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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. Freebird
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1355617269' post='1900721'] That's a bit worrying! Fretting hand or plucking hand? Is it ok now? [/quote] Plucking hand lol I am used to it now. There is nothing that can be done it is a choice between giving up or living with it.
  3. I agree with the comments that the drummer keeps it all together Our band is lucky that the drummer is good and we all get on. (in fact, the drummer and I have stayed as a rhythm unit and we have been through a few singers and guitarists) You will never be happy with a poor drummer if you want to gig.
  4. Comfortably Numb Gives me goose bumps every time I play it
  5. Well, I have just got in after a really great gig Not note perfect but the crowd was appreciative and we got paid! Went on at nine and had two short breaks finishing at midnight. We actually ran out of songs so we jammed a couple we had been working on in rehearsal and the crowd cheered like mad. My hand is now swollen and painful but it lasted the gig and the drive home
  6. First paid gig in a year and a half Nuff said lol
  7. I hope my bass is too loud on Friday night Great sounding gig (I have it on my headphones right now )
  8. Hoping to get mine finished at the weekend
  9. You lot are nuts.............. I feel right at home
  10. Many thanks Ivan. Great little rig and is just the ticket for friday night. (Great coffee too!) Cheers.
  11. Picked up a second hand amp and cab ready for Friday's gig (the Ashdown died at the weekend!). Got home around 9:00pm tonight, plugged it in to show the misses, man it's LOUD! Bring on Friday night
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1355174581' post='1895111'] Chalfont St Giles... isn't that rhyming slang for something..? Good luck. [/quote] This made me chuckle
  13. Cheers, I haven't played a paid gig in over a year and I am really looking forward to it!
  14. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1355173556' post='1895088'] Where are you playing?? [/quote] At The Feathers Chalfont St Giles
  15. I no longer use a pick but when I did I used a Silver Nickel that was ground into a pick shape. I still have it as it holds some good memories
  16. The Underdogs are finally playing their first gig on Friday. After going through 3 guitarists and 2 singers over the last 8 months, we have got it together and someone is paying us to play! It's a covers band and we have all been around the block After going over the set on Sunday, we just jammed and it all felt good. Hopefully my hand will stay functioning for the whole gig........... I'm one happy chap
  17. Well I have bought a new keyboard and USB interface for the laptop....... I'm going to try a ballad this time
  18. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353885718' post='1879484'] Oh no but maybe it is better to prolong the life of your hands than the life of your gigging career. you need your hands for everything man, and who knows how many more years you are going to be kicking around. [/quote] You are correct of course but I am a stubborn middle aged bloke who does not give in easily..... Over the last few months it has got worse but I just don't want to give up playing.
  19. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353884597' post='1879466'] D: maybe you should get that looked at if you haven't already :/ [/quote] Sadly I have had it looked at by various medical professionals Over many years I have broken my knuckles four times. I now have arthritus that is agrevated by playing bass. I have been advised on several occaisions to give up playing. When I can no longer play, I will give up!
  20. Just in from rehearsal. Sadly the guitarist was an hour and a quarter late. Then my hand started playing up after about an hour of playing. Painful and swollen but it's something I have to live with.
  21. With fifteen entries, all of which are superb, what a diverse mix of excellent music to listen to! Good luck to everyone. As everyone will no doubt say (and have already), thanks to 13 Guitar for a great prize Edit: Who ever voted for me has just made my weekend! Seriously, I didn't get a vote last time and this has really made me happy Many thanks.
  22. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353014482' post='1870625'] I didn't mean physically write. I have a chord progression, but it's all in the rhythm, and i don't know what to do with the bassline or anything else. i have a bit of a melody too. [/quote] When I have a chord progression, I tend to set my drum machine (Yamaha keyboard with drum machine built in) to a tempo that fits and play the chords to the beat. I then make up a bass line to suit chords. Guitar solo comes next. Then you can re-record any bits you don't like.
  23. My wife blames you, Bilbo, for the Jazz stuff I keep listening to!
  24. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353012764' post='1870593'] It might be more combustion than composition... How do you guys right music? i'm having awful trouble here. Edit- WRITE* er-durrrr! [/quote] Ah, I didn't write anything, I just played what my eyes and ears told me (oh and the little voices in my head lol). Shows too
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