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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. Latvia, being part of the EU, is also subject to distance selling regulations. "In the EU you have the right to return purchases made online or through other types of distance selling, such as by phone, mail order or from a door-to-door salesperson, within 14 days for a full refund. You can do so for any reason – even if you simply changed your mind." This won't apply if it's a custom bass ie, made just for you, and the seller must be in the EU.
  2. Handy location and I'm free - I'm in
  3. Dredged up this thread to remind myself what strings I have, to replace them like for like. Can't believe it's been over two years!
  4. New video for UJahm song Pressure out today. Enjoy!
  5. Kind of forgotten to update this thread! Short notice while I'm waiting at the bus stop with my bass - UJahm playong as part of Dot2Dot festival tonight. Suede Bar Hockley, 10:30pm
  6. I have no recollection of quoting from or replying to this thread 😂 Ummm, welcome to basschat
  7. Bit of a last minute change of circumstances for me means I cant go this time 🙁 Have a great time all, I'll try not to be too jealous when reading the reports and pics 😪🤢
  8. Thanks very much. Will ingest and implement
  9. Quick question if I may; when perusing the user patch database, what's the best way of hearing a preview of a patch? Currently, I just download something with an interesting name/sounds vaguely relevant then see what it sounds like when it's on the FI. Hardly the best way! The keyboard in the editor seems like it should be a preview tool, but no noise
  10. Great thread which I've just discovered! Here's a demo from my old synth-based pedalboard setup, starting simply, then adding stuff until silly:
  11. Just to clarify, I don't plan to steal anyone's gear. 1. jebroad 2. Len_Derby 3. Jabba_the_gut 4. Spondonbassed - Hohner B2A, Steinberger Spirit XT25 5. Andyjr1515 6. Jimothe y 7. Mojo 8. Owen 9. Teebs 10. Josie 11. Aidan63 12. Frank Blank 13. petecarlton (newbie) 14. Bassman Sam. NR Custom built Thunderbird, Ashdown 2x10 combo, MM P-bass. 15. ChrisLovatt (bassbash virgin) 16. Stub Mandrel - Fender Pe rformer 17. Richard R. (newbie too). I'l l bring along my Brawley Artemis, if anyone is inte rested. 18. Marillionred - John Letts fretless 5, Warwick Dolphin SN 5, Michael Kelly Dragonfl y acoustic 5 (this one is for sale 🙂 ) 19. Skinnyman - only a possible at this stage but I'll try and make it with a BF One10, possibly one of their new GXII cabs, and a b donkey or two 20. LukeFRC Mesa Walkabout and a few Basses 21. Nick A: Wal custom fretless, Warwick dolphin pro1, bitsa with a very nice acg-eq-01 preamp in it. PJB flight case and pb300 ... 22: Roland Rock: W&T Ergon 5, Glockenklang Blue Rock, BF Super Twin, Future Impact
  12. Oh me too, I'm a stealer, not a creator! Interesting to compare downloaded patches though
  13. Great! We should compare Future Impact patches Owen.
  14. Room for one or two more?
  15. Cheers RB, great to hear positive feedback from a reggae afficionado 👊
  16. If anyone likes a bit of reggae, please checkout our new release "Pressure" Listen to Ujahm - Pressure [Preview] by Reggae Take Over #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/reggaetakeover/ujahm-pressure-sample Vinyl junkies can get one of the few remaining hand numbered ltd edition 7" singles, with Zion Train dub mix on the B side. https://www.juno.co.uk/products/ujahm-zion-train-pressure/705698-01/ Alternatively, have a listen on Spotify/Apple music Thanks, Chris
  17. Sharing a gig with Channel One Soundsystem and going through their stack tonight. DJ soundcheck was insane; the bass gave me blurred vision. Should be an interesting night! Edit update: Gig was great and endless positive feedback about how good the sound was. We need a stack like that! Problem is it fills a Luton van and takes four people to carry each of those bass cabs!
  18. Been playing for 24 years: 1: Marlin Sidewinder 2: 2EQ Stingray 3: 78 Precision 4: Wood&Tronics Ergon 5 5: Wood&Tronics J4 Only the Ergon 5 remains Edit: just remembered I also owned an Epiphone El Capitan for a few months in Australia as a busking bass.
  19. I'm not so midi savvy that I can create my own patches in the editor, however I have scoured the large pool of user-created patches over on TalkBass and added the ones I like to my unit via the desktop editor.
  20. I introduced one to my pedal board a year or so ago, and now it's my only pedal! It has displaced individual fuzz, low pass filter, OC2 and tuner among others. It may not be the most intuitive to change settings on the hoof, but with some pre planning, it's fine. No problems live for me, but i haven't recorded with it yet.
  21. I love the Tune Yards, some really inventive pop; quirky and sometimes verging on the psychedelic. This song is more old school, and well worth a watch all the way through. Superb voice, music with space, and a definite early Zepplin vibe imo http://youtu.be/UNkP-mbBMLo
  22. I'm guessing this is the list? https://www.standard.co.uk/goingout/music/the-20-greatest-british-rock-bands-of-all-time-a3655391.html On The Cure: "From the the stark and intense nature of albums like 1982’s Pornography, through to the more flamboyant and playful records like Wish, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me and Disintegration" Surely this has been written by someone who has never listened to the dark and not-at-all-flamboyant-or-playful Disentegration album.
  23. More surprising than the asking price is the assertion that 1982 was pre the funk/slap era!
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