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Everything posted by Blademan_98

  1. [quote name='icastle' post='1149048' date='Mar 3 2011, 11:06 PM']They were playing at The Stables tonight - that completely sold out it seems! That leaves you with Shrewsbury or Birmingham if you want to see them this side of Cropredy... [/quote] I just checked and they have tickets available for the Town Hall Birmingham! £22 that's cheap for a gig these days Now, if I can just talk the misses into it.........
  2. Consensus seems to be get another amp for the uneducated. Seems a lot of effort. Easier to just say NO
  3. Hmmmm There seems to be a lot of interest............ No location and no pics Yet, I am still interested I see the word fretless and go all weak at the knees!
  4. [quote name='lojo' post='1148969' date='Mar 3 2011, 09:51 PM']Anything that keeps bass players from hanging around in bus shelters is a good idea Im sure if you arrange it in a central location, and promote some sound ideas for it, you may have a great event on your hands[/quote] +1 It sounds like a great idea!
  5. I liked your article on what to take to a gig. Also liked the fact that I take most things along! I always have spare strings for my guitar, but never for the bass. Perhaps I should start
  6. +1 Live music is the best I have seen a few acts that supprised me. I have wanted see Fairport for a while as I had heard there performances were really good. Thanks for the post to remind me!
  7. Thanks for that! They look great value at that price. I will order mine from Pixmania
  8. Where did you get them from at £23? They are £34 on Amazon....... Cheers
  9. I tell you what, give em my details and I will play for them. They will get you back in no time They will realise that they already had the best!
  10. I'm waiting for the Fretless version coming in April
  11. [quote]Seem to be loads that feel owning a kit qualifies them as a drummer.[/quote] Yeah but that's how I became a bass player.......
  12. Welcome aboard
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Welcome aboard
  15. I think that you can strum a few chords / play a few notes and have a great time on guitar / bass. If you want to play with others (jam nights or in a band) it's best to know a bit of theory. I used to think that if I new the chord shapes and I can read A-G then I would be fine. It didn't take long to realise that you do need a grasp of the language before you can get your instrument to talk the talk! So to answer the OP, Yes you do need to know some theroy to play with other people IMHO!
  16. [quote name='icastle' post='1147808' date='Mar 2 2011, 10:39 PM']I can usually spot a guitarist playing bass, it generally comes out as complete mush[/quote] That'll be me then............................
  17. [quote name='Zach' post='1147273' date='Mar 2 2011, 03:51 PM']All that would mean is the rhythm guitarists would swap to bass, and still play it like a rhythm guitar, would be a mess. on second thoughts, maybe that would make them appreciate us more if/when we returned![/quote] Err I play rhythm guitar and bass in my band (granted not at the same time lol) I am trying to play it properly but it does tend to end up as the mess you are refering too!
  18. [quote name='tomb' post='1147847' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:06 PM']searched for it in local stores and didnt find it, might try 2nd hand on ebay or something, no idea on the price of it[/quote] On Amazon (UK) it's £10.19 [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Basics-Dummies-Patrick-Pfeiffer/dp/0470539615/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299107663&sr=8-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Basics-Dumm...7663&sr=8-1[/url] Don't know if you get that in Portugal?
  19. I agree with the real teacher. I have just started having lessons (twice a month). I bought books, DVD's and used on line free lessons but really needed the interaction of a teacher showing me what to do. I still use the free stuff and books using the teachers advice as the basis. Good luck!
  20. This thread reminds me of a jam night I attended. The house bassist is a good friend. We were chatting when a chap wanders up with a very nice Jazz bass. He asks if he can use the rig (Ampeg with built in mute). All goes well but after his session, he just rips out the lead from the bass and bang! My friend launched himself at the guy. A big fight ensued between them while I stood by (holding the bass because no instrument deserves to be broken!). Even having a mute facility doesn't always help
  21. I have sold all kit a couple of times (guitar and amp). Both times because I needed the cash I have taken an oath NOT to sell everything this time around I have three electric guitars and two valve amps Three basses and two transistor amps Oh and a 1500w PA with speakers so big I can't lift them on my own........ My wife loves me
  22. My first bass (stolen from my daughter!) was this Wesley P/J thing. It weights a ton and is really chunky. I then stole my daughters Ibanez SRX700 because I needed to do a gig and didn't have a bass that would be suitable. She then sold the Ibanez so I had to buy my own ..... so I bought the fretless
  23. Sorry, didn't notice any drummer................
  24. I use ER20's and also take them where ever I go. You never know when it's going to get loud The misses also has a pair as she comes to rehearsals and gigs with me. +1 on putting them in correctly
  25. I actually have an 18" one in my studio...... And to think I was going to offer it in the recycling section
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