering this sort of thing, which I did. It's unequivocal. If a forum/page owner is shown to be aware that an item is fake, then the owner of any infringed rights OR anyone who subsequently buys the item thinking it's genuine can take action against that forum/page owner.

    3. discreet


      We're not doing this all over again, are we?? :facepalm:

    4. ped
  9. I found that an Ace of Spades gives the most raucous sound
  10. The geometry doesn't support this argument. If the bridge saddles are already at their lowest, you would need to raise the neck by a considerable amount to bring it back to the adjustable region of the bridge. By contrast, making a tiny change to the break angle has a large effect on the bridge adjustment.
  11. I had both done together - my right was much worse than my left. The surgery cured the right completely - but the left has a couple of tender spots that weren't there before! I think your doctor was right - don't have the surgery unless you need it!! Playing bass actually bends the wrists to releive the pressure, so I find that it actually helps with the numbness.
  12. They do the Eastwood in a gorgeous greenburst. Not sure how they sound, but they look great https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=eastwood+classic+4+green&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&tbm=isch&source=iu&pf=m&ictx=1&fir=LCOHPJOtmByhrM%253A%252Czc1YhutpAlZ9dM%252C_&usg=__HzLZ0S9VA5Y_q0nFDnTPW1M0lkk%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1_uHh0KrXAhUBNhoKHa33AmYQ9QEINzAC#imgrc=LCOHPJOtmByhrM:
  13. It seems that bass tutorials want us to go this way too. How many have you seen that teach you how to solo? How many tutorials have you seen that show you how to hold down the bottom end in a pop-rock song? And what do most of us actually do in our bands?
  14. GAK have the sunburst at £699 and satin finish at £599
  15. I use one of the Hiscox cases pictured in previous posts, but it's not a snug fit. I asked those nice Hiscox people if there is a solution for this, and they sent me a set of self adhesive pads to fit inside the case to pad it out a touch.
  16. I took a Japanese P as part of a deal. It had an active EMG fitted. It sounded terrible - all bass and no clarity. I decided to gain adjustability by fitting active electronics. It now sounded terrible louder. So - I dumped the EMG and fitted a US Custom Shop 1963. Wow - the bass came alive. It's now my go-to instrument.
  17. The best way is to find a fretless neck and do a neck swap
  18. I currently own two 4001 models. They are great basses, and capable of a wider range of tones than you may think. Both of mine have great necks, though I do have to modify my right hand technique when I use them. Having said that, they are no longer my first choice basses simple because they don't suitmy main band.
  19. How about a tiny screwdriver. Superglue it to the top of the screw, then when it's set just unscrew.
  20. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1495459795' post='3303872'] In the 120 plus gigs I've played with The Wirebirds, I doubt that more than 10% have had the bass through the PA. Apart from vocals, the only thing we mic up is usually the bass drum. Only when we play a festival or bike rally (and not always, even then) do we have the benefit of a big PA and sound crew. [/quote] Yup - this is my experience as a regularly gigging bass player in a pub band. This weekend we are putting everything through a FOH PA for the second time in my three year stint with my current band. The rest of the time we put just vocals and bass drum through the PA.
  21. GregBass


    Applause. This is the perfect response. Just as an extra: the Barefaced are dead easy to transport and carry.
  22. I use a pair of Barefaced Big Baby 2s with a TC RH750. One cab sounded OK, but incorporating a second allowed me to get the sound I want at lower volumes. I play in a punk/post punk band that virtually never has PA reinforcement (we carry a vocal PA for pub gigs only), but volume is only an issue when the band are telling me to turn down. I usually have gain at 5 and master volume at 2, so I always have a ton of headroom too.
  23. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1493034497' post='3284968'] I kinda expect hollow or semi hollows to be a bit lighter.[/quote] Have you ever tried a Fender Starcaster? Light is definitely not the word!
  24. Sent my EMG and Mex Precision pickups
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