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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. That sounds funky Really good considering it's off the mixer!
  2. I haven't played one with the neck cover. Should sound the same though (without foam!).
  3. I have blue tacked it in place and it didn't really sound any different. I wouldn't put foam in as it deadens the strings too much for my liking
  4. [quote name='mart' post='1348985' date='Aug 23 2011, 01:36 PM']I'm with Johnston - the cover would look cool but only if you had the chrome plate. Do you use the slap switch much? If not, then you can fit a chrome plate - just remove the nut and push the switch through into the control cavity. If you do use the switch, then you should be able to get someone to drill a suitable hole in the plate for the switch.[/quote] I will have to get one and see how it looks. I can drill it out myself, no problem. Cheers!
  5. This just made me laugh so much! I think that I need to get a job as a label writer......
  6. Ordered (just for the cover / comic ) Edit: I just realised I don't even know what style of music you play!
  7. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1348345' date='Aug 22 2011, 08:08 PM']The great Bobby Vega. The epitome of funk bass playing. Every element of the craft is here. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkKXDtKesR4&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkKXDtKesR4...feature=related[/url][/quote] Added to my favourites Thanks Pete
  8. Wow, Party Down has a fantastic bass line. One for the learning pile
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1348325' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:51 PM']I would personally recommend a few months of listening as well as practising.[/quote] Good advice and something I intend to do.
  10. Very nice contrast. I think that is just an iconic picture.
  11. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1348306' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:40 PM']Some great comments. On a listening level, the AWB's early stuff was very influential. Highly recommended. [b]Has anyone enrolled with Bootsy's Funk University? [/b] Has anyone had lessons from a teacher to learn this style? Has it worked?[/quote] Wow I didn't know that existed. Thanks for the heads up If I was earning, I would sign up I will return to lessons once gainfully employed.
  12. [quote name='Johnston' post='1348276' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:18 PM']I'm going to say no. Partly because of the Pup location and partly because there is [b]no Chrome control plate[/b].[/quote] I can't add one because of the 'slap' switch
  13. [quote name='paul_5' post='1348259' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:06 PM']I'd say do it. I quite like the look of them, and may just put one on my fretless P. I couldn't really put one on my J as I play up that end quite a bit. also - satin sheets? [b]do you work in a brothel?[/b][/quote] Nope, I just spend a lot of time in one, hence I leave my bass there.
  14. [quote name='Josh' post='1348216' date='Aug 22 2011, 06:16 PM']Do you play on the bridge pick up often?[/quote] No, I usually keep my thumb on the neck pickup. I don't play with a pick. Cheers Blademan
  15. I am thinking of adding an ashtray to my Squier Active Jazz. I am un-decided at present. There will be no going back because of the obvious holes! What do you think? If you have no opinion, I have a 'don't care' option
  16. Great DB work. Really liked the fast flow of the tune! Good show
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1348149' date='Aug 22 2011, 05:04 PM']Noone said it would be easy! THe statement was it cannot be taught, not it cannot be taught quickly. Your argument shows only that it can't be taught in a couple of lessons. THAT I would agree with. But that does not mean it cannot be taught. Took me 17 lessons to learn to drive. [b]I reckon I could get Blademan up to speed in 17 hours[/b] [/quote] Funk by the weekend Cool
  18. Well, I went out and bought 'The greatest Funk album ever' and I am playing it whilst typing this. I think the bass lines are simple but effective. The timing is the issue. I shall continue in my quest to play funk. If anyone fancies the challenge of teaching me............
  19. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1347542' date='Aug 21 2011, 09:16 PM']You're going to rip the frets out & put it through a delay pedal? [/quote] I would...................
  20. Really liked Arlandria and Take it on the Run. Good solid beat and well mixed.
  21. Not all funk is slapping! (and not a slap is funk.....) There are times when a bit of slap and pop is called for but listening to 70's funk bands, they are not all slap fests! They have solid rhythm and play to the groove. Unless I am totally of track and should give up all hope of a funk slot
  22. I have used 45 - 105 on everything until yesterday! I fitted 45 - 100 flatwounds to my Jazz fretless and they feel and sound great! I'm getting the feeling that strings are, well, just strings and it probably doesn't make a great deal of difference....... I'll get me coat
  23. So what you are all saying is, if I can't feel it, I will only get so far? How much effort do you put in before deciding that you will never make it as a funk player? I am being serious, as I really would like to join a funk band. I've been listening and playing along to various bands (Earth, Wind and Fire being a fav at the moment). Cheers Blademan
  24. Welcome aboard! There is a bass bash in the midlands in September....... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=147500&pid=1347081&st=20&#entry1347081"]Midlands Bash[/url]
  25. I hope that you can teach funk because I want to learn it
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