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Everything posted by chardbass

  1. To answer your question, it's a combination of the two but one is only a few years old and the other is much older and has been well played. I have no idea if that helps! This 55-02 is a bargain for under £700- a s/h 55-94 is at least £1k more I suppose.
  2. I'm beginning to realise that no 2 basses feel and sound the same. I have owned a few 55-02s hoping to find a suitable back up and all 3 basses were different. I bought my 55-94 about 12yrs ago and it was a bargain back then but the price is subjective. In my opinion there is quite a big difference between the 02 and 94 basses contrary to what I've seen written- maybe if I tried another 55-94 I might think it was different to mine.
  3. Cheapest 55-02 on here style BUMP
  4. Absolutely loving this. In fact I'm loving how much of this kind of music is so accessible these days- Soundcloud, YouTube and Facebook are throwing up some real gems. This, Brother Strut, Shuffler and Dirty Loops are all projects that could have normally passed me by but I'm grateful that they haven't.
  5. Sleigh bells+ shuffle/triplet feel= Christmas Hit.
  6. His trio videos on YT have some of the most uplifting interplay I've seen for a long time. Also to interpret Continuum on a bass the polar opposite of the one the number is generally associated with is refreshing. Check them out if you haven't already. http://youtu.be/1s-f7dIc2jg http://youtu.be/7Fvb2jx4LLE
  7. [quote name='xroads' timestamp='1385412349' post='2288042'] Don't want to start a discussion, but it's pre Christmas time, and all the leftover money goes into presents for the family right now...if this was January time, I would have bought it already. Good luck, looks like a great bass! [/quote] At this rate it will still be here in January so I may keep you to that!
  8. Just to point out, the Basschatter above didn't get to try the bass as we were too far apart to hook up. (And a bump)
  9. Thanks for the offer. I'm more interested in a cash sale tbh. Great bass u have there- I have an 80s Squire Black RW Jazz myself. Without wanting to sound like an old f*rt, they don't make em like they used to :-)
  10. Bump. Still for sale.
  11. Stunning Kevin, stunning. I bow to your knowledge, patience and taste. I hope it plays as well as it looks.
  12. Hi, Yes I should be around until early evening. PM me for more info etc? :-)
  13. Great discovery. On it now. Nice one Ped.
  14. Lee Sklar on Facebook- [color=#333333]RIP Lou...........I love this record. The best use of 10th's. Thank you for what you gave us.[/color]
  15. I love it. If I want soul, I'll listen to music with soul. I'm so glad people are making music like this. All part of a balanced diet :-)
  16. Lovely- he's a smooth bass player. Seeing this and the Brother Strut stuff with Steve Pearce makes you realise why these guys are the nuts. Wasn't the vocalist from Popstars- The Rivals" way before his X factor stint- One True Voice anyone? I like him.
  17. The weight of the bass is 9 1/4lbs or 4.2kg
  18. It's a light one I think- lighter than my 55-94. Let me check and I'll post ASAP.
  19. Nice one- followed. I remember listening to Rhian Benson a few years back. Pino played on her Gold Coast album- it's on Spotify. Jim Mullen's album JimJam album isn't in Spotify but if you can find a copy it's a treat. Ian Thomas and Pino are masters of taste, restraint and control throughout. Very cool.
  20. Bump for edit- now £690
  21. Ah you already have Sugarpie....
  22. Love Really Hurts Without You- Billy Ocean Sugar Pie Honeybunch- Four Tops
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