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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. Oh, something else to mention - I was preparing for the PITA of using a separate power supply for the Hot Hand, but then discovered that it powers up just by inserting the TRS jack! Result!
  2. Love a bit of Super Sharp Shooter Yeah, subtle sweeps and long sweeps may not be the forte of the HH. I've redone the video in the cold light of day (portrait mode was vexing me). This one has some slower sweeps.
  3. I swapped my expression pedal out for a Hot Hand a while back. Here's a quick demo of it controlling the Xerograph LPF and the Broadcast LFO http://youtu.be/1dSPZAvncYg
  4. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1471551916' post='3113991'] I'm surprised how many E strings get broken, I would have thought that one would be the least likely to break, given how thick it is [/quote] ...but it's also first in line to encounter a particularly careless heavy downward blow
  5. This is proper holy grail amp territory. I have a Blue Rock so can't justify this, but seriously, someone, bite his hand off!
  6. I snapped an E string while playing a particularly heavy version of Day Tripper. It was with a pick. That was twenty years ago, several months after taking up bass, and several hours before our first gig. Never broken one since.
  7. I know a chap who was going through a bitter separation from his (then) wife. Among other items, she threw his Stingray out of a first floor window.
  8. I'd expect a scratchplate of that era to have thumbrest screwholes above the strings. Is there a serial number sticker on the scratchplate?
  9. Donna Lee. Or Donna Summer. Or Lady Madonna. Any of the Donnas really
  10. Nice sunny reggae at Green Meadows festival on Sunday. First festival I've ever played where you had to bring your own rig! Very organized and professional though, with the clearest mix (onstage and FOH) in living memory [Img] http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/rackbags/FB_IMG_1471342544678_zps7mzadvn7.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> [Img] http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/rackbags/FB_IMG_1471342554690_zpsnunuhjkv.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> [Img] http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/rackbags/FB_IMG_1471342567852_zps6ooodzj4.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> [Img] http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/rackbags/FB_IMG_1471342571048_zpsyoopgnvz.jpg" class="ipsImage" />
  11. Streamliner sounded good through the sealed BF 69er cab. Tamed those lows a bit.
  12. 100% of your income from music = pro 50% of your income from music = semipro 25% of your income from music = demisemipro 12.5% of your income from music = hemidemisemipro
  13. Looking forward to Green Meadows. UJahm play at 5.30 on Sunday on the main stage
  14. [quote name='brucethebassplayer1' timestamp='1470843062' post='3108895'] Ended up getting a Vanderkley 410 combined with a Glockenklang Blue Sky. Sounds incredible. Thank you all for your comments. [/quote] Cracking rig - glad you're happy 👍
  15. I was eyeing up that Density Hulk. Looking forward to hearing the comparison, especially to find out which is more synthy
  16. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1470812507' post='3108557'] I bought my Sterling without trying one as I couldn't find anywhere that had one. Luckily it's a fantastic instrument and really suits my playing style. Alternatively I could never ever get on with Stingrays. I didn't like the feel of them and could never get the Stingray growl. Turns out I can from my Sterling. [/quote] Similar for me, I bought a 'Ray after trying it several times, as I loved the solo tone and the playability/construction, but could never gel with it in a band environment. However, both of my current basses were bought blind and luckily they work for me perfectly.
  17. Not heard that before - great stuff. It's the kind of groove I love from Jaco. Agreed it's not that technical - a variation on Come on Come over, which is in turn borrowed heavily from Jerry Jemmott's style. The notes/chord tones themselves are simple enough, but the way they are diced up and sprinkled onto the song is superb.
  18. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1470556509' post='3106629'] Perhaps that's superb sounding gear? [/quote] Basschat Heresy! Those are not fashionable brands! Current fashion rating is directly proportional to sound quality.
  19. Looks like ash, which is a bugger to gloss due to the open grain. Filling the grain so that it looks right and provides a flat spraying surface is tricky. As said above, the grain can be filled with initial clear coats, then sanded back, repeat until no low points, then lacquer as normal. But there's a risk of sanding off the red stain in parts - then you're screwed. If your man can do this for £130 bite his hand off, but be ultra sure he has seen the bass in the flesh and is confident that he has the experience to to it properly. Let us know how you get on
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1469958916' post='3102236'] What does the engr think when you put a compressor in line [/quote] I once forgot to engage my compressor when using my siren effect. The engineer ran at me, ears bleeding, wielding an enormous spanner
  21. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1469934313' post='3102115'] Maybe I would stay away from sterile cabs or cabs that add a certain tone. [/quote] Out of interest TC, how would you describe your idea of a 'sterile' cab?
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1469921278' post='3102083'] Isn't the gloss all about the hours spent buffing [i]after[/i] the painting? [/quote] Preparation of the surface is just as important as applying the paint/lacquer. A surface which has been properly prepped and expertly sprayed can reduce the necessary buffing time from hours to minutes.
  23. How about Mywatt? http://weber-amps.de/en/index.html
  24. Roy Ayers tonight
  25. Mine was a Cougar 1x15. Never seen one since
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