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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. Blademan_98


    Welcome I generally play fully clothed (to try and keep the audience!)
  2. Welcome aboard
  3. Welcome aboard Now you are here, your list of new equipment can grow longer
  4. Drat, I only know three chords. Hope its not those ones missing......
  5. Only just started to do this. I have always thought it was for those with perfect pitch Getting to grips is going to take time but I'm in it for the long haul
  6. +1 on this Also, at the ripe old age of 45 I am taking lessons. You begin to be able to put what you know into some sort of context. Hang in there and keep faking
  7. I asked a similar question a while back. As above most agreed that 300watts and a 2x10 was good with a 1x15 extension if it was a bigger club. DI through the PA if any bigger! Having said that, I opted for a 2x10 combo with a 1x15 (450 watts @ 2ohm). I must be mad was my misses' only comment!
  8. I use the G on my fretless a lot It gives great Mwwaaaahhhhh In fact, I get told off for sliding along the G string constantly! (Hey all the notes are on all the strings!) It's just great fun finding them all
  9. [quote name='cycrowave' post='1185246' date='Apr 1 2011, 08:36 PM']Hi all, going for free is an ashdown abm 115 cab with a blown speaker (I think). The result of using it for a whole tour with an incompatible head, luckily didnt blow till the last night! let me know if interrested, collection from southampton.[/quote] Hi, how big is the cab? I am down Southampton way on Monday night picking up a Marshall rig. I could drop by and relieve you of this at the same time Let me know via PM and we can arrange something. Cheers Blademan
  10. It's all subjective. Some think that bass should not be a lead instrument. If it sounds good, just play it I prefer driving bass lines and leave the lead to a guitar keyboard saxaphone etc. But that's just me. I don't know enough about jazz to comment.
  11. That's good advice! I am just starting down the reading road. Along with ear training. Thanks for the tip
  12. [quote name='icastle' post='1182508' date='Mar 30 2011, 05:48 PM']That'll be fine. Only problem I can see is that you might end up drowning the rest of the backline by having the 1x10" facing back at yourself. I'd be more inclined to face it outwards towards the audience and make sure I was standing in front of it.[/quote] I love your tag line and this thread will prove it :-)
  13. Welcome aboard shame you are so far away. Folk project would be cool :-)
  14. Cool site! Thanks for the link (now a favourite)
  15. I use my Orange crush 50w (see avitar) BUT I am just about to get (from here) a huge Marshall MB4210 with MBC115 extension cab Big grin can't wait to see the guitarists face!
  16. Welcome aboard I am GASSING over the Ricky lol
  17. mis matched cabs are not a problem if the load is within the amps rating. It just sounds less even. Shouldn't do any harm but is not the 'accepted' method
  18. I seem to remember someone on here only used two strings anyway..... Seasick steve has a one string diddly bo I'll get me coat lol
  19. As long as I get to play Freebird then I'm happy
  20. I'm not fussed My Strat was pristine and I never player it. The Rogue has had a gigged life but feels and plays great. I took it to a shop last week whilst searching for a giggable amp. A punter in the shop said 'if you don't buy that, I will' lol Looks aren't everything (I tell myself looking in a mirror)
  21. I use my fretless electric, but thats only because I don't own an acoustic bass...... yet
  22. [quote name='icastle' post='1181123' date='Mar 29 2011, 06:17 PM']We always set up the same. Drummer in the middle. Vocals centre stage at the front. Guitarists either side of the vocals. Bass always stage left.[/quote] +1 Classic and best for the sound guy
  23. ROFL I like that it has 5 bids on it!
  24. I must go to the wrong sort of car boot sales
  25. It's a fretless with mwaaaah
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