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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. I have played at a couple of charity gigs but only for charities I would give to. I play for free at enough jam nights so the playing for free is not the problem. Not all causes have meaning to me and you can't play em all.
  2. Cool, thanks! Set to record........
  3. Loved the site. Niggles aside (all suggestions above are good) I think it is well presented and laid out. Great video's! Good job
  4. Welcome to the forum
  5. It's not the affording that I mind, it's just that I love musical instruments so much I don't like seeing the damaged
  6. [quote name='lucatus' post='1158421' date='Mar 11 2011, 06:37 PM']It´s and old GP12, one with the UV light on the front. Looks very ugly...[/quote] I bet it sounds good though! I am gassing after a Trace at the moment probably a AH300 or the like
  7. Welcome to the forum
  8. To answer the OP......... No
  9. I know it's supposed to be cool to do that but I personally get upset if my instrument gets a ding!
  10. My Viola is a short scale. Not to everyone's taste but light as anything! Shortscale is only a problem if you use the dusty end a lot
  11. Thanks for all the response! To clear up a few points raised. No I do not charge for recording as I am strickly amateur I did sit in as a pre curser to doing a full recording session with my multi track. I did not say anything as I am no where near as good as they are The fact that they (well most of them) are my friends it what prompted the OP. I have recorded many sessions over the last 5 years and I have never seen such a poor performance so the problem has not arisen before. When I do these things for people I get a lot of enjoyment out of it (and mixing etc after). That's why I do it and why I don't ever charge for my time. It has rather put me off to be honest. Thanks again for the discussion and I have decided just to dump the raw data onto CD and give it to them without any comments. Cheers Blademan
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1157518' date='Mar 11 2011, 12:30 AM']You can't polish a turd, so don't even try to. Let them have a copy, and judge for themselves. Unless you were being asked to produce or mix the tracks, I think you've fulfilled all your obligations. Just drop your mate a line to express some of your thoughts and let them hear for themselves; perhaps suggest some next steps.[/quote] You are right. Consensus of opinion seems to be just hand it over. Cheers for all the input. Perhaps I can get some sleep now
  13. I to am a guitarist turned bass player. and Lovin it as they say! Welcome back to the world of bass
  14. Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive Cool bass riffage and Careful with That Axe, Eugene
  15. Welcome aboard. What Trace head do you have? Blademan
  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='1157492' date='Mar 11 2011, 12:03 AM']I don't think you should feel responsible here. They screwed up not you. If the timing was bad and they're the seasoned players you say they are they should have known what the problems were at the time.[/quote] They should have, I totally agree. I couldn't quite believe my ears when they were playing some of the stuff. No one said 'that wasn't any good, let's do it again' I have decided that after this I am not going to record for friends again. Just stick to my own stuff.
  17. I would normally just lay it onto a CD a post it to the band. I just happen to know these chaps and see them around a lot. Perhaps I will meet up with them and let them have the recording. (then run away)
  18. Looks fantastic. I hope you post a sound clip when it's done to your liking.
  19. The singer was really off and the timing on around half the songs was 'questionable'. These guys are fairly seasoned players. I love the material, just their playing as a band was off. I recorded it and wished I hadn't. I have been asked for the result. I am stalling at the moment.
  20. Funny that, people taking advantage of less well known bands to give them a boost. It is a real shame that promoters can't just be fair and atleast give the lesser bands a bit of dosh to help them out. The music inductry sure is tough. Chatting to a friend who is in an originals band he says he rarely gets paid gigs. That's very sad
  21. I'm in a bit of a quandry. I recorded a band the other night. I have just put the tracks onto the PC. Now I could do quite a lot of post processing to help..... or do I just tell them it was not good? I like all the band members and don't want to upset them. I could just say it didn't work out. What do you chaps think?
  22. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1157418' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:19 PM']Are they true bypass?[/quote]
  23. [quote name='WalMan' post='1157413' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:17 PM']Ah hell who cares.. here you go then [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126620"]Burlesque[/url][/quote] It is good (and yes I was first to download and comment )
  24. Blademan_98


    Listening to it right now! Cool and the bass comes through really well. Vocals were a bit low in the mix but thats usually the way with the recorder just sat in the middle. Good job
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