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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. Haha, the Lakin headstock is not great, but better than AC, Lull or Nordstrand ones. IMO. I also have a slight beef with the Lakland oval bridge, but could let it slide if I had a US Decade - lovely basses!
  2. Dan bought a pedal from me. Fast payment and good communications - recommended
  3. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1472829780' post='3124610'] I'm pretty sure he isn't, I have just read the manual for mine and there is no A into B mode. [/quote] I saw this and thought it meant "A into B" but suppose it actually means the order of toggling "A then B then Bypass" [Img] http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/rackbags/2016-09-02%2016.38.41_zpsqwctrmnd.png" class="ipsImage" />
  4. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1472819717' post='3124510'] doesn't an ls2 do A into B aswell? Im sure it does [/quote] By golly I think you might be right!
  5. Thanks folks. The third option is not as essential but would be nice. Wow, those Wounded Paw jobbies are massive! Will send messages to SFX and Tom and see if it's viable.
  6. I have two pedals, A & B and would like to have them in various combinations without having to swap leads around: - A and B in parallel (each pedal has a volume control already) - A or B individually - A into B Anything about that could do this? The smaller the better
  7. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1472756651' post='3124007'] Some real food for thought here.... and we're all good with a blend it would seem. So far (hypothetically of course) we are wanting to stay away from clones but I have to say that Truly Beautiful Disaster is right up my hypothetical effects builders street. We've been collab'ing on modding a discontinued pedal of his (that's how this all got started) but we are actually doing away with it's self-oscillating loop and concentraiting more on a doomy fuzz in this new one. ... however I really like the idea of a built in LFO. [/quote] Hah, reading it back, I actually meant LPF! But what the hell go nuts
  8. Next up is Nottingham Contemporary on 17th September - free! http://www.nottinghamcontemporary.org/event/ujahm-2
  9. I'd love a gated fuzz with a filter (with expression in) and freq boost around the shelving frequency Basically a fuzz and LFO combined. The filter on some octavers is so great, I'd like to see it on a fuzz
  10. Been a huge fan for 17 years, seen him live around five times. He is a visionary - continually pushing the boundaries of composition and noise. I love his glitchy sonic spasms. I'm less keen on his bass playing - more into the electronic stuff.
  11. I'd go for the reassurance of 2x12, as some of those synth frequencies can get brutal! Obviously it depends on how loud you plan to play. The Super Twin handles any bass seemingly without limit, but lacks a tweeter if you want to do high freq lead synth stuff
  12. [quote name='andybassdoyle' timestamp='1472684032' post='3123361'] The subterranea rules. I've just finished browning the pants of 3,000 people in gt Yarmouth with mine. Deep joy (for everyone) You'll regret selling this Chris! [/quote] Haha, you may well be right! Going got a slightly different synth approach - let's hope it works out!
  13. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1472581276' post='3122360'] Could be interested in that SubT, however is it the camera angle or is the clean knob bent or out of line with the others?? [/quote] OK, hope this helps.. The filter knob has a slight wobble on. Have a look at the video to see. When removing the knob, hopefully you can see that the pot shaft itself is fine. BTW the black markers are painted on by me as the original silver was hard to read onstage. http://youtu.be/nknKiodq2Gs
  14. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1472581276' post='3122360'] Could be interested in that SubT, however is it the camera angle or is the clean knob bent or out of line with the others?? [/quote] Not as far as I'm aware - will check when I get home
  15. [Img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/20160830_094900_zpsgf8jpjyu.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> Copilot FX Broadcast LFO £100 **SOLD** This version of the Broadcast is the full version which allows you to plug in an expression pedal and control manually the sweep of the output or use the internal LFO to sweep the output and has the option to control / change the LFO speed / tap ratios via the expression. Owned from new. Velcro on back. http://youtu.be/UpdfBUES_XQ Iron Ether Subterranea synth/octave £150 **ON HOLD** Fantastic octave with filter, sub/dub to filthy synth. Blend this with any amount of clean signal and the two (waveform selectable) synth voices and you've got one amazing pedal. The first run of these has some sort of noise bleed issue, but this is not from that batch. Owned from new, velcro on back. Fairfield "The Accountant" compressor £90 **SOLD** More versatile than it looks, and sounds lovely. I've been using it as a limiter and it's perfect for that too. http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/account.shtml Owned from new, velcro on back Xerograph not for sale For each pedal add £6 to be packaged in the famous Roland Rock bulletproof packaging and sent via UPS Can combine postage. Collection from Nottingham fine.
  16. Roland Rock

    In Memoriam

    Ben aka Colgraff passed away in April: http://basschat.co.uk/user/22503-colgraff/ Just learned this as his father is selling his bass. Huge condolences to his wife and kids
  17. My first car was an old A Reg purple mini. Loved it. The rear side pockets could fit a four pack of beer perfectly!
  18. [quote name='Westenra' timestamp='1472080792' post='3118433'] What is that bar next to the bridge? [/quote] A simple B flat on the one and three
  19. Try Lee650 who has posted in the Wanted forum, looking for a cheap, small synthy fuzz. This would be ideal I reckon.
  20. Class D are going stronger than ever, especially as the technology improves, so I wouldn't call that flavour of the month. The one that springs to mind for me is Limelight
  21. I would LOVE one of these! Unfortunately well out of my budget Best of luck with the sale
  22. I used to get nervous before gigs - it would go straight to my stomach, lots of pre gig time in the toilet 😁 Not anymore though. We'll normally pop out for food or a drink while waiting.
  23. The TC BH250 seems to tick all your boxes in terms of portability, affordability and tone.
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