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Ben Jamin

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Everything posted by Ben Jamin

  1. Never tried one but I'd very much like to! They've got some great reviews Is it 'Jive bass' jazz copy you're on about? I think that got an award for best bass under £1000 a couple of years ago. Looks good to me!
  2. Bump for a sweet rig! Mr. Ellis is a fine gentleman and has lent me this lot a couple of times for gigs and it sounds absolutely amazing. If I hadn't already ordered my Matamp I'd be all over this! Anyway, thumbs up for a great rig/guy
  3. [quote name='JJMacL' timestamp='1329581969' post='1544518'] There is always that option. Wish I had kept every amp I ever owned... [/quote] You can have my last amp! Crate BT220. It's so good it's been gathering dust at school for about six months now Actually to be fair it's not too bad, especially for a first combo - but can't wait for my Matamp!
  4. That new Tech 21 Bass Boost Fuzz looks pretty cool? Individual knobs for distortion mix and clean mix, plus an independent boost!
  5. You haven't got a Precision bass Seriously though, if I were to spend on 3k on four strings = straight to the custom jobs/luthiers!
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1328199082' post='1523524'] Just called to pester them about this, prototype is on the test gear, and should be there to have a go on in a week or two. It is all solid state, with a mid control that can boost and cut. If this goes well they are going to work on a valve pre one, there is complication there due to relative levels and input sensitivity, an also treading on Orange TB territory. [/quote] Sounds ace. How do you get to test all this stuff out!? [size=2][size=4]([/size][size=3]Oh and don't suppose there was any mention of my amp? Mine's supposed to have a valve pre[/size][/size])
  7. That looks ace! Could do with a good back-up/second bass, especially one that doesn't break my back like my Warwick! ...Hopefully I'll be able to raise some money! Good luck with the sale either way
  8. Eddie Tatton's a session player who hangs out here in Lincoln and he's one of the most expressive and tasteful guitarists I've come across - he just knows what/when to play! He put a nice little solo on this track on my brother's band's latest EP (well technically it's the Viv Murrell Band, but my brother's been playing guitar for her for years from the start!) So Viv's on the clean Tele, my bro's on the clean-then-crunchy Strat, and Eddie's on the ES335-awesome-solo-duty after the 2nd chorus My brother's a great player too imo, if you care to listen to the other EPs on the soundcloud [url="http://soundcloud.com/viv-murrell/on-your-side"]http://soundcloud.co...ll/on-your-side[/url] (Oh and the Hurry Home EP and the Closer/Embers EP on Viv's Soundcloud also features Isaac Marshall on bass, 'Isaac' on here!) http://soundcloud.com/viv-murrell/hurry-home
  9. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1327138745' post='1506778'] Nightmare! I was literally going to buy a terror bass head today, until u read this post! Anymore info on size / style etc? TB is now on hold / [/quote] Can't really comment on what the digital amp looks like because I only saw a prototype back in November, but I hear it's pretty small - smaller than the Terror Bass anyway The hybrid hasn't been built yet so I don't know But they said they'd try and fit in into one of their little boxes like: Go for the Matamp!
  10. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1326923645' post='1503948'] That guitar's going on the wall of a plastic surgeon in Santa Monica never to be played. [/quote] I guess these are the 'select people' I don't understand the idea of guitars as ornaments. I mean they look great, but they sound better - play the darn thing!
  11. So, erm, it'd be really cool if Fender told me a little about the guitars and/or basses that I'll be spending 3k on? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qypWcLXx9wg&feature=youtu.be
  12. Ben Jamin

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1326561950' post='1498920'] Hi Ben - I had a shaftesbury that was very much like that (fitted a trapeze type stop tail because the top was collapsing under string pressure). Also my first guitar was an Eko. One more I forgot - this is really rather special, but I can't say where I got it from: [/quote] Please tell me that's real!? I've just noticed Proguitarshop have started uploading some demos of some new Ekos - I didn't know they still made them but they sound pretty good to me
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1326665300' post='1500297'] I've got an old Teisco vibrato on my guitar, which works a bit like a Bigsby, but is even more crudely designed. With a roller bridge and a bit of attention to the nut slots (namely smoothing the slots and using a bit of graphite), I can honestly say it doesn't give me any tuning problems unless I go into the aforementioned full whole-tone wang mode for extended periods. I find the long arm travel but smaller range of this style of vibrato tailpiece makes it much easier to get a smooth, even vibrato than with a Fender or Floyd. It is definately less touchy than a floating trem when string bending etc. I'd say go for it, and you'll probably find yourself using the Bigsby more than you expected. [/quote] +1, I've got a Bigsby on my ancient Eko, and it's never given me any tuning problems in the slightest, and I find it a lot easier to use than Floyds etc. Oh and it looks fit.
  14. Ben Jamin

    Guitar Porn

    A couple of old Eko guitars, well used and passed down the family as we all learnt to play. My Dad bought them second-hand back in the early 70s I think - the SG's got some very old Gibson 'buckers and a Bigsby on it which might be worth something? But the sentimental value far outweighs any prospect of selling anything Took these photos as part of my photography coursework: Then there's the Eko Ranger, erm, '12-string'? Yes it's been fixed with fiber-glass And they both play and sound rather good!
  15. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1326199243' post='1493603'] I still [size=6][b]need[/b][/size] to try a Matamp [/quote] You said it yourself
  16. Good news! My brother was talking to Hayden earlier today and they've cleared their queue, meaning proper work on my amp is starting This also means they've finished the development of the B500 - their 500W digital amp! Hopefully I'll find out more about the B500 when I pick up my amp
  17. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326126804' post='1492629'] I agree with this. VW is a fantastic musician, it's just some of the bovine in the audience who I challenge. [/quote] I think you get that in all fields really. I happened to be walking by a railway crossing on way home once at the same time as a steam train went past and there were about 50 odd people with cameras and packed lunches who'd evidently waited a very long time to see it. I guess everyone has their obsessions, justified in our eyes or not - each to their own Anyway, Wooten's a fantastic musician. I probably learnt more about music from his Groove Workshop DVD than all of my music A-level classes/formal piano lessons combined Great philosophy on music right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMe_KUwgBUE
  18. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1326133742' post='1492751'] Still got the 1x18 to come [/quote] Nice Matamps Just out of interest - when I went up there was a stack of a 1x18 and a 4x10, where the signal had been split so the lower frequencies went to the 1x18, and the higher to the 4x10 - that's not yours is it? Darn that thing sounded amazing.
  19. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1325974709' post='1490694'] I'm over at the factory tomorrow, so I'll see how they are getting on. I'm interested to hear it. [/quote] Ace! I'm interested to hear it too
  20. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1325857112' post='1488827'] So, has it arrived, have I missed something? Really interested in this. [/quote] Not yet no They had quite a queue when I went to the factory and they told me it would be about 6/7 weeks or so - so not long now
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1325672172' post='1485802'] Meh. They look like the Jap fotoflames. [/quote] That's what I thought! Saw their Select Strat and thought 'Hang on, my brother's got on of these' A lot cheaper and with all the pick-up/electronics upgrades he's made I'd imagine a better guitar too!
  22. [quote name='the_krysh' timestamp='1325635737' post='1485631'] aside different types of construction, did they have equally fresh and the same strings? [/quote] He played one of a pretty much identical construction to his Martin with the same sets of new Elixir strings on both
  23. A friend of mine has a few expensive acoustic guitars, some of which are modern and some vintage. He explained to me that as the wood ages the sap/resin crystallises, hence why older acoustics grow darker in shade. He said this means more sustain and warmth. And when he played his newly acquired 1954 Martin you could really hear it. The sound resonates for flipping ages, and there's so much more warmth and body to it, compared to his modern models (we're talking acoustics worth about 5-10k each here) That's a short paraphrased version of what he said in less complicated terms anyway - I don't much about it myself. But I could definitely hear a difference between his warm vintage guitars and his bright modern guitars. I don't know how much difference the wood would make on an old Precision, bearing in the mind the different lacquers and pick-ups too. I reckon acoustically you might be able to tell - but put through an amp, into a cabinet, into a microphone, mastered on a DAW, and finally compressed into an mp3 file I doubt you'd be able to tell. Ultimately though I reckon Jake's got it in one [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1325630589' post='1485561'] What really matters in this is how the instrument feels to the player and at that point it's over to subjectivity, doesn't matter if it's cheap, medium range or mega expensive. If the player is happy he or she will make it sing. [/quote]
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