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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1502791662' post='3353532'] I'm completely baffled [/quote] Occupational hazard
  2. Sold now
  3. I'd happily use the old Trace stuff; well built and distinctive clean sound. The aesthetics and slidy eq are a bit mullet, but that's the era they helped to define.
  4. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1502449913' post='3351517'] I guess it was dropped and broken. [/quote] Wookie error
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1502533251' post='3352039'] Are you all watching on PCs or something? It's not available to me. [/quote] Deactivate your slap filter
  6. The Allergies' new album Push On. Very funky
  7. Thanks TBird - going camping for a week so please bear with me if you get in touch.
  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1501923635' post='3348217'] Billy Ocean has still got it. If you ever get the chance to see him, I urge everybody to make the effort - his band is superb and his voice is incredible - he can still hit all the notes and you will not hear him off key all night. [/quote] I saw him a couple of weeks ago - absolutely superb
  9. AJ bought a pedal from me. Fast payment and good communication. I'd happily deal with him again.
  10. Darren bought a couple of pedals from me. All was very smooth and easy. Recommended!
  11. Bluetooth has a pretty bad latency, so I'd imagine it would be quite useless as part of a bass amp
  12. Ten George L right angles cables. Eight larger size and two of the smaller size. Five lengths of cable too, four black of larger girth and a single purple skinny. [Img]https://s5.postimg.org/5tap7e4fb/20170801_003523.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> £32 posted
  13. Mantic. Density. Hulk. Extremely manly sub synth pedal. Like the Dod Meatbox but cooler. Use with caution with your cab; if you're going to crank it, best go straight into the PA. Fortunately this is easy as you can just use the bypassed 'dry' out to continue your pedal chain. [Img]https://s5.postimg.org/mho7gb7qf/20170729_182336.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> Good condition. Velcro underneath. Add £5 for UK postage
  14. Iron Ether Xerograph Standard low pass filter. [Img]https://s5.postimg.org/sdi53pn1j/20170729_182402.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> I got this directly from Iron Ether back when Taylor made them to order. It's my staple effect, but I'm changing to LPFs in the bass' preamp rather than on the pedalboard. Get deeeeep pure bass tones, and sweep the filter for synth goodness. This video shows it being controlled by an EP3 and a Broadcast LFO. You can also sweep with a Hot Hand which is fun. http://youtu.be/UpdfBUES_XQ Very good condition, just a bit of paint on the knobs so make the position more visible. Add £5 for UK delivery
  15. SFX Loop Logic. A looper, but not the type which plays your bassline back to you ad nausium. Both loops off - signal straight in >out Then kick in Loop A, Loop B or both at the same time, each having a level control. Very handy routing tool, especially if you want to play effects in parallel. [IMG]https://s5.postimg.org/r9tfe0d0n/20170729_182434.jpg[/IMG] Very good condition. Velcro underneath. Add £5 for UK postage
  16. Rainger FX Dr Freakenstein's Dwarf Bitch Not to be confused with the more sensible Dwarf Bass pedal. It's an insane gated fuzz, yet surprisingly versatile. The pot underneath goes from 'tame' to pitchless self-oscilating insanity. Hi and lo voicing switch, volume, tone and mode for the (included) Igor pressure pad. This switches between tone and a crazy bitcrusher effect. Sounds very synthy when swept with a low pass filter. I also ran it in parallel with a Density Hulk - thunder and lightning! [Img]https://s5.postimg.org/u90c14mhz/20170729_182026.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> As new bar the Velcro on the bottom Add £5 for UK delivery
  17. Roland Rock

    DI Box

    I have the SB2 and it's great; compact, bulletproof and great sound. I love the simplicity of a passive box. Unless your passive mode has a very low output, the SB2 will be fine (see also the cable length factor above but that's never been an issue for me, despite some pretty big venues)
  18. Delighted to hear about the recovery of your gear. I wonder whether a dashboard-type camera hidden in the stashing spot might reveal anything interesting over time... Or you, in camo, with a trident...
  19. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1500048232' post='3335381'] What's not to like?!! (Apart from the price tag!) [/quote] All that gold!
  20. Did the Trace cab have a tweeter? Maybe that's the zing you liked the sound of.
  21. Just don't perch on the rear edge and tilt forwards, lest the wheels wheels scoot the cab backwards from under you, and you fall in an embarrassing heap.
  22. 15 stone* regular Barefaced-sitter here *95kg
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