I've been messaging the seller and he has sent me a few photos. He honestly believes the bass is 100% original. I think he's been sold it that way and doesn't know any better. but the date is on the neck heel as it should be and the pots all look original to me. He sent me a pic of the underside of the pup, now here's a thing, the wiring on the pup is cloth. I thought it would be plastic for an SD? I cant tell if the pots have been re-soldered. My thought was it's an original pup with a SD cover?
Here's the other thing, the date on the neck is 8/4/83, which is exactly the same date on my neck!
Here's my neck-heel
and pots
and a before and after from when I cleaned my tuners
Obviously the bridge is wrong, but that can be changed. Any thoughts on the pups?