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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. Wecome fellow mid forties guitar playing bassist
  2. oh dear they mention must be talented and I can't see kent from my window still, I do have my own gear........
  3. Sell what's not being used I would keep my fretless as it only cost £100 and I play it every day. The orange 50w combo as it's small and has a DI. The rest (bass wise) can go.... My trusty Fender 50th anniversary acoustic will be buried with me (or the bailif can prise it from my cold dead hand!)
  4. sold already! I should have bought it anyway Congrats on the sale
  5. I have GAS but trying to ignore it at the moment. I really want another 4 string fretless......... I need to get a new job first! The money in my bank account is calling to me
  6. [quote name='WalMan' post='1265243' date='Jun 11 2011, 07:16 PM']Should be another SE Bash after the summer I think[/quote] Cool I'm in
  7. Slow for me too
  8. If I get a job and this is still around I know where some of my redundancy money is going.........
  9. Another cool video. Phrasing is one of my let downs when playing on my own. Cheers Blademan
  10. I tend to jam through the song and only memorise specific riffs if they are well known. Most you can get away with
  11. That sounds sweet
  12. I use a Korg ToneWorks and it gives great tone etc. It's great for quiet practice and you can put your MP3 through it to jam along to
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1257518' date='Jun 5 2011, 05:41 PM']Just had a look in his feedback to see if the transfer was in there, Its not and nor is the bass for when he bought it as he says which is odd as he has had that account since 2004! Must of been in his wifes name or something eh? No reply to my questions either yet.......[/quote] seller kept in contact in spite of delays caused by Paypal. pleased Buyer: Member ID bigmart001 ( Feedback score of 7 ) 27-Jan-10 19:49 Musicman Stingray 4 Bass Guitar + Gig Bag (#280449423776) £360.00 I thought the same but if you look in all feedback its in there. I clicked on the seller and discovered he paid £360 for it.
  14. [quote name='uke' post='1255865' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:43 PM']Seller seems to think the neck is kosher on this, but the body aint! I think the neck is fake also. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MusicMan-Stingray-Bass-Guitar-/160597627232?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item25645d5160"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MusicMan-Stingray-Ba...=item25645d5160[/url][/quote] He paid £360 for it and has it up for £150, so I think he knows it's a fake
  15. Blademan_98

    Hi Hi!

    Welcome aboard Lots of nice people all willing to give advice!
  16. Welcome, perhaps if I left my misses she might start playing too! Er, I think I will stay
  17. Cheers, just in time for my enforced holiday
  18. When does it hit the shops? I don't subscribe but I do buy it on occaision
  19. I love music. I don't know half of what I would like too. I just love learning new things. Sight reading and theory are great (especially if you don't have an instrument to hand). I really love the continual discussion on this forum tooooo!
  20. I started playing 'live' by doing jam nights. I turned up, asked what key the song was in (didn't even know the song lol). Noodled along until a couple of blues standards were played. Left with a big grin on my face and never looked back! Join in they are fun
  21. [quote name='Prosebass' post='1239905' date='May 22 2011, 02:08 AM']OK , yes I built it but the seller has not asked me to do this.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fretless-Space-Bass-/150605474539?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2310c92aeb"]The Anomaly[/url][/quote] It looks fantastic. At only 6lbs it is nice and light too. All I have to do is sneak it past my misses!
  22. £118 and 6 hours to go.......... My misses is still asleep.... Presses bid button........ now, how do I explain that if I win?
  23. [quote name='daz' post='1239759' date='May 21 2011, 10:24 PM']What i thought too. I got all excited then. [/quote] So, are we all in agreement? To the OP, no, the YOB bass does not exist. Gives me an idea for a project though
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