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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dad-Man-Cat-Corduroy/dp/B0000248E6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1312845940&sr=8-4"]Corduroy - Dad Man Cat[/url] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Useful-Tips-About-Living-Underground/dp/B0000074D9/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1312846012&sr=1-1"]A Few Useful Tips About Living Underground - JTQ[/url] Also check out Snowboy, although I don't have specific albums to recommend. And here's a favourite of mine - fine bass playing too...
  2. Love it. IMO the bonkers shape of the Big Al deserves a bonkers colour too
  3. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149699&st=0&gopid=1332394&#entry1332394"]These[/url] are quite collectable, apparently
  4. What would it be worth if it was all original!
  5. In my experience, staining wood black is tricky and you will need a lot of applications to get it properly dark, especially with maple. The rougher the sanded finish, the better the stain will absorb into the wood, but obviously you don't want to have it too rough for use. Also unless you're using some special stuff, the stain offers no protection, and this will have to be done with oil/other finishing product. Have fun experimenting and hope it turns out well.
  6. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1331974' date='Aug 8 2011, 01:01 PM']I have to say, those TRB1006 basses always felt very made. Great deals![/quote] As opposed to not made?
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='1329276' date='Aug 5 2011, 09:42 PM']I believe these guys are worth a look: [url="http://www.chambonino.com/"]http://www.chambonino.com/[/url][/quote] +1 for John Chambers. He's pretty close to J26 of the M1, so not bad for Leicester. He's usually very busy, so worth checking re. timeframes.
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1331575' date='Aug 8 2011, 12:22 AM']I joked but I did end up with a Warwick and it was awesome.[/quote] [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='273792' date='Aug 31 2008, 04:25 PM']My account will be deleted after this post. 1.Anything with more than 4 strings 2.Warwicks 3.Any bass that costs more than £1000 4.Wireless units I will think of more and come back if my account is still intact.[/quote] Please tell me it was a five string which cost over a grand Come to think of it, wasn't it you that tried to buy that orange five string? Shows how prejudices can alter over time with changing views and needs.
  9. [quote name='deaver' post='1320979' date='Jul 30 2011, 12:11 AM']Well that's just about perfect. Gonna be stalking this one for quite some time[/quote] Cheers Stalking as in seeing if it comes up for sale? Unlikey I'm afraid. Been my only bass for the last 10 years.
  10. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='1330620' date='Aug 7 2011, 08:23 AM']That is a truly sweet bass What year is it ?[/quote] +1 - a really lovely bass
  11. Here's the one. It has some odd antigua-like finish, so possibly a late 70's job? Then again, the tugbar is in the 60's position, so scratch that! I'll leave it to the experts
  12. I've just skimmed through it - not exactly keeping to the original question. I mean, pointy basses or gold hardware overrated? Not to your taste more like. Quite amusing in places though (thanks Wayne)
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1328520' date='Aug 5 2011, 11:50 AM']That just made me think, how come you can buy a hand wired valve amp for so much less than a fancy bass, especially since whilst you can only play one bass at a time, you can play many valve amps at a time (and should). I guess it is a skill thing, monkeys can handwire valve amps.[/quote] It won't last long. Wire bushes have been irresponsibly overharvested and current estimates reckon wire supplies will run out in 12 years
  14. Maybe you'd have more luck on sousaphonechat.co.uk
  15. I've never played fretless*. Why is this such a crime? * something else (Off Topic) I realised the other day - I've never played, or even touched a Jazz bass in my life!
  16. Great. I love the way his tone is not at all tinny, and sounds like a bass should. He's one of the very few slappers that I really enjoy listening to.
  17. Bilbo has a good point. On the timber shortage issue, saying that this spells the end of the wood guitar is silly. It's the endangered exotic woods that are running out, not alder, maple, etc. In the exotic timber industry, yes there are irresponsible logging practices, but there are also many sustainable timber projects going on. I'd love to see more Sonokling Rosewood used, as it's from plantations, and is (imo) much prettier than the Indian and Brazillian stuff. Likewise, sapele can be sustainable, and could replace mahogany. Maybe luthiers will steer away from the endangered exotic stuff like cocobolo, and have to get creative with the more native or sustainable woods that are available.
  18. [quote name='ab88' post='1325453' date='Aug 3 2011, 11:44 AM']£33 incl. postage within the U.K. £38 elsewhere. please PM me. [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/24/picture1koh.png/"]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/24/picture1koh.png/[/url][/quote] So these are unused Rotosound Swing Bass, in a heavy gauge? I couldn't see where these cost £38 - have you any links? (Sorry if I have it wrong, but there's not much info)
  19. The soundcloud link didn't work for me
  20. Here's the link for when it becomes available for 'listen again' [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b012yj2m"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b012yj2m[/url] Also came across a great Bootsy interview that was on Craig Charles' show a while back [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/showcase#/clips/p00jjhf9/in/collection/p00h6w5p"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/showcase#/clips...ection/p00h6w5p[/url]
  21. Wow, sounds like a fantastic trip. Don't do what I did - as soon as I landed in Perth, I decided I couldn't do without a bass so went to the local shop and spent lots on an acoustic bass. When my money ran out, I was surviving on mouldy oranges for a week before reluctantly pawning the bass (for a 60 per cent loss). This was offset somewhat by the 12 dollars I made busking, and the memories of campfire jamming on a random island, which are priceless. So, yeah, have a great time, and if you can get a cheap acoustic, it will enrich the experience.
  22. Just switched the Radio on and there's an interview with Guy Pratt. Good anecdotes about playing with the Smiths and the difficulties of smashing Status basses. Should be on iplayer soon if anyone's interested.
  23. I really like the headstock - much nicer than Nordy or Avella Copollo (IMO) I'm not sure about the white knobs, but it sounds great in that vid.
  24. The first one has been pulled. Rumbled
  25. [quote name='Kevin Glasgow' post='1309408' date='Jul 19 2011, 05:31 PM']Hi Folks, Here's a solo vid I recorded a while ago:- Cheers, Kev[/quote] I'd like to + a 1 to the others who have commented on this. When it comes to solo bass vids, for the first listen I'll usually get rid of the visual bit and only listen to the music. I find this helps me to objectively judge whether I enjoy the [i]music[/i] in its own right, without being influenced by dazzling technique. You passed with flying colours. Thanks for sharing.
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