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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. Ah, I think I will get a bit of oak and my jig saw and make my own creation. Pickups are going to be 'open' wound and it's going to work on WiFi (router to be optional). Tuners to be thought guided (like on a MIG32 missile guidance system). That should get me [s]locked up[/s] in the Smithonian..... :lol;
  2. [quote name='lojo' post='1317430' date='Jul 26 2011, 06:27 PM']Id guess even a child playing random notes on a keyboard is producing music the moment they repeat phrase of 2 or more notes because they like how it sounded[/quote] This is what I meant by my first post. It was music to our ears when we jammed as a family. It made us smile and then lol when we played back the recording. It made the grand parents smile when they heard it Someone bashing out electro pop call it music but I don't like listening to it. Each to their own, music is what you make of it. You don't need a lot of technique to make music
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='1317395' date='Jul 26 2011, 05:52 PM']Yep. Macca wrote and played some great lines but had a habit of keeping them quite discrete. The verse in question is a good example. [b]Not sure the guy in the vid is doing anything special to be honest;[/b] seems to me that Macca did the hard work in writing such a clean and simple yet effective line to one of their more iconic songs? Perhaps I'm missing something [/quote] I think he is keeping time well I love the song because of the simplicity etc. Don't think you are missing anything Mr Beedster
  4. If music is a joyful sound to its maker, then it is a means to itself. If you wish to communicate to others then technique is important. When my daughters and I have a jam, we have little to no technique but we are grinning all the way! If I want to lay down a track for my muso mates to play, then I find my technique sadly lacking but theirs makes up for it as they seem to be able to play it
  5. [quote name='JTUK' post='1316789' date='Jul 26 2011, 11:11 AM'][b]Jazzes have a wider range than P-basses and you should have no problem getting on top of things. [/b] I have active Jazzes..but like, from time to time, to run them passive as they work well there, IMO. I go active just for a tad more control at my fingertips as opposed to running them flat out and sounding completely different. Assuming the basses sing well enough, I can't see why you should have problems in a mix.[/quote] ^^^^^ This
  6. Looking at the darkness of the wood, it looks like it was a fault in the neck to begin with. Normally when they break (my youngest daughter had her classical guitar go) they have multiple splinters. Yours looks very straight with only one shard. Probably fixable but on a cheap bass (with those stresses) maybe not worth it. Get a luthier to have a look
  7. Wow, if it had been broadcast, it would have been swamped
  8. You have some mighty fine basses my friend That is simply stunning
  9. Looks expensive........ That looks like a difficult break to fix. It's probably cheaper to buy a new one Good luck
  10. Medium to low.......
  11. [quote name='thestick' post='1315923' date='Jul 25 2011, 04:31 PM']Price Drop BUMP!![/quote] I really want this Still haven't got a job If I get one before this sells, I will buy it
  12. I'm glad you said that I have tickets for November 13th to see him at Aylesbury theatre. My daughter bought them for me as a present
  13. I would love to see the Blockheads! I didn't know they were still touring
  14. That's good to know and it is great to see people posting good news stories for customer service
  15. The Nash because every one has a Fender P bass
  16. The 4003 because you can easily replace it if you want to. The 3001 would be more difficult
  17. Great looking basses! I have just subscribed to your youtube page What a great band! It is something I can only aspire to
  18. +10000 on the headphone amp / modeller things. The VOX is the best known (and fairly cheap) but there are others you can get. On eBay you will get a second hand Korg Pandora that gives you a beat to play along with.
  19. That sounds like the bypass switch is either wired incorrectly or broken. What is the pedal worth? It is probably only worth fixing if you can get someone to fix it for free / mates rates. I would check the signal on a scope and see where the problem lay then change the offending component. (But I have that sort of equipment and knowledge) I hope that helps a little Good luck
  20. I see from his website he is playing Ronnie Scotts in November this year for three nights! Might be worth a trip to the capital
  21. [quote name='risingson' post='1315330' date='Jul 25 2011, 01:39 AM']Cool, I'll check it out. In the meanwhile, relax a bit. Just enjoy playing music for what it is, [b]and most often you'll be your own worst critic[/b] if you'll pardon the cliche.[/quote] A cliche but true! I think pretty much everyone goes through this at some time or another. Stick with it I started to play other instruments just to keep my interest (keyboard etc). Even thinking of picking up a saxaphone! Consistancy can be hard to achieve, but it's a state of mind, rather than skill level (IMHO). Blademan
  22. That didn't sound very nice
  23. Very cool I think that they just epitomise the meaning of groove!
  24. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1315007' date='Jul 24 2011, 07:11 PM']I want the cowboy dude to come and stand by my rig when I play live... He gives the performance much more presence [/quote] Only if he promises to tap the beat out of time
  25. It fairly blew me away I would love to be able to entertain like that
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