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Everything posted by tremblap

  1. have a bump for the best analogue octave in the world!
  2. I bought it Eden WTX-500 used from Prime_bass (see the post on this forum) and it is in perfect condition (apart from a very tiny scratch under the bottom, see if you can see it... I've never seen it before I took the pictures ;-) I am happy to sell it for what I paid, which is £280 + Paypal fee if not bank transfered + shipping (whatever option you choose). They sell new for more than twice that price... pa ps if you wonder why I sell, it is because I would like to find a lightweight amp that reproduces my 1st generation WT-400... unmatcheable, even after owning a Shuttle 6, an Acoustic Image, a TC RH450, a Headlite... and this one! [attachment=99940:front.jpg] [attachment=99938:behind.jpg] [attachment=99939:big_bro.jpg] [attachment=99941:top.jpg] [attachment=99942:bottom.jpg]
  3. Hey, this is a very good idea... that and the Bach Cello Suites I have started should sort me out ;-)
  4. nice, thanks for the economy tip! (and for the tech stuff)
  5. Very much what i am looking for in term of nuanced (though your mix is a little too compressed ;-) Any tricks/methods/exercices for the picking you suggest? thanks pa ps you got me curious about the bass, pickup, electronics and string types? Can you feed us a bit of background? Piezo I presume...
  6. keep it or you will regret this later in your life... the best drive ever, even on guitar!
  7. I got that Matt, but my joke was not clear enough... sorry.
  8. dear Matt I don't see myself telling her that 18$ for international shipping is quite intense... I'll check the Al Dimeola first and theBobby Vega dvd ($20 including shipping - more like it ;-) and will go to Ms Kaye if I need more help...
  9. this is very expensive! 43$ for a dvd and a book... I'll check for a UK distributor!
  10. I'd like to see the Carol Kaye DVD, do you have more details? The only thing that Amazon send back is a £43 cassette...
  11. I plan to go with my Eden wt400 and my TC RH 450, as well as my Fender Bassmand 100... and will certainly try anything I find there. I am looking for a complement to the first two and the Fender is certainly not powerful enough...
  12. I can't wait to go there! Thanks for the words
  13. Bilbo, which method do you refer to? Too many google pages are not helping me (law of diminishing returns ;-)
  14. wow this is very helpful (and exactly what I was looking for: inspiration !!!) I'll order the book and the dvd and will keep you posted pa
  15. ok will check the dvd then
  16. Dear all I played finger style for 22 years now, and the only thing I know to do with a pick is scratch the strings, or play steady downpicking loudly... I would like to spend more time with a pick to explore new sonorities, in a subtle phrasing way like Steve Swallow is so good at doing... but I know how hard it is to loose a bad habit, so I would like pointers at a) a good, decent grip and right hand technique in general (the hour of youtube perusing just gave me blunt punk downpicking... nothing against it when I need it, but that is already in the pocket ;-) some clever exercices to make the thing fluid. I am not afraid of practicing so no magic trick required: just the right instructions... a bit like the epiphany I had when I was 17 and got a first good bass teacher (a real one, not a guitar guy) that told me to alternate fingers and damp the remaining strings, checked my back and shoulders and gave me the right basics (btw, his teaching is great, he now made methods and did some free videos: they are amazing and they are here: http://www.howtopracticebass.com/) Any good pointer welcome. pa
  17. I presume it is 4 Ohms?
  18. I don't want to start a flame war, and Jeff sounded like a very nice, generous guy on the phone, so I would not want to ask him about this... but where can I read the other side of the story which is full of poison on the Matamp USA website? I presume there is a UK/Jeff version to this story? Anyway, I am in Huddersfield and about to go there with my other amps to order something (GT-200 or a modded 1224, not certain... only my test session will tell ;-)
  19. have a bump while I try to resist the GAS...
  20. I pm'd trice to no avail, I presume it is not for sale anymore?
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