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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. Cool, perhaps he did that and is now retired
  2. [quote name='chris_b' post='1290937' date='Jul 3 2011, 12:37 PM']I'd suggest you look at a Hofner Violin bass, or another hollow body bass. There's no weight (approx 5 lbs) to them at all. Then, if the sound isn't to your liking, you can put the bass through an outboard preamp.[/quote] +1 on the Viola I sorted neck dive by tying the strap to the neck (like an acoustic) and having a wide strap. I can stand and play it for hours (until some big bloke throws me off the stage for being rubbish lol) and you get two pickups with a range of tones!
  3. Personally I would use a router. Practice on some off cuts first. Using in chisel (IMHO) takes years of practice! The router will be quicker, just take care as they bite if mis-handled
  4. Welcome aboard I would love to play DB, it's on my list!
  5. Ah, you must be after a 5 string. That low B is just for resting the thumb
  6. Lookin' good
  7. £8 on a silver dime that has been shaped into a pick. I got a 1965 edition (birth year) as it seemed cool at the time. I only use a pick on a guitar (not bass) but due to the early onset of arthritus it does not get that much use as I can't hold it for long now I almost offered to sent it to you when you were asking for picks but I couldn't bring myself to part with it
  8. We tend to go for similar songs next to each other. Also looking for keys that are sympathetic. Always end a set on a good punchy fast song. If you have a slow song bury it in the middle of the set +1 on spreading complex songs as it gets a little weary playing them in a row
  9. Ah, at first I thought you were confessing to having an affair with my misses
  10. Welcome! Either will do as long as it doesn't have any frets
  11. Enjoyable track. Now you have the first one down, don't mess with it and try to improve it. Create a new track and put in more ideas etc. I'm really rubbish at it but I do keep having a go! [url="http://www.myspace.com/drummernotrequired"]This is my effort on MySpace lol[/url] Keep it coming
  12. Ah, Mustang Sally, you just can't beat a crowd pleaser
  13. Audacity is great for a free package. If you want more, the £30 for Reaper is the way to go! I use Audacity directly and as a mixer when taking tracks from my Korg multi track recording device. Can't fault it for a freebie!
  14. This is a Sue Ryder Bass [quote name='deepbass5' post='1288394' date='Jun 30 2011, 11:38 PM']I have been on this site for about 9 months now, and keep seeing reference to 'Sue Ryder Bass' Put me and I guess others out of our misery and explain cheers [/quote]
  15. [quote name='icastle' post='1288372' date='Jun 30 2011, 11:21 PM']Yep. Play that duff note with total conviction and glare at the guitarist... [/quote] Are you sure you haven't been to any of my gigs?
  16. +1 to the writing your own material. It's great fun! I'm not great at it but I still enjoy it and sometimes I even post the result on myspace
  17. No, I would not. My bass only cost £100 so it would be overkill
  18. [quote name='lanark' post='1288359' date='Jun 30 2011, 11:11 PM']Yeah - but there's an infinite number of wrong notes![/quote] Oh totally agree but it sounds better than all that buzzing
  19. Totally agree, youre getting old lol But seriously, it does seem to be a dire situation My youngest is into the Beatles and Elvis (she's 12). The middle one loves Jap Rock and the eldest is a Goth....... Takes all sorts. Show her the way of cool music and she can be the next star!
  20. Welcome aboard I come from the guitar side too. I started playing bass on a couple of songs and have not looked back!
  21. Get a fretless No fret buzz at all (its the real reason I went fretless but don't tell anyone lol)
  22. My first PA amp was an old HH. Good solid bit of kit. I gave mine away when I got a new PA but have regretted it as I don't have a backup now!
  23. To be perfectly honest, I would buy it anyway as it looks really cool. I would then get it de-fretted and use it every day
  24. He is such a presence on stage, I don't suppose he wanted any mere musicians upstaging him
  25. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='1286999' date='Jun 29 2011, 09:41 PM']It'd be interesting to see which is more popular too - lined or unlined (unlined for me)...?[/quote] Unlined for me too My Rogue 4 string is unlined. My 5 string is lined as its a de-fret job. I don't like it and will get another unlined 4 as backup.
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