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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. I rehearse with a 50w Orange crush. In my rehearsal space (30 square metres) the drummer uses flats with full size kick drum and snare. I find I can hear it ok but it is around 3/4 - full volume
  2. I like to stick at three so I sell the least played that's why i am selling two at present!
  3. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1327875154' post='1518211'] I don't pretend to have the answers but I surely didn't find them through Tony Franklin..[u]There's nothing worse than playing fretless out of tune.[/u] [/quote] Yes there is, ME playing fretless out of time and out of tune
  4. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1327928664' post='1518860'] Well done. Now what about the sofa [/quote] Sorry dear but all the money went on the bass.........
  5. Thanks for the opinions everyone I bought the bass! I am very happy and just need to sell a couple of things to afford the amp now
  6. I have just bought the Hohner B2ADB from Nigel. What a really great chap! I now have for a shiney Warwick!!!!!! What better way to spend an afternoon than talking and playing bass and guitar? Well, I'll tell you.... talking and playing with someone who is both knowledgable and easy to get on with! Nige, if you decide to visit Aylesbury, the kettle is on and the studio awaits Thanks again for your hospitality and advice, champion.
  7. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1327801552' post='1517119'] We had a police van turn up and cut us off once. The gig was out the back of a Sutton Coldfield pub on a Saturday night and apparently there had been a bunch of noise complaints. We did get paid though and resolved to sound less offensive in future [/quote] Ah, that was probably my uncle. He always complains about live music Sorry!
  8. Did you get paid?
  9. Thanks for the replies. I feel I will go with the concensus of opinion! Cheers
  10. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1327696648' post='1515677'] At least the wife is bugging you to get the bass and not a new sofa! [/quote] Just to clarify, she thinks I should go for the bass BUT still wants the new sofa
  11. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1327692310' post='1515580'] If you need to borrow an amp for a bit I don't mind loaning my Hartke 3500 for a couple of weeks - we're not too far apart. [/quote] Thanks Toni, that's really appreciated. How are you getting on with fretless? Cheers Brian
  12. Ah well, I need to buy an amp as the Ashdown has finally given up! It was a freebe that I repaired and has lasted for nearly a year. Just as I have seen on here a bass that I could would use (it's light and small ) Finite cash - I can only afford one. No gig for a month so I can get the amp next pay day........ Er.. and the misses is urging me to get the bass Any thoughts?
  13. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1327522792' post='1512949'] I think it's great to really nail a part, getting the fine detail of a good line teaches me so much about another player's style and improves my own playing. BUT having done that, on a gig I'd do my own thing! I can't ever see myself playing slavish covers, [b]may as well just put the record on[/b]. [/quote] Exactly, keep music live
  14. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1327522431' post='1512937'] Did a gig with Basil Brush once...... He's not a real fox you know! [/quote] Next you will be telling folk that Santa's not real
  15. Unless it is a really known riff, I play whatever I feel There are lots of songs where the original were just root / fifth anyway. I tend to pick those
  16. I sat behind Jack Nicholson in the CBS box when I saw Michael Jackson on the BAD tour. I had been given VIP tickets from a chap at CBS. Jacks bouncers (two VERY large gentlemen) politely told me that Jack did not want to talk when I tapped him on the shoulder. I said, I don't want to talk to him, just tell him to take his hat off as I can't see! An awkward moment for all concerned!
  17. Sadly, I have no idea who Les Claypool is I do know Flea and think that he ruins any chance of me being in a RHCP tribute band as I am having back troubles and can't do back flips...
  18. I love the look but it is just too heavy for me (oh and it's got too many strings......)
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1327448273' post='1511586'] Not using open strings seems really odd to me. They are four/five notes that are available in any position and if you're playing fretless they are four/five notes you know are correctly intonated so they are always a clue to the rest of your intonation. [/quote] with you on that one I use the open strings as I like to hear them ring too.
  20. Having just completed another three hour rehearsal, my back is once again hurting like hell I remembered this thread and thought I would have another look. I play my fretless when just doing my own thing and it's not too heavy. With the band I use the fretted version and my back hates me! I have decided that I REALLY need to loose weight and get gig fit
  21. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1327384828' post='1510291'] Behringer, Lada, Amstrad, Lidl Line 6, Audi, Bose, Waitrose [/quote] Wow you managed to list my first bass amp, my first car, my first stereo AND where I do my shopping I'll let you decide which line I was talking about
  22. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1327352925' post='1509931'] Both kinds. Country AND Western. [/quote] You must play for the Good Ole Boy's.......
  23. I have recently decided to stick with what I have........ Apart from a 5 stringer (having a go at 5 again). I'm selling the two basses that don't get used. I've a couple of amps that get used and that's it. I'm concentrating on songs as I have a few dep gigs and my own band to perfect
  24. I listen to lots of styles now (since joining basschat) but used to only listen to blues and rock. I used to play in an acoustic duo doing mainly blues covers but that disbanded last year I play in a covers band that does more modern stuff. It's my band and I don't know half the stuff I play! On my own I play jazz/funk fusion, you know junk!
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