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Everything posted by Johngh

  1. Up for sale is my Hiscox 4U deep rack case. Price includes postage UK Mainland. Photos to follow
  2. Up for sale is my SBK rack case 4U deep. It's in fair condition and price includes postage mainland UK. [attachment=138001:SBK1.jpg] [attachment=138002:SBK2.jpg]
  3. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1372517783' post='2126715'] When I'm looking to buy a bass, I can't stand to see it displayed as If it were just an old pitchfork or garden spade. I don't want it to have soil or grass on it and looking like it's going to be scratched from being laid across some old decking. I like it looking as though someone cares about it. Someone that cares that it doesn't get scratched or just laid down on a flag, leaning against an old shed. When parting with cash, I like , the seller to show me they care. There's one guy on here that displays his guitars, that he sells, superbly on a stand and soft sheets with fabulous photo's. Now he's a guy I'd buy from, not someone that could have just turned a sod over with his old Fender. Is it me [/quote] Most Fenders are only good enough for turning the odd sod over I've found.
  4. Sorry mate, we can't support asking for ways around copyright.
  5. Once you have paid the fee, the for sale/trade price should appear in the add automatically. Try it again and let me know if you have problems
  6. But did you pay the advertisement fee ?
  7. [quote name='pnefc42' timestamp='1372499773' post='2126425'] Do you have a photo showing the routed cavity without the cover in place? Cheers, Dave [/quote] PM'ed
  8. [quote name='Stompbox' timestamp='1371936779' post='2119929'] Perhaps the administrators could put a comment on, or advise members what the state of play is for this site? Perhaps a global email to all members could be issued? Regards, Stompbox. [/quote] The state of play for this site, is that the owners were paying for the upkeep and development of the forum out of their own pockets. Inevitably it comes to a point where it's untenable, hence the introduction of the charge. TBH we've been over this that often since the change, it's pointless going over it again.
  9. For sale is my Aria Pro 2 ELT in Paduak Red Very nice clean bass for its age. I think it was built between 87' and 91' and is in exceptional condition. A previous owner has routed out a cavity for a third pick up between the normal 2. It's just been to Jon Shuker who has made and fitted a ramp for me to cover the routing. I didn't get him to repair the route as someone may want to make use of it. As Jon has done the ramp, it is obviously first class workmanship. I got him to check the bass over while he had it, so the truss rod is fine. I'm open to serious offers and maybe trades as long as they are 5 strings. But really prefer cash sale. Price includes a gig bag and postage mainland UK. [attachment=137490:Aria 1.jpg] [attachment=137491:Aria 2.jpg] [attachment=137492:Aria 3.jpg]
  10. FOR SALE My Ashdown MK500 Mark King signature amp. The amp has been in my rack since I had it, there is a small scratch on the top done by the previous owner, the face of the amp is OK. The amp was serviced by Ashdown about 4 months ago. Not keen on shipping, but will if needed, but can meet up to deliver also. [b]NOW £320[/b] Specs here [url="http://www.ashdownmu...tail.asp?ID=113"]http://www.ashdownmu...tail.asp?ID=113[/url] [attachment=138003:MK1.jpg] [attachment=138004:MK3.jpg]
  11. My mates wee lad decided to re design the body of a custom Jazz with a hammer. My mate went to the bog and left the lad and bass unattended, and while having a d*mp wondered what the banging noise from downstairs was, he soon found out. He was stoopid for leaving a hammer lying about as well mind.
  12. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1370990331' post='2108485'] Yep - it's been to a few Bass Bashes now. Always with mixed receptions Is the black and gold TRC on yours original? It certainly looks the part! [/quote] Yes mate all original, I think it was from off a Cheyanne (spelt wrong I know)
  13. It was yours that set me off Simon when I played it at the Notts bash a while back
  14. Being as these are flavour of the month on here at the moment, here's my Jetglo 4003 [attachment=136709:Rick 1.jpg] [attachment=136710:Rick 2.jpg] [attachment=136711:rick 3.jpg]
  15. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1370364941' post='2099790'] I've owned a good few Rics down the line, and my sole bass, and Ric, is one of George's ex's! I've had new and vintage, and this one is certainly 'the one'. Just gives an indication that George really knows his Rics - you'll be getting a cracker. [/quote] My 4003 is an ex George as well, and it's a cracker. George is a top guy, buy with confidence
  16. Only up for sale for another 24hrs type bump
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1367671376' post='2068188'] Oh and how long before Marcus decides he fancies a Rickenbacker instead? or a Modulus, GB, Status, Fender etc etc [/quote] Tuesday
  18. [size=5][sup]All Fenders except the Geddy Jazz and maybe the Marcus Jazz[/sup][/size]
  19. Still for sale. Final Price Drop. It's staying up for one more week. If it don't sell by the 10th of May I'm keeping it.
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