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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. Welcome to the forum!
  2. Oh yes! I shall sit with my Sue Ryder bass and work it baby!
  3. Hmmmm what an interesting bass face
  4. A very nice bass! I have just been reading the thread about not keeping your thumb in the position you mention. It has made my transition to 5 strings easier. Still, if I had a bass like that I would go back to thumb in the middle!
  5. Blademan_98


    I have only played the cheaper versions (SRX700) but it was really good. I just couldn't justify paying the extra as I don't feel they are worth that much!
  6. Welcome aboard
  7. or learn to play the drums.........
  8. I feel your pain Most of my kit is second hand but I still cherish it and don't like it to get damaged. I use a battered old workhorse for jam's etc.
  9. That's for running between a mixer and PC. You need something like the Behringer GUITAR LINK UCG102 Guitar to USB Interface (just google it to find a supplier.) There are better than Behringer but they are ok.
  10. [quote name='bh2' post='1150789' date='Mar 5 2011, 06:15 PM']Clothes[/quote] Ahh that's where I have been going wrong
  11. I play in a blues band and we just wear T shirts and jeans!
  12. I really liked those video's they were informative. I have also had wrist problems and found it was my thumb position (both guitar and bass). One finger per fret is also my aim put I use the pivot method because I have small hands Great topic and very informative.
  13. You can damage amps and speakers by constantly plugging / unplugging while the gain / volume is turned up. It shortens it's life span. It may not blow there and then but it will do long term damage. Besides which, it sounds awful
  14. Is this a still for sale? In desperate need of a decent Caps Lock Key.
  15. The best of 'The Blues Brothers' I just love it
  16. That bass will need to see a shrink for the rest of it's natural life
  17. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1150027' date='Mar 4 2011, 10:15 PM']No, not normally. It's worth looking into[/quote] I thought I had read that in another thread on here. I will probably go for a stand alone musicians policy.
  18. my thoughts exactly you would need a fair amount of space for them all..........
  19. [quote]It is possible to have no theory, bad timing and no ear[/quote] lol, you managed to sum me up superbly Well done that chap
  20. That rig looks sweeeeeet the addition of a 410 will top it all off!
  21. I have been wondering if I should get insurance now I am gigging on a more regular basis. Does house insurance cover the stuff if it's at a paid gig? Perhaps it would be best to get musicians insurance? (not that I class myself as a musician lol)
  22. Very pretty Been out a year but it's the first time I have seen one. Just the sort of thing I like.
  23. Sonds like a real beauty
  24. Yep, I can confirm that they are all basses. That's about it
  25. [quote name='deaver' post='1149710' date='Mar 4 2011, 05:46 PM']Friday uplift. I wonder if this would be better put in my uncle's loft?[/quote] Probably, but you would have to forget any prior knowledge about it (and maybe add a few non standard bits!). I wish I had £300 quid because I think this is a great bass! Blademan
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