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Ben Jamin

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Everything posted by Ben Jamin

  1. Roy Mitchell-Cardenas of Mutemath attached P pick-ups to the end of his fingerboard and it sounds pretty cool! There might be an interview about it somewhere... Sorry that's not much help Anyway, here's what his sounds like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee85ItE5C_0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. Stingray - no good reason really, they just don't do anything for me. Warwick Dolphin - for obvious reasons. Basses with spikes - I'm clumsy enough knocking into band-mates with just my Corvette - nevermind impaling them on a BC Rich
  3. I agree, I guess if punters haven't experienced any real kind of musical adventuring themselves then it's only reasonable that they'll be somewhat blissfully ignorant/maybe won't fully appreciate the all the effort and expense that goes into it. However, I have loads of fun playing and rehearsing with my band and seeing people enjoy our music, I find it really fulfilling, so I don't think they get the enjoyment part wrong
  4. I'm in a band with Jarryd here so just to let you guys know: he's a genuinely awesome guy to deal with, and this amp sounds great and is in perfect condition! Here he/the HT5 is looking smart at a recent band practice
  5. I'd buy custom without a doubt. My brother just took delivery of his custom guitar - it's beautifully made to his exact spec with some amazing woods, intricate details and hand-wound pick-ups etc etc - quite simply amazing. Cost him a few hundred less than your budget I don't see why you would go for a factory made instrument, like a Gibson Les Paul for example, when you could at the very least get a professional luthier-made guitar to the same spec for a bit less cash!
  6. For the cheapy bass option would you be interested at all in my Sue Ryder? It's as new, but I've got some Seymour Duncan SP2 pick-ups and CTS pots etc that I haven't got 'round to putting in yet that'll come with it? Edit: And a flightcase for it too!
  7. I wish I couldn't hear the difference either - these darn ears cost me so much money! Seriously though, the GT200 is probably the best sounding amp I've ever played through - vest start saving eh? Your red/black one looks awesome, bet it sounds better!
  8. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1339335220' post='1686950'] Degree ? They're giving them away inside boxes of Cornflakes these days aren't they ? [/quote] Only in the big boxes now though - so I had to cash out/borrow money from my parents a fair bit more than previous years. But hey, now everyone wants to employ me.
  9. Looks like he hasn't logged on since he posted the ad
  10. For the moment though I'm pretty happy with this
  11. If I could have any guitar... probably my brother's Strat. Owned from new - it's a '94/95 Japanese '54 reissue - back from the Fender Japan owner was a proper pre-CBS Fender fanatic - so everything's spot on apart from the pick-ups (and the finish, but that just looks cool), which had to be rubbish of course to make the USAs seem better. Swap the p'ups out for some Seymour Duncans and you have one very very nice Strat. The '54 neck profile on this is perfect.
  12. Also, I've done the classic 'mute button' on my amp a couple of times...
  13. Setting up for a gig - I was playing a bit o' bass before sound-check. Casual one-foot-on-monitor stance. Took my foot off just before the engineer plugged the monitor in, at which point a circle of blue electricity began to whirl around the speaker, which was going crazy and making the most hellish loud shrill screaming noise I've ever heard. I still have no idea how he managed to do that, but I'm pretty glad I took my foot off.
  14. Would there be any interest in an Epiphone Dot (sunburst)?
  15. Lakland? B strings love a 35" neck
  16. [quote name='tremblap' timestamp='1339096540' post='1683674'] and I'm going to Matamp tomorrow to get my gt200... so excited! [/quote] Awesome! Sounds like a niiice rig - that blue stack looks ace as well! Pictures ASAP please
  17. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1339063173' post='1682995'] Garry, this makes me even more proud and pleased to be a Warwick player. [/quote] +1! And darn it, I'd only just convinced myself that I don't [u][i]need[/i][/u] a Streamer. But I guess we all have an obligation to help save the environment,,, Seriously though, really impressed! Despite the price-hike I think the new Warwicks are great value considering what I've just read. I dread to think of the conditions under which half my clothes were probably made, so knowing that these basses are put together properly under these regulations makes me very proud to play my Corvette! Nice one, Warwick
  18. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1338922901' post='1681203'] Well maybe. A line input, rather than an instrument input, is normally fairly low impedance - around 20Kohms. For an active bass it probably won't matter, but it will affect the tone on a passive. The load on the pickups is likely to cause a loss of highs. [/quote] Ahh fair point. My Warwick (and the Jazz I had before that) is active - I'd never thought about it...
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1338896772' post='1680688'] They only hang out with you because it makes them look clever! [/quote] Ha! Well, I mean, I did study for two years and get some pretty good GCSEs, not to mention these prestigious A-levels, so I [i][b]do[/b][/i] know what I'm talking about
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1338857580' post='1680235'] Not like those asshole children who think that because they've been to university and got a degree they're a bit 'special'. [/quote] Hey now, some of those people are my friends!
  21. Well it is a little bit geeky tbh As the already established gear-geek I used to get the jokes all the time. Until our guitarist acquired his new guitar through me/Basschat. And then the other guitarist acquired his new amp through me/Basschat. Amongst other items bought for awesome prices for our band, not to mention great advice, wealth of knowledge and general good times. Now the whole band's on here, mostly stalking the 'Other Musical Stuff'. My friend even has a crush on Ped after I showed her the uber-cool polos. I sincerely hope you band lot all see this and yes we're all getting Basschat shirts and stickers to be proudly displayed at our next gig.
  22. However I've used the silver Behringers loads all over the place and every time they've just worked. Can't really go wrong! Who's to argue for the price?
  23. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1338833246' post='1679819'] What sort of mixer? Likely at smallpub level you could just go straight into a mixer amp without the need for DI. [/quote] +1! If the mixer's close enough just plonk yer lead into a line-in, set the gain and off you go I don't think you'd really need a DI unless the desk is some distance away/only has XLR inputs. Doesn't sound like an amp no, but just play around with your tone controls a bit and it'll sound fine. When I'm doing little jobs in the studio I just go straight into the desk - sounds fine
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