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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. You're bending the rules a bit by promoting your own auction in this section. Perhaps you could try to sell it in the For Sale section instead?
  2. I'm currently doing a refin (my first) As the advice says, preparation is key. The more work you put into getting the body [i]perfectly[/i] smooth, the easier, quicker and cheaper the painting and polishing will be. I thought that I had filled the grain to an acceptable level, but once the paint was on, the grain showed up like a relief map! (It's ash, which is a particularly open-grained wood) I had to sand right back through several coats to get it smooth, then paint again. Hope it all goes well.
  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1291404' date='Jul 3 2011, 08:22 PM']Hmmmm...... a router is about the most dangerous power tool there is, so make sure you find out how to use one properly. You need a decent one (1/4inch ones are almost useless - get a half inch) and buy decent bits. Even then, you still need to make or buy templates. You can buy some very nice chisels and waste a bit of wood practicing. I'm no wood working expert but if you aren't in a rush you can get excellent results with hand tools.[/quote] Good advice, but I'd heartily disagree about the 1/4 inch router point - I have one and use it daily, they're not as heavy duty, but more than enough for a bass, and their smaller stature and lighter weight make it easier to work with a bit more finesse.
  4. Roland Rock


    Nice bass. FYI, the swirling grain is called 'bubinga pomele'
  5. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1292121' date='Jul 4 2011, 01:07 PM']Yeah. Massive scam. Reply to him from several different e-mial addresses, then tell him you're at sea and suggest you meet off the coast of Somalia for a ship-to-ship transfer.[/quote]
  6. [quote name='Rich' post='1290327' date='Jul 2 2011, 06:08 PM']Aye. Sorry, but the caps had to go. I don't like being shouted at [/quote] Cheers Rich - it was giving me a headache
  7. Skank, you are a gent, many thanks. I'll look around locally for the Porsche Signal Orange, and PM you if I have no luck. You've been so helpful from colour selection, to paint sourcing. Do you want to paint it for me too?
  8. Jessie J's bass player is on BC (Phil Simmonds) The bass highlight for me was Bakithi Kumalo
  9. Thanks, that website has some really good advice and links too
  10. So fat its belt size is 'equator' So fat it's blood type is 'Ragu' etc. etc. I especially like "This is the one you want!!!", the old eBay Jedi Mind Trick
  11. [quote name='risingson' post='1281716' date='Jun 25 2011, 12:23 AM']I don't know what year Graffiti Yellow came about, I have a feeling it was the early 80's but that was one of my favourite finishes, seldom seen nowadays too. Sonic blue is a great colour though, I think if you intend to keep the bass forever and aren't worried about the resale value then go with whatever you fancy![/quote] RS, is that a diplomatic way of telling me that I have bad taste? As you say, it's a keeper, and it's already stripped to the bare wood, so if need be, i can always break out the Nitromors
  12. [quote name='JoshL' post='1281572' date='Jun 24 2011, 10:03 PM']Anyone watching on bbc 2 now got any idea's what the u2 bassist is, don't know why but I thought he used warwicks but that doesn't look like any warwick I've seen before.[/quote] What's the U2 bassist?? That's a whole other thread When I turned over, he had Gibson, but is back on the Reverso now
  13. I tried to see what it was, but Morrissey's incessant whining forced me to turn over after three seconds
  14. What's the carry case like? I didn't get one with mine. Was it an optional extra?
  15. Following on from another thread, I've decided to paint my stripped '78 Precision Capri Orange (an authentic finish for the period, from the "International Series") Trouble is, where can I get it? It's got to be in spray-can form
  16. Thanks for the info. The situation was looking grim, until Skank came along with his 2am authenticity-loophole-finding ways. Sweet. Decisions decisions... Still loving the Sonic Blue, but the Taupe is very 'of the time', and every now and then, I get the urge to go for Capri Orange, with which I think a black scratchplate might be cool. Thanks, and I'll post the finished article upon completion. Edit: Just ran it past Mrs RR and she likes the Capri Orange/White Scratchplate best. Update Edit: Def going for the Orange - perhaps there's something subliminal in my avatar that steered me that way
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='1281166' date='Jun 24 2011, 04:08 PM']Anyone seen the Ritter Sport..............?[/quote] Yeah - they tend to be in cinema foyers I think Jens Ritter is fabulously bonkers. I love the design, but not sure about the practicality of a fabric finish
  18. Nice one, Will check it out. Still trying to get into Shobaleader One, though
  19. As if the bugger wasn't heavy enough, I've decided to paint my stripped 78 Precision. I love Sonic Blue, but ideally I'd like a colour that is faithful to the year of the bass (Sonic Blue was discontinued in '72) Does anyone know of any resources where I can see the full range of colours available in 1978?
  20. The Yamaha + a tin of Nitromors
  21. How come it's a Jazz case, but has pics of a P?
  22. Give Aretha's "Rock Steady" a go. Such a good groove in the verses, and some lovely fingerstyle funk in the choruses.
  23. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='1278290' date='Jun 22 2011, 10:58 AM']Defintely a fad. What kind of ass would play a guitar that looked like this... [/quote]
  24. Anyone know what mybilling.de is? It also featured this bass with a link to ebay.de [url="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:W5N816NK1agJ:socheapoz.com/y/result.jsp%3FattributeValue%3Dpreisbereich_2240_2900%26q%3Dwarwick%2Bstreamer+his+Warwick+Streamer+Serial-H2081-005+89+is+a+LTD+model+released+during+the+year+1989&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=safari&source=www.google.co.uk"]http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/sear...ww.google.co.uk[/url]
  25. My maple P is a similar age to this,and has the same "problem" more or less the whole length of the fretboard. I'm not sure how it happens, but think I remember someone calling it "ring rash" (ouch!! ) ie someone's ring chipping the lacquer off. It's darker because the unfinished maple absorbs years worth of sweat and grime. I must say that mine looks a lot more natural, with deeper yellow and some grain in the maple. Maybe the pic is misleading. So, I'm with Gareth - definitely Mojo!
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