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Everything posted by tremblap

  1. and a rainy Tuesday morning bump!
  2. thanks for the props! I bought it to you in 2 minutes flat, this is longer just to even the average ;-) nice tone, nice power, incredible weight and size... just too powerful for my needs!
  3. added a little detail: this price include shipping in mainland UK (the same price I paid)
  4. wow, out of the 1st page in 8 hours, this forum is getting busy! p
  5. Hey I played live with one of these, loved the sound and the size!!! So when dodgnofski put this for sale last week (that we bought from Voxpop on these forums, this is just fantastic!), I jumped on it! It arrived home in original packing, pristine condition, no gig bag with it though, but the sound and the size were there! Now, I play at acoustic guitar level more often than with a drummer, and this thing has a fan. Not loud, but you can hear it when you play that soft. This is therefore not good for me and I will have to stick to the more silent but less interesting RH450 I have... So here we go, SWR Headlite, perfect condition, same price I paid £450 (including post in mainland UK). Anyone in the North can come and try it! pa ps: this is the original sale thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138389"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138389[/url]
  6. It was a PRS McCarthy... with CTS in it IIRC... but hey, I'm soldering this week as soon as I have a chance, I'll keep you all posted. The pickup being a load, the system is far from linear so I am not surprised that voodoo is needed here! I just wish I had the same smooth, linear VVT controls that I have with my active EMG pickups passive VVT...
  7. ok I spoke to the bespoke ManchesterGuitarTech who recommended to try linear ones... ordered and we shall see! There is bound to be a pile of high quality pots on sale soon in the marketplace! p
  8. ok soldered them and no change what-so-ever... then tried american 250k audio ones and was a little smoother but darker... but nothing like the smoothness I heard the RS guitarworks superpot give my friend's guitar... So it mean that either my pickup config is not reacting well to these pots or that the specs are not the same at all... I think it is time to write to Manchester Guitar Tech and cry about my problem and see what he says... If there is interest, I'll keep you all posted pa
  9. ok got the pots via mail, they read correctly on the meter, the only difference to the superpots so far is the aluminium shaft (instead of a brass one like the SP) I'll solder that tomorrow and keep you posted pa
  10. ordered the pots, waiting for the magic...
  11. you know, at the right place at the right time... ;-)
  12. Forgot to say that 110 220v switching is essential Pa
  13. Where is this project now? Here are the couple of important points from the thread for me Low noise design Thermostatic fan High impedance input Two parametric eq Also I have seen guitar amps with two power output settings, this coulb be a neat option for studio vs live uses My two cents Pa
  14. if you are ready to sell, please give us a price. p
  15. I've received a very polite and swift reply from a certain Tim Mills [quote]our pots are made specially for us by CTS to a similar spec as the RS pots although I had the toque adjusted to be smoother and the taper made to vintage spec.[/quote] and he said in a further email that he would use the same pot for tone and volume (contrary to what RS people say about their superpot) I think I'm going to give it a go, I'll keep you posted p
  16. I don't know about the caps, but I can tell you that the pots make a difference (mostly the taper that is much more smooth and musically useable) thanks for your hints - I've sent them a message to check if they are the same thing (casing, trace, taper, etc) p
  17. thanks for this! I hope to find another solution... or maybe I should buy a lot and re-sell ;-)
  18. Dear all M'y guitarist is raving, so i want to try them... But i don't seem to be able to buy them here. Any idea bécote i pay ridiculous shipping from the usa? Pa
  19. ok I went to Pierre Laporte's place last time I was in Montreal... took some pictures too! So here is the book match glued and partly emptied body (curly spruce) [attachment=79131:body.JPG] It is a six string fretted and to go with the assymetry of the top (curly spruce) we will go with a one piece two coloured Macassar Ebony fingerboard. First the pieces (neck and sample wood) then a guitar neck with a similar finish. [attachment=79132:fingerboard.JPG] [attachment=79133:neck_and_top.JPG] [attachment=79135:neck_guit.JPG] [attachment=79136:neck_guit2.JPG] [attachment=79138:neck_guit3.JPG] and finally, the man with one of my current basses (I have been tuning/adjusting them since I moved in England, so I brought it back to the boss to see if I've done well... he seemed impressed ;-) [attachment=79139:theman.JPG] Comments welcome. pa
  20. Dear EH I was raving about the 3d printers, I hope my message was not missunderstood! anyway, seeing the metal stuff is even more exciting! I look forward to compare the sound difference between the 2 metal types! p
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