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Everything posted by Norm

  1. Always been a bit daunted by guitar maintenance as I'm not a tinkerer but after Ben & Howard's excellent tuition I'd have a go at anything now. I'll be running through the YouTube tutorials on the Crimson Guitars website as well. Great way to spend 4 hours & got sausage in a bun as well! Nice to see You guys again & meet Mornats too!
  2. 10 will be fine for me too. Cheers, Norm
  3. Yep, morning start preferred, lets get on it! Cheers, Norm
  4. Apologies for the delay, I'm still up for it, 5th or 26th but probably the 5th is fave! Cheers, Norm
  5. Chaos & mayhem but great fun, as focus only arrived at the venue 20 mins before us & we were slightly late. Hasty sound check for them, briefest on line checks for us & bam we were on. Played 40 mins went down well & then really enjoyed focus's set. They were excellent!
  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1395312117' post='2400915'] Not free but have a great gig. And I thought the leader of Focus was now a van driver for Yodel.....! [/quote] :-) Thanks Keith, looking forward to it! The setup session sounds very reasonable to me.
  7. Nice playing, spesh the drummer but more of a trio with a Mr MacBook on keys n samples? :-)
  8. Not a lot of help really but sounds pretty good to me, even the bit at 2:25 that you highlighted as boomy! Not my definition of boomy ;-) If that sound is straight from the gopro it must have been better in the room? First thing I do is back off the bass & up the mids as most others have already said. Seems to work for me.
  9. all the best of luck to all in the band, its a tough but brave decision to call a halt to something that you've put your collective heart & soul into. I've enjoyed all of Kit's stuff you've posted here. As someone else already said, onwards & upwards! Cheers, Norm
  10. There is only one teeny tiny thing stopping this being mine. The want of £3900! Beautiful bass. GLWTS
  11. I'm pretty sure it was being sold by Hamfist when I enquired about it? Dont know who bought it in the end? T'wernt me anyroads! GLWTSearch ;-)
  12. Ta, deaver. Exciting times!
  13. Cheers FinnDave, looking forward to it!
  14. Cheeky hijack! Posted this in the gigs section but noticed the tumbleweed & a lonely bell tolling in the distance ;-) thought I'd be cheeky & post here amongst the Somerset & dorset folk met at rhe bash? My band Kohiba have bagged a short notice gig supporting the legendary Dutch band Focus @ The Cheese & Grain, Frome, somerset, BA11 1be, on saturday 22nd March. Should be fun. Anybody fancy going pm me for tickets? Cheers, Norm
  15. My band Kohiba have bagged a short notice gig supporting the legendary Dutch band Focus @ The Cheese & Grain, Frome, somerset, BA11 1be, on saturday 22nd March. Should be fun. Anybody fancy going pm me for tickets? Cheers, Norm
  16. Cant see the gumtree ad, maybe been taken down. The south park clip is genius though!
  17. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1393496253' post='2380910'] Oooh, that scratchplate's a bit flambouyant for most around here. Every time I post a pic with a colourful or pearloid pickguard it seems to stimulate almost unanimous disapproval on here. They're just a load of old stick-in-the-muds though. Ignore 'em ! I like it ! [/quote] Me too. Looks smart. Does it for me in spades. Got an abalone pickguard on my white stingray, natch!
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1393409612' post='2379797'] I saw Uli Jon Roth and Michael Schenker recently (separate gigs) and was amused by the hundreds (not thousands as it used to be) of denim and leather clad 'dinosaurs' in attendance - those that had hair were grey It really is horses for courses. [/quote] Ha, ha, this. Our last gig supporting Carl Palmer was likened by a friend to a Time Team Dig due to the amount of grey pony tails in the audience!
  19. I have never got Springsteen either. But then I never got/like the Stones, pink Floyd either. As others have posted no biggie, I give everything a listen & somethings stay with you, others you move away from. One of my faves is the mars Volta, raved about them to a mate & Lent him 1st album, his reaction was WTF was that sh1t! The fool! ;-)
  20. Either is ok with me, I'll go with the flow. Just need a bit of notice to organise meself.
  21. Would think it tough luck, you've been had (knowingly or unknowingly by the pub), split the remaining 150 & move on. I would be tempted to put it in writing in any contract or verbally with landlord/promoter that you wont accept £50 notes as payment in future. You have legitimate reason now, sadly. Cheers, Norm.
  22. Nice work fellas!
  23. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1393283133' post='2378375'] Any advance on 2 then for the Set Up class? [/quote] Go on then, I'm in for the set up class.
  24. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1393262964' post='2377950'] I would have tried the double bass but scared by the amount of damage it seemed to cause to others! It was nice to try so much stuff, and the amps. I managed to work out that the musicman wasn't for me, the Ibanez ergodyme of Jims definitely was, and my life would have been a lot better if I hadn't tried the '69 Jazz bass as if I hadn't, I wouldn't really want one! And I bought a new stand! [/quote] Should've had a go on the big bass, just for the experience! & like you, I wish I hadn't tried Thor's jazz 'cos now I really want a vintage fender! How much will I get for a kidney? Probably not enough to buy a 60's. Both kidneys?!?!
  25. [quote name='jimrs2k' timestamp='1393261975' post='2377933'] Norm, i really wanted a go on the upright, but i was too shy. Lol. Love the idea but a little short on the skills me thinks, but it sounded lush through my kit and am also very tempted to dip my toe into the upright world ? Need more disposable income,. Lol. [/quote] Jim, you should of had a go. I was really surprised by how different it was, & yes, it made me feel totally incompetent but that has intrigued me, made me want to find out more. Managing to almost get a proper few notes out of it, with the assistance of TheRev & James was great. Might have to take the plunge & do some proper learning!
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