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Everything posted by GregBass

  1. Wouldn't you get it cheap because it's been made upside down?
  2. The world is, indeed, a mad place. New instruments attract a premium if they are deliberately damaged to make them look old, while old instruments attract a premium if they are undamaged so that they look new!
  3. Now that you've won both, I suggest you look at the tips in this thread .... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216445-best-way-to-tell-the-wife-ive-just-bought-a-new-bass/
  4. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1379582119' post='2214338'] There's a reserve on this so unless you know what the reserve how do you know it will go for a pittance? [/quote] I asked what the reserve was and he declined to tell me. Ah well.
  5. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1379446495' post='2212887'] Notice how the word Fender isnt used once. Someone is trying something here.... [/quote] In the item specifics it quotes Fender as the brand and USA as country of manufacture.
  6. I gave one away
  7. My mate bought this - he's borrowing my Warwick till he collects. I'll give you a report when it arrives
  8. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/214974-warwick-corvette-active-ash-4-string-final-price-drop-l425/page__p__2200845__hl__corvette__fromsearch__1#entry2200845 Buy it now!!!
  9. Unfortunately, quite a few times for me. My first Rick, that I bought new in 1973. The Warwick Corvette that I bought off Jigster has the best neck I ever played (it's now grafted on to a better body). Also, when I replaced the pickup in my Mex Precision with a US the difference was amazing!!
  10. Are you looking purely for a trade, or would you consider a straight sale?
  11. It's currently at 10.50, which is about twice what it's worth!!
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1378120463' post='2195878'] You need a bit more variety. Try this one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKd5d9TgJFI[/media] [/quote] When I started that video, the sound was off on my PC. It worked spot on for my band's set that way
  13. My kids all play in bands too, and we live in the wilds of Lincolnshire. I took my third son for his first day at Leeds Uni - the other end of England - and we were having trouble finding his hall of residence. We stopped to ask a couple of girls the way, and one of the girls looked closely at him and said .... "Aren't you the drummer from Teens of Thailand - the band from Stamford?" He was totally blown away!!
  14. How about: Fall to pieces - Velvet Revolver From out of nowhere - Faith No More Crackerman - Stone Temple Pilots SATO - Ozzie Inside - Stiltskin Lit up - Buckcherry and - if you want a little silliness .... I believe in a thing called love - The Darkness
  15. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1378088910' post='2195677'] I'm not sure I agree with that. The 4001 I used to have knocked the spots off the 2010 4003 I bought. [/quote] What he said. I've had two old 4001s - the 79 I have now and a 72 that I sold to raise the deposit for a house many years ago - and I have yet to play a new Rick that is noticeably better than either.
  16. Glad it went well Marvin. I have just quit a band because the singer wanted to make lots of effort creating Lemonrock pages, building websites, doing demo videos etc but was always too busy to learn any songs. It all smacks of wanting to say to her pals "Look at all this web stuff - I'm in a band" without actually doing much music.
  17. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1378061027' post='2195346'] I've found over the years that most of the basses at bargain prices aren't for sale. [/quote] I'm not so sure that 1200 is unduly cheap. It seems to be about the going, realistic rate if you check sold listings on ebay. Pristine? Unmarked? Or "road worn"? I prefer to say well used. It's not battered, but has a few marks and scratches. Greg
  18. I have a 79 4001, and I would think 1200 is about the rate. And just to be clear, Mine is not for sale
  19. Is there no way you can draft in other bands to replace the pull-outs? Put out the world on the local music grapevine and you may find bands who will happily jump in.
  20. I have a bitsa bass with a Mighty Mite neck. Can't fault it. If you go here you can have any decal you want as well: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/bluebass320/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  21. You could send your shiny new DRs to me and I will send you my clapped out Legacies
  22. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1377892667' post='2193422'] Just fire everybody else! [/quote] I like the cut of your jib, young man
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1377888724' post='2193357'] To be fair most of us are used to big stores like guitar guitar or pmt, this is a small unit stuffed with pro gear run by mostly one person so its not a place where you can wonder around while Mark shows someone a bass expecting one on one attention which you get if you ask. [/quote] Indeed. I didn't know what his set-up was like, but the "Pay us a visit" pane on the website implies that it's OK to just drop in, doesn't it? He acknowledged that I was there and a couple of times said "Be with you in a minute" - but then someone else came in and got his attention immediately. Even if he'd said "there's no free amp, but sit on that stool and give it a go for feel" he would have kept me interested. I did get the feeling that the others were locals who he knew, so maybe that affected things. I don't want this to turn into a bashing exercise because other people's experiences show he's a knowledgeable and friendly guy. If we are expected to make appointments, that should clear on every page of the website shouldn't it?
  24. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1377887675' post='2193334'] I would make an appointment first, because to be fair, it does say to call for an appointment if you would like a demo on his website. [/quote] When I read this, I actually went to the website to check. There is a big panel on the right saying Visit the shop and it's close to the motorway. The address is there too. No mention of an appointment. I looked at the special offers page - the same. Second hand basses - the same. Then I found it - on the Contact us page. Surely if making an appointment is the way he wants to work, it should be fairly prominent on the pages where he is selling things? I have never had to make an appointment in a music shop before, so it didn't occur to me that I would need to there. As it happens, I tend to buy on impulse when I see something that takes my eye. If I could have tried the Vigier he had on show, I may have bought it. In the couple of weeks following my visit to Bass Direct I bought a German Warwick 5 string, a Genz Benz amp and a Bass Collection fretless Jazz. I didn't lose - I'm sure there will be other Vigiers if I fancy one - but Bass Direct lost a good chance of a sale.
  25. I had a not-so-good experience too. I dropped in without an appointment (I have never actually made an appointment at a music shop before). He was working with a guy on an effects pedal, and said he would be with me in a couple of minutes. Someone else came in and he immediately set them up with a bass and an amp at the other end of the shop, then went back to the effects guy. He alternated between the two, swapping basses for one and effects for the other - then a third person came in and he gave her a bass to play. After 45 minutes, surrounded by all that gear, I had not got to touch a bass or try an amp. I gave up - but as I was getting into my car he ran out and gave me a price list. I would not e spending that kind of cash without trying, but at least I suppose it was a gesture.
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